Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1072

On the sofa, Li Gang\'s salty pig hand can\'t wait to touch his warm thigh.

"Little beauty, wearing this cheongsam is really in my heart! Come on, let me hurt you."

Hearing the disgusting words, warm tried to keep calm.

She pressed Li Gang\'s hand and tried to soften her tone. "Boss Li, I\'m weak and uncomfortable. Can I have some water?"

She can\'t wait to die.

For today\'s plan, we can only find a way to let the lust ghost relax his vigilance and wait for the opportunity to escape.

"Well, come on, let me help you over and let me feed you water?"

Li Gang smiled and hugged the warmth with his hands, wiping as much as he could.

Warmth resisted the anger of stamping the old man\'s hand, and walked to the table with his strength.

Her head is getting dizzy. She doesn\'t have much time.

The wine and glasses are on the table.

Warm took the wine glass on the table and fell to the ground with a slap.

"Ah, I\'m sorry, boss Li. I didn\'t mean it. I really have no strength in my hands."

The pitiful look made Li Gang\'s heart more ready to move.

He couldn\'t wait any longer and hugged her. "Is the little beauty thirsty? Good, my brother will feed you water right away."

Then the old man gnawed at her face.

Don\'t turn your head in a hurry, look at the glass fragments on the table, reach out and pinch the fragments in the palm of your hand.

Severe pain came and made her gradually chaotic look clear.

Blood spilled from the palm of the hand, dazzling red.

She bit her lip, threw away the fragments in her hand, picked up the wine jug on the table and smashed it hard on Li Gang\'s head.


With a scream, Li Gang covered his head and looked at the warmth in shock and pain.

"Little bitch, how dare you hit me?"

Wasn\'t she drugged?

How can you stay awake?

His eyes swept to the woman\'s right hand, where the blood was flowing down drop by drop.

Looking at him warmly and coldly, he held the glass fragments in his hand again, pointed to Li Gang and walked to the door with a vigilant face, "Li Gang, you should be glad that I\'m not a cruel man. Otherwise, I\'ll wipe your neck with the glass fragments just now and let you go directly to the palace of hell to see the king of hell."

She doesn\'t want to kill people. She has more important things to do.

She just wants to get out of here first!

"Stinky girl, don\'t run, stop! Qin Fen, this wife, I\'m not finished with you!"

Behind him came a man\'s angry yelling and scolding. He left the private room warm and quickly, and staggered out while his nerves were still clear.

The pounding sound of the heartbeat sounded like thunder in the chest. I just felt that my sight was becoming more and more blurred and my thoughts were slowly stagnating.

The medicine is taking effect!

In the dark, the warmth suddenly fell to the ground.

Before fainting, a pair of women\'s small white shoes appeared in her sight.

Warm and hard to open his eyes, he opened his mouth hard towards the visitor, "please, help me!"


When I woke up again, I looked at the ceiling above my head and smelled the unique smell of disinfectant in the hospital. My mind was still a little distracted.

When the memory slowly returned, her little face tightened and hurried to sit up and check her body.

The clothes on the body are still their own clothes, and the body is normal.

Fortunately, she was not violated.

So, did someone help her and take her to the hospital?

Who helped her?

The last figure I fainted to see flashed through my mind.

Little white shoes, jeans, blue shirt, look up

Is that her?