Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1071

"Warm, what are you doing? Come and sit down!"

Qin Fen said a few polite words to the man, and then went to the warm side to introduce her, "Mom, introduce you. This is boss Li Gang. Boss Li, I am my eldest daughter, warm."

"Ha ha! Mrs. Xu, your eldest daughter looks so beautiful."

Li Gang smiled so much that the meat on his face was piled together, and his eyes lingered on the warm body, like a wolf.

"That\'s right. I don\'t dare to bring it out to see people if I can\'t get it."

"Ha ha, well, Mrs. Xu, you have a heart."

Two people hit the mechanism, warm heart sneer again and again.

She shook Qin Fen\'s hand, "sorry, you two, I\'m a little uncomfortable. I\'m afraid I can\'t eat this meal."

Is Qin Fen asking her to accompany her guests?

That\'s her real purpose!

Take her to her side and buy her this and that in order to let her accompany the old man!

Is this her biological mother?

It\'s so sad and ridiculous!

Thanks to her, a trace of guilt flashed in her heart before, but she didn\'t want to. Some people\'s behavior was so cold that they couldn\'t speak.

Warm turned to leave, but did not want to, a dizziness came from the head.

Her body shook and hurried to hold the chair aside.

What\'s going on?

Why is her head so dizzy?

Do you mean

Before the warmth suddenly came to mind, the waiter poured himself a glass of water to drink in the health club and before he finally left the door.

She didn\'t care.

But now it seems that there is something wrong with that glass of water, isn\'t it?

Hatefully, did her biological mother let someone put medicine in the water to calculate her?

Qin Fen\'s voice sounded in her ear when she was held by someone. "Xiao Nuan, do mom a favor and treat boss Li well today. Boss Li is a big man in the construction industry. As long as you serve him well, you can ensure that you wear gold and silver and enjoy prosperity and wealth all your life."

A woman\'s voice is very gentle, but it makes the warmth cold.

Her hand clenched her fist, stared at the face somewhat similar to herself, and said sadly, "Mom, I\'m your own daughter. Do you really have the heart to let me serve this old man?"

"What old man and little man? Xiao Nuan, boss Li has read countless people. It\'s rare for him to fall in love with you as soon as he sees you. Take good care of him and she won\'t treat you badly."

Qin Fen pulled warm hard and settled her on Li Gang\'s side and sat down.

"Boss Li, I\'ll answer the phone and give my daughter to you. You should be gentle with her."

"Ha ha, don\'t worry. Mrs. Xu\'s mind is in Li\'s mind. Let your old Xu come to the company tomorrow. I\'ve decided to cooperate with Xu on the land in the north."

He stretched out his hand and laughed into his arms.

"Oh, really? Boss Li, thank you! My Bingkun will be very happy if he hears the good news."

Qin Fen smiled happily and knew that it had been done today.

"Ha ha, all right, Mrs. Xu, please help yourself. I\'ll keep you here."

Soft fragrance in his arms, Li Gang can\'t wait.

"OK, boss Li, have a good time."

Qin Fen didn\'t stop much either. Her eyes stayed on the warm body for a second and turned away without hesitation.

Warmth didn\'t say a word. She just looked at Qin Fen quietly and squeezed her fingernails into the meat, keeping the pain clear.

She knows that no matter how noisy she is now, it won\'t help.

The so-called biological mother will not be soft hearted to her because her blood is similar to hers.

She has no feelings for her.

Now, this cold and thin family relationship has dissipated even more.

In this way, she will throw away all the mother daughter affection left in her heart and never miss it again!