Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1070

Warm followed Qin Fen to the beauty club.

The little girls in the beauty salon have a sweet mouth, praising the good relationship between mother and daughter and Qin Fen\'s good skin. They walk together with warmth like sisters.

Warm heart sneers, and his face doesn\'t show it. Let the little girl inside boast, and watch Qin Fen listen to good words in full bloom.

Her heart is also constantly thinking.

So far, Qin Fen is really kind to her like a loving mother.

Does she really want to make up for her?

Her mood fluctuated and she thought warmly. If Qin Fen hadn\'t done anything to harm her father before, it would be great.

Maybe she forgives her.

"Xiao Nuan, the suit you wear is too old. Mom asked someone to bring you a new suit. Change into a new suit later and go to see someone with mom."

In the beauty room, Qin Fen saw that it was warm and hurried to speak.

Warm one Leng, stretched out the hand paused, "who are you taking me to see?"

"Just an old friend. You\'ll know when you go."

Qin Fen got up and couldn\'t change her clothes.

Let\'s do spa first, and now we have to change new clothes.

Warm and slightly raised her eyebrows. Qin Fen intuitively took her to see a man.

Is Qin Fen going to introduce her to a blind date?

"Mom, are you going to introduce me to a blind date? Don\'t forget, I\'m a married woman now."

Qin Fen is lowering her head to dress. When she hears this, her hand moves slightly.

"I know! You child, think a lot. Mom just takes you to meet an old friend and catch up with others. Our mother and daughter haven\'t lived together for so long, and I want to take you with me all the time."

This little girl is so sensitive.

Fortunately, she has long wanted to speak well.

Take her to boss Li today anyway.

Listening to Qin Fen\'s explanation, she pursed her lips and said nothing more.

I don\'t know if what she said is true or false.

I\'ll know when I go.

When they left the health care center, the driver of the Xu family took them to a high-end restaurant.

In the restaurant, melodious music echoed in the sky.

The overall decoration is elegant and classical. It is very high-grade at first sight. It is suitable for people in the upper class to eat leisurely.

He looked around warmly and followed Qin Fen to the private room reserved early in the morning.

Push in the door. It\'s empty.

"Xiao Nuan, aren\'t you hot? Take off your coat."

Qin Fen politely took off her coat and showed her warm and graceful posture.

At this time, the bathroom in the private room was opened and a man came out.

Beer belly, baldness, big face

At first glance, it is a big boss who has been immersed in the wine table all year round.

"Oh, Mrs. Xu, are you here?"

The man\'s hand was still clasping his belt. After saying hello to Qin Fen, he fixed his eyes on the warm body.

Today, Qin Fen put on a crimson rust flower cheongsam for Wen.

The slim design wraps a woman\'s delicate body.

There was no fat on the flat lower abdomen, and the thin and soft waist was full.

The design of opening sides on both sides reveals women\'s slender legs and infinite temptation.

Cheongsam is more picky about women\'s figure, while warm clothes are perfect.

Gentleness, intellectuality and temptation make men\'s eyes straight.

"Boss Li, you\'re on time."

Qin Fen also wore a cheongsam, twisted her waist and took a step forward, chatting warmly with boss Li.

And warm, when touching a man\'s eyes, his face instantly cooled down.

Is this the old friend Qin Fen wants to see?

Obviously, today\'s meal is not casual!