Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1069

"Xiao Nuan, are you really on the balcony? Is Shi Xun there?"

Qin Fen\'s face was a little stiff and hit them with a ha ha.

She knows how stupid her stepson is.

Why do you still want to make a warm idea?

Don\'t you know she\'s going to bring warmth to meet customers today?

If you make warm heart unhappy, how can she promote the good things between her and boss Li?

"I went first."

With a warm face, he said to Qin Fen and left the balcony quickly.

Behind her, Qin Fen looked at Xu Shixun with disapproval. "Shi Xun, you can\'t tease her today. You don\'t know she\'s useful."

"Aunt Qin, do you really want to put her in the old man\'s bed? She\'s your own daughter."

Xu Shixun copied his pockets with both hands and looked foolishly.

Qin Fen\'s expression stagnated, and then said, "I\'m not for your Xu family? You, don\'t make trouble, wait for your father to make the company bigger and stronger, enough for you to hold on to your children."

"Tut, aunt Qin, you are so kind to me! It\'s worth my filial piety."

Xu Shixun approached Qin Fen and said meaningfully to her.

Qin Fen stared at him, looked around and pretended to be fierce, "Shi Xun, can you stop talking nonsense?"

"Ha ha, don\'t worry! Your secret will rot in my stomach and will never be revealed."

Xu Shixun zipped his mouth with his hand.

Qin Fen continued to stare at him, "let\'s go and have breakfast."


Xu Shixun nodded and followed Qin Fen.

People around them are wearing hypocritical masks. Aren\'t they tired to live?

He knows he\'s not a serious businessman, so he won\'t do it.

Naturally someone did it for him.

As for him, he enjoys himself in time. It will be more interesting to take a crooked path.

Inside, warm went into the room to change clothes.

Thinking of Xu Shixun\'s frivolous behavior just now, he frowned warmly and looked irritable.

This man\'s lust doesn\'t change.

She has to be careful of him in the future.

But what did he just want to say at the end?

What doesn\'t she know?

The sound of knocking on the door and Qin Fen\'s cry outside the door interrupted the warm thoughts.

Warm took a breath and got up to open the door.

"Xiao Nuan, go down and have breakfast."

"Mom, I don\'t have a job or income now. Can I go to Xu\'s work?"

Warm, close the door and cut straight to the theme.

Hearing the speech, Qin Fen\'s footsteps paused slightly and looked sideways at warm. "Do you want to enter Xu\'s work? Xiao warm, you don\'t have work experience, and entering the company can\'t help. What\'s more, you\'re my daughter, and mom won\'t let you suffer."

"No, mom, I don\'t want to live under others. I want to earn money with my own hands."

Warm and persistent, Qin Fen\'s eyes twinkled, nodded and said with a smile, "OK, mom wrote it down. I\'ll tell Uncle Kun when you\'re in a good mood."


After today, she won\'t want to go to work.

Let\'s talk about it first.

"That\'s settled. Mom, tell me about the history of Xu\'s development."

Warm to achieve their wishes, the corners of the mouth hooked.

"What\'s there to say about the development history of the company? Xiao Nuan, mom will take you to a beauty spa later, and then take you to meet your friends."

"Mom, I prefer to listen to interesting things. Maybe I can start a company in the future?"

"Does this child want to be a strong woman in the future? I tell you, a woman should be at home with her husband and children."


If Qin Fen is covered with warmth one by one, Qin Fen avoids the important and returns to warmth.

Warm heart sneer, do not rush for a moment.

After breakfast, Qin Fen went out with warmth.