Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1068

The night is deep.

Warm lying in bed, covered with a silky quilt, staring at the sky with a pair of apricot eyes open.

Since she left Haicheng, it has been difficult for her to sleep every night.

Now, perhaps because I just changed places, the symptoms of insomnia are more serious.

He turned over, sighed warmly, and stared at the curtain in front of him in a daze.

There were so many thoughts in her mind that she couldn\'t sleep.

Is DUS asleep now?

Do you have a cough in the middle of the night?

I\'m most sorry for him.

Because of her, innocent him was involved.

Another handsome face flashed in my mind.

The shuttle angle is clear and strong, with a trace of deep persistence.

Just look at herself and make her breathing unstable.

Warm pursed his lips, covered his head with the quilt, and tried not to let himself think of someone.

Because her heart hurts badly when she thinks of it.

I don\'t want him anymore.

Now the first thing she wants to think about is the Xu family.

How can she make the Xu family pay the price and give her father justice?

Tomorrow, should she talk to Qin Fen about working in Xu\'s enterprise?

After all, if you want the Xu family to pay the price, you must let Xu Bingkun taste the taste of the company\'s bankruptcy.

Therefore, she must enter Xu\'s company and find a way to inquire about one or two.

Think about it, warm, breathe a long breath, turn over again and force yourself to sleep.

Almost sleepless all night.

Early in the morning, I got up warm rubbing my swollen temples.

The villa was large and the corridor was empty.

I don\'t think these rich people will get up too early.

After washing, warm stroll open the balcony, smell the fresh air outside, and move your hands and feet.

make love!

Behind him came applause.

Warm is doing stretching exercise. The coat is lifted up because of the stretching action, revealing a small section of snow-white waist, emitting a glittering halo in the soft light.

Hearing the applause, she quickly put her hand down and turned to look at the people.

Xu Shixun?

Warm eyebrows frowned slightly, and kept alert to the presence of this man.

"Sister Wen, get up early in the morning and do sports?"

Xu Shixun put a piece of ointment on his forehead, and a pair of peach blossom eyes stared at his warm and undulating chest, with a flash of color in his eyes.

He felt itchy when he thought of the small waist, slender thighs and upturned hips just exposed by women because of stretching.


Why didn\'t he sleep her?

Warm looking at the look in the man\'s eyes, he secretly scolded a shameless sentence in his heart.

He just wanted to leave without taking care of his clothes.

"Eh? Why ignore me?"

Xu Shixun stopped the warm way and pushed her back. "Sister Wen, call brother to listen?"

The warm Xiumei frowned and stepped back vigilantly to the fence, "Xu Shixun, please get out of the way, or I\'ll call someone."

"Ha ha, sister Wen, why are you so serious?"

Xu Shixun stretched out his hand to lift his warm hair. He hurried to avoid his touch.

Xu Shixun was not annoyed, but approached her more. "Sister Wen, don\'t be so boring! Everyone is an adult. Should you have experienced the love between men and women? Now there are no men around you, how can you solve your physiological problems? Why don\'t you follow me and I promise to take you to the wonderful fairyland?"

Some flowing words make the warm little face tight.

"Xu Shixun, please get out of the way. If you don\'t get out of the way again, I\'ll really call someone."

"What are you shouting for? Sister Wen, I\'m doing it for you! If you\'re with me, it\'s better than an old man! Do you know..."

"Cough, xiaonuan, are you on the balcony?"

Qin Fen\'s voice came from behind, interrupting Xu Shixun\'s next words.

Warm hurriedly pushed Xu Shixun away and walked quickly towards Qin Fen.