Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1064

The Xu family looked at the room Qin Fen had prepared for her with a blank face.

She has a general understanding of the family affairs of the Xu family.

She really wants to see the real face of Xu Bingkun, the owner of the Xu family.

Let\'s see what charm he has that can make her biological mother abandon her husband and daughter. They conspired to bankrupt her father\'s company.

The ringing of the mobile phone interrupted the warm thoughts.

Took out his cell phone and took a look. It was dusqing\'s call.

I think it\'s because I haven\'t seen her back for so long, so I\'m worried.

Warm pursed his lips and connected the phone.

"Elder martial brother."

"Xiao Nuan, is something wrong? Why haven\'t you come back yet?"

Dusqing\'s anxious voice came from the phone.

A trace of apology flashed across his warm face, "elder martial brother, I\'m fine. But I\'m sorry, I may not be able to take care of you myself these two days."

This is a sudden decision. I can only say sorry to Du Siqing.

"What\'s the matter? Are you leaving? Did he find you?"

"No, elder martial brother, don\'t worry. I\'m just going out to do some private things. When it\'s done, I\'ll go back immediately."

She knew Du Siqing\'s worry, but he might not come again.

He may think, like others, that she had died in the car accident.

She pursed her lips warmly and tried to leave the figure in her mind.

"Xiao Nuan, what\'s your private business? Where are you now?"

"Elder martial brother, I met my mother. Don\'t worry, I\'ll take care of myself."

There was a knock on the door outside. I didn\'t say anything more. "Elder martial brother, don\'t talk. Have a good rest at home. I\'ll be back soon."

"Hey, Xiao Nuan..."

Warm hung up the phone, walked over and opened the door.

Qin Fen is standing at the door.

"Xiao Nuan, are you hungry? Come down for dinner. After dinner, mom will take you out for a walk."

Qin Fen looked warm and looked like a loving mother.


Warm pretended to be clever and let Qin Fen pull her downstairs.

When she came to the restaurant, there was no one at home except a few servants. Qin Fen warmly greeted her and brought her dishes.

"Eat more, you\'re too thin."

"Mom, I\'ll do it myself."

Warm looking at the rich dishes on the table, he slightly lowered his eyes and picked up the dishes. "These dishes are too greasy. My father and I used to depend on each other. We are used to eating home-made dishes, and our intestines and stomach will not adapt to these greasy dishes."

Qin Fen\'s hand was a meal, and the smile on her face was stiff. The food clamped on the chopsticks was neither put nor not put.

"Xiao Nuan, don\'t blame mom. Mom will make it up to you in the future."

Qin Fen only felt that her diaphragm should be flustered and smiled at the warmth.

The warm corners of her mouth tickled imperceptibly and raised her eyes to give Qin Fen an innocent look.

"Mom, I don\'t blame you. I\'m just curious. Why did you leave dad? Dad, is he bad to you? What\'s wrong with him? He can\'t compare with your current husband."

She won\'t blame her, but she will hate her.

Hate her for being so ruthless and hurting her father so badly.

She will always remember her dear father standing at the window looking at the lonely figure of the moon outside in the dead of night.

Her father is so good. In my memory, he obeyed Qin Fen and spoiled her to the bone. But why did Qin Fen betray him in the end?

She really doesn\'t understand!

Qin Fen\'s face was a little ugly, and her hand holding chopsticks was tight and tight.

"Xiao Nuan, these things are over. Shall we not mention them?"