Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1063

Xu Jiaojiao stamped her feet and looked angrily at Qin Fen.

Qin Fen\'s face was firm, as if she was determined to bring warmth with her.

Watching the confrontation between the mother and daughter with warmth and interest, I kept thinking in my heart.

Has her biological mother really figured out how to make up for her lost maternal love for many years?

Why doesn\'t she believe it?

If she could really remember the mother daughter relationship between them, it would have been impossible for her to help Xu Jiaojiao rob Jiang Lingfeng.

So, what exactly are they up to?

"Well, that\'s it."

Qin Fen couldn\'t help but say, her eyes swept to warmth and her tone was soft. "Xiaonuan, go with mom. Mom will never let you be wronged again."

Qin Fen\'s hand was warm, with a loving mother\'s expression on her face.

Looking at her with a warm and steady face, looking at her pretending to be sincere, what flashed in my mind was my childhood.

The broken family and the dependence of their father.

The bitter taste, the sour taste, Dad\'s lonely back, lonely eyes

Everything comes to mind at this moment.

All this is thanks to her biological mother and her lover!

Since Qin flowerpot is trying to be a loving mother, why doesn\'t she push the boat with the current and find a chance to get justice for her dead father!

Thinking of this, I felt a little calm in my warm heart. Looking at Qin Fen\'s eyes was a suspicion of pretending to explore, "are you... Really willing to let me follow you and make up for my lack of maternal love?"

Hearing this, Qin Fen was excited and thought that her affectation had worked.

"Of course! Mom is a woman with a soft heart. How can I watch my own daughter suffer outside? Xiao Nuan, mom said she would make up for you, so she must do what she said!"

She thinks there is a way to deceive people. She believes her eldest daughter will be convinced by herself.

Warm looking at Qin Fen\'s false face, tears floating in her eyes.

She hugged Qin Fen, "Mom, in fact, I really miss you."

She used to miss her so much.

But in the disappointment day after day, and at the moment of seeing her and Xu Jiaojiao appear, all her thoughts of her disappeared.

If time goes back ten years ago, if her mother finally came back to her and her father, she will forgive her.

However, there is no if.

"Good boy, mom wants you too."

Qin Fen was moved for a moment because she was her eldest daughter.

She patted her warm back and sighed in her heart.

But years have already made her more snobbish, so the movement of this moment is only fleeting.

"Mom, I hate you. Brother, let\'s go."

Seeing that Qin Fen really persuaded warmth, Xu Jiaojiao showed a look of resentment.

She gave a warm look and pulled Xu Shixun away.

Xu Shixun didn\'t speak, but his eyes were not good at staring at warmth.

The gloomy expression is like a poisonous snake in a corner, waiting for the opportunity to act.

They left with a warm mouth and a cold hook.

"Mom, who is that man? Why does Jiao Jiao call him brother?"

"His name is Xu Shixun. He is the son of Jiao Jiao\'s father\'s second wife."

"Is that so? Mom, tell me about the Xu family."



Qin Fen left the hotel with warmth and slowly told her about the Xu family.

And the Jiang family in Haicheng.

Jiang Lingfeng has got the news.

"Boss, my wife appears. She is in city a and brought back to Xu\'s house by her biological mother!"

The voice of his subordinates came from the phone, which made Jiang Lingyun\'s pupils shrink suddenly.


"It\'s absolutely true. We\'ve been sending people to monitor Xu Jiaojiao so that she won\'t have a chance to turn over. That\'s why we saw her appear."

"OK, book a ticket for me. I\'ll leave for city a right away."

His woman appeared!

His wife is really not dead!

Go find her now!

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was full of excitement. He strode to the door, but his steps faltered again.

She didn\'t die, but she never came back to him.

Is she still blaming him?

He can\'t just show up in front of her.

He can\'t!