Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1065

Why leave that man?

Maybe it\'s because he spoiled her so much that she took it for granted. He spoiled her so much that she was picky and picked bones in her eggs.

Qin Fen\'s mood fluctuated, and the past flashed in her mind.

That man has an ordinary square face.

She compared him with Xu Bingkun.

He is not as handsome or flirting as Xu Bingkun.

No Xu Bingkun can speak sweet words, let alone play tricks in bed.

Perhaps it was predestined, which made her obsessed for a moment. She took the core information of his company firmly and went to Xu Bingkun without hesitation.

The past, some can\'t bear to look back!

Only when you lose it will you feel precious.

No more thinking!

Qin Fen no longer spoke, but bowed her head and ate silently.

Sitting opposite, the warmth stared at Qin Fen\'s face and didn\'t miss the guilt that flashed on her face.


Will she feel guilty, too?

Warm and cold smile, also no longer speak.

After dinner, Qin Fen walked out of the door like a carefree person with a loving mother smile and warmth.

They came to the famous shopping mall in city A. Qin Fen took her to shop after shop and tried one dress after another.

Warmth doesn\'t refuse. She just wants to see what tricks Qin Fen is playing.

Do you really want to make up for her, or do you have another plan?

Finally, I bought it, and the impatience in my warm eyes flashed by.

I don\'t know if it\'s her illusion. I always feel that someone is watching her in the dark.

But when she looked back carefully, she found nothing.

Maybe she\'s too paranoid.

"Mom, I\'ll go to the bathroom."

God knows how much patience it takes to go shopping with someone you don\'t like.

Warm took a breath and asked Qin Fen to wait for her in the cafe on the first floor of the shop, while she went to the bathroom.

After coming out, she washed her hands and dried the water stains. The mobile phone in her pocket rang.

Take out a look. It\'s Lin Ke\'er\'s call.

Warm lips, smile, connect, "Ke\'er."

I think it should be that dusqing didn\'t trust her, so he called Lin Ke\'er.

Sure enough, Lin Ke\'er at the other end of the phone asked, "Miss Wen, where have you been? Do you know someone is so anxious that he ran out to find you?"

Warm smile, "Kerl, don\'t get angry, let me tell you slowly."

Fortunately, she met Lin Ke\'er when she needed help most.

So many things really have causes and consequences.

At the beginning, she gave Lin Ke\'er a kindness, and later she returned her kindness.

Very good!

Warm and curved lips told Lin Ke\'er the cause and process of the matter.

"So I can\'t go back for the time being. I want to stay with my mother and see what she\'s up to."

"So? Warm, I\'m not at ease when you\'re alone in Xu\'s house. Why don\'t I find someone to protect you."

Lin Ke\'er at the other end of the phone said after hearing the warm words.

"No, I can handle it myself. As long as you have time to go home and see elder martial brother, let him not worry about me."

Warm smile, and then go out on the phone.

A young woman walked up to her and suddenly bumped into her and hit her warm mobile phone on the ground.

"Ah, my cell phone."

The toughened film on the mobile phone cracked, warm and stunned. He squatted down and picked up the mobile phone.

Fortunately, the mobile phone is not broken, but the film is broken.

Warm looked up at the culprit, but saw her staring at herself coldly, with no half guilt on her face.