Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1062


Did her mother show up and save her?

The warm eyes moved and looked at Qin Fen suddenly. The expression on her face was unknown.

"Xiao Nuan, it\'s all right. Mom has scolded them. Don\'t be afraid."

Qin Fen looked like a good mother who was worried about her daughter and patted her back to comfort her.

The warm apricot eyes flicker, smell the strong perfume smell from Qin Fen\'s body, and then look at Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Shixun who appear behind him.

Qin Fen will scold these two people for her?

Why is she so unbelieving!


"Let me go, let me get out of here."

Since someone wants to be a loving mother, why should she dismantle her platform.

She must leave here for the moment.

"Xiao Nuan, where are you going? Why is it rumored that you eloped with Du Siqing and died in a car accident?"

Qin Fen picked up the warmth with a worried face.

Warm looked at her.

The woman in front of her is well maintained and still looks elegant.

Will she care about her life or death?

"It\'s none of your business."

Warm slightly drooping eyes, pressing down the inner depression.

"Why is it none of my business?"

Qin Fen held warm. "Xiaonuan, I heard that Jiang Lingfeng is not a good person. When I am with you, I am still connected with his first lover. I know that men are unreliable and will hurt a woman\'s heart one day."

"Xiao Nuan, anyway, you are my daughter born in October. You have no relatives, and I am your only relative. How can I not care about you? Xiao Nuan, now you have no relatives, why don\'t you spend time with your mother. Don\'t worry, my mother will treat you well to make up for your missing maternal love over the years?"

Half of this is true and half is false.

Anyway, the daughter is still her own blood.

She may be indifferent to her stepson when she knows she is young.

Of course, she can\'t spoil her.

She can go to this day, can be invincible in the Xu family, and she is not a kind mother.

She knows better than anyone about interest disputes.

In order to assist her husband and strengthen her position in the Xu family, she will not give up any object she can use.

Qin Fen looked at her eldest daughter and turned her mind.

Warm listening to Qin Fen\'s remarks, there was a momentary disorder in her breathing.

I have to say that Qin Fen stabbed her in the pain.

At the thought of Jiang Lingfeng, her heart wrenched badly.

He hurriedly pressed down his messy thoughts, warmed and stabilized his mind, and glanced at Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Shixun who were still standing at the door.

"Let me talk to you? Mom, I\'m Wen, the daughter of your ex husband. If I talk to you, will your current husband and your little daughter agree?"

It\'s a little interesting!

Her nominal mother would throw an olive branch at her?

What the hell is she up to?

"I\'m your mother. If they don\'t agree, I\'ll leave the Xu family and only talk to you in the future."

Qin Fen continued to bewitch the warmth.

Behind him, Xu Jiaojiao turned her eyes and stepped forward quickly, "Mom, what are you talking about? Are you going to break up with me and dad for this woman now?"

Mom needs her to cooperate in acting now. She can do this easily!

"I don\'t want to break up with your father and daughter. I just hope you can accept my bitter eldest daughter!"

Qin Fen admired her little daughter\'s alertness and looked at her with an irresistible firmness.

"But mom, I hate her. She\'s done a terrible job."

"Jiao Jiao, anyway, she\'s also your sister. Be nice to her in the future."
