Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1061

Hearing Xu Jiaojiao\'s words, Qin Fen quickly explained, "Jiaojiao, it\'s not what you think. Listen to me..."

Qin Fen wanted to hold Xu Jiaojiao\'s hand, but she threw it away and didn\'t look at her.

Qin Fen smiled helplessly and held her hand in spite of her opposition. "Jiao Jiao, your father has a project that needs to cooperate with boss Li recently, and boss Li is a lecherous man. He doesn\'t like playing with those dusty women and prefers playing with good family women."

"Your father mentioned it several times in front of me. I don\'t know where to find such a person to promote this business. Isn\'t it just right for your sister to appear? Why don\'t you ruin her and let her go with boss Li."

"In this way, she is worth the money and can also calm you down. After a while, when she has no use value, what do you want to do with it? Do you think so?"

These words made Xu Jiaojiao\'s face a little better.

She looked at Qin Fen with suspicion on her face. "Mom, what you said is true? Not that you want to keep her procrastination?"

"Of course not. Jiao Jiao, you are my favorite daughter. Everyone else is a stranger to me."

Qin fenxing\'s eyes flashed slightly and smiled gently.

Xu Jiaojiao thought for a moment and smiled: "well, since I can help dad, of course I\'m willing to help. But today I must let my brother ruin her innocence."


Qin Fen hurriedly said, "Jiao Jiao, I want to take an opportunity to make warm believe me, and then I can make her willing to help us. So now I can\'t let my brother destroy her."

"Is that so?"

Xu Jiaojiao was dissatisfied, but finally moved away. "She\'s inside. I hope my brother doesn\'t move so fast."

When the sound fell, I heard a scream inside.

The voice was not from anyone else, but from Xu Shixun.

Xu Jiaojiao and Qin Fen looked at each other and hurried to knock at the door.

"Open the door, open the door."

The door was banged. A moment later, the door was opened and Xu Shixun stood at the door with an angry face.

"Brother, your forehead..."

Xu Jiaojiao looked at the blood on Xu Shixun\'s forehead and looked surprised.

Obviously, the wound on the forehead must have been warm.

"Mom, this bitch is too fierce. I won\'t kill her."

Xu Shixun wiped the blood on his forehead and flashed the venom in his eyes.

Qin Fen glanced at the door and frowned, "Why are you all here?"

"Shi Xun, I\'ll explain to you later."

Qin Fen looked at Xu Shixun, whispered, gave Xu Jiaojiao a wink, and then walked in quickly.

"Brother, listen to me..."

Xu Jiaojiao pulled Xu Shixun and whispered in his ear.

Xu Shixun listened with his forehead covered and the corners of his mouth cold. "Let her go for a while? OK, see if she can help the old man. If not, I must kill her!"

"Well, brother, let\'s wait and see. If mom can\'t make this bitch warm worth more, it\'s not too late for us to treat her."

Xu Jiaojiao glanced at the door with a cold light in her eyes.

In the room, warm curled up in the corner, holding an ashtray tightly in his hand.

His clothes were torn, his lips were pale, and his face stared warily ahead.

Like a small trapped animal, it bares its teeth and eyes at the visitor.

Qin Fen walked over quickly, took off her coat and put it on her, "Xiao Nuan, don\'t be afraid, mom is coming."