Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1047

Fu Yunting patted Jiang Lingfeng on the shoulder and said nothing.

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened and a doctor came out. Jiang Lingyun had already met him.

Fu Yunting looked cold and strode over, "doctor, how are the people inside?"

"The old man and children are fine. They have been sent to the ward. Your wife is still doing the last brain examination. Please wait a moment."

The doctor is an acquaintance of Steven. After talking to Fu Yunting, he is ready to leave.

"What else? What about a young girl? How is she?"

Fu Xichen rushed over, grabbed the doctor\'s collar and asked.

His eyes were covered with blood and stubbles had sprouted from his chin.

A face of decadence.

"The girl\'s injury is serious and she is currently undergoing surgery. I don\'t know exactly how." The doctor answered truthfully.

"Then go in and see her! I have money, no matter how much it costs. Go and watch for me and make sure she lives, you know?"

Fu Xichen\'s voice was low and hoarse, as if he were going to lose his mind.

"Let him go."

Fu Yunting lowered his face, pulled Fu Xichen away and said sorry to the doctor.

The doctor didn\'t say much because of his acquaintance. After seeing Fu Xichen, he turned and strode away.

After waiting for them to leave, Fu Yunting looked at Fu Xichen, who was devastated. After a while, he suddenly punched and hit him hard in the abdomen.

Fu Xichen snorted stiffly, covered his abdomen, stepped back a few steps, and suddenly fell to the ground.

He didn\'t speak, but looked up at Fu Yunting, watched him approach him step by step, and picked him up from the ground.

"Fu Xichen, what are you doing now? Didn\'t you consider the consequences when you did that crazy thing?"

Everything was caused by his willful and reckless behavior.

Almost, something happened to Xia Ling.

What\'s more, Gu Luoluo\'s life and death are unknown.

I can\'t wait to kill him!

Fu Yunting stared coldly at Fu Xichen with a sad face.

Fu Xichen said nothing, but stared at the void ahead and smiled bitterly.

Regret it?

He didn\'t know.

All he knew was that now his heart was like being sawed by a blunt knife.

Bloody and painful.

His mind was full of Gu Luoluo\'s eyes staring at him unsteadily.


Gu Luoluo, don\'t worry!

At this time, the door of the emergency room was opened again and a doctor came out.

Fu Yunting loosened Fu Xichen\'s skirt and said in a deep voice, "Fu Xichen, give you a heartfelt message to cherish the people around you. Not many people will be willing to stop the disaster for you regardless of their own life danger and take good care of your feelings."

Gu Luoluo\'s feelings for Fu Xichen were in his eyes.

At the moment of death, she can die for Fu Xichen. I hope this love can move him.

Lest he think about people and things he shouldn\'t.

Fu Yunting strode towards the doctor, and Fu Xichen staggered and stood blankly behind him.

He will sort out his feelings well, on the premise that she wants to live!

Gulolo, please, live!

In the ward, Xia Ling is still sleeping.

Fu Yunting sat aside, stroking her black hair with a light hand, and a trace of pity flashed in her eyes.

The doctor said she had a slight concussion and multiple abrasions on her body. Fortunately, they were all skin injuries. She just had to rest for a period of time.

"Wife, I\'m sorry! And I love you!"

Fu Yunting lowered his head and covered her forehead with a kiss, gentle and affectionate.

The door was knocking, and the Jiang brothers came in with LAN Mei.

"Yunting, is Lingling okay?"

LAN Mei asked hurriedly with worry on her face.

"She\'s fine, mom. Don\'t worry."

Fu Yunting hooked his lips and comforted him.

"Thank God, God bless."

Lanmei put her hands together and breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at Fu Yunting, "where\'s Lolo? How\'s she?"


It\'s time to get out of the operating room now!