Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1046

Fu Yunting swept several people and nodded at them, "thank you."

I really want to thank them for this.

If it weren\'t for their great help, maybe he couldn\'t save Xia Ling and others so soon.

"Since it\'s all right, it\'s time for me to go with my sister."

Wen Ruo rationalized the hair around his ears, lowered his eyes slightly, and didn\'t go through his heart.

"If so, are you leaving? Where are you going? Are you going home?"

Jiang Lingyun frowned slightly and asked.

"Yes! I\'m going home. Do you want to go with me?"

Wen ruoqing looked at Jiang Lingyun and asked.

Her eyes seem to be covered with a layer of fog. Without the simplicity and frankness of the past, people can\'t see what she thinks in her heart.

Jiang Lingyun hesitated to take a look at Jiang Lingfeng, "sorry, I can\'t go with you now."

During this time, because of the warm accident, Jiang Lingfeng pushed all the affairs to him.

Now he has to take part in all the major and minor matters at home, and he can\'t leave.

Wen Ruoying looked at Jiang Lingyun and smiled, "well, I\'ll go first. Bye, everyone."

Why did he refuse to leave with her?

Maybe any reason is an excuse.

He is reluctant to give up everything in Haicheng and someone in Haicheng!

Wen ruoqing turned and left. Jiang Lingyun hurriedly followed up, "I\'ll see you off."

"No, Xiao Hei is waiting for me outside. You can help me deal with things here."


"Jiang Lingyun, Hello, mother-in-law. I said I didn\'t have to send it again. That\'s it."


Jiang Lingyun stopped and looked at Wen ruoqing\'s back and frowned slightly.

Was she just losing her temper with him?


"Jiang Lingyun, why don\'t you send her?"

Fu Yunting has been watching this scene. Something flashed in his mind. He looked at Jiang Lingyun and asked.

"She said I didn\'t have to send it."

"She said she wouldn\'t give it if she didn\'t need it? Don\'t you know that women are duplicity?"

As a passer-by, Fu Yunting intuitively feels that Wen ruoqing is making trouble with Jiang Lingyun.

So does this awkward source have anything to do with his wife?

"Forget it, she\'s just a child. I\'ll coax her later."

Jiang Lingyun has a big heart and doesn\'t take it seriously.

Fu Yunting looked at him and stopped talking.

He wanted to remind him, but in the end he didn\'t say anything more.

Some things should be handled by the parties themselves.

What\'s more, it\'s about his wife. He doesn\'t want to make the atmosphere subtle.

Fu Yunting closed his mouth, glanced at Jiang Lingfeng who had walked to the safe passage to smoke, and strode to follow him.

Jiang Lingfeng took out a cigarette and handed it to him. Fu Yunting took it and lit a fire for him.

The smoke curled up and blurred their sight.

"Ling Feng, I\'m sorry. We\'re the one who got in the way of warmth."

They didn\'t expect that Xia Xi would be angry at warmth because she was found to be her real identity, leading to warmth

"Don\'t blame you, blame me if you want!"

Jiang Lingfeng took a deep breath of smoke, and the smoke ring blew forward, with his full pain.

He didn\'t protect her. He didn\'t give her a sense of security.

If it weren\'t for him, she wouldn\'t be sad to leave.

If she hadn\'t left, she wouldn\'t have had an accident on the way.

Until now, his whereabouts are unknown.

"Ling Feng, warm her now..."

Fu Yunting looked at Jiang Lingfeng and stopped talking.

"She\'ll be fine. She\'ll be fine."

Life to see people, death to see the body, even if the police said that the car was destroyed and people died, her bones were gone, but he still wouldn\'t believe it.

He believed she just didn\'t want to see him, so he found a secret place to hide.

She is so good, how can she be willing to leave him?

He will find her!