Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1048

Fu Yunting and others went to Gu Luoluo\'s ward.

When the door was opened, Fu Xichen sat quietly by the bed and stared at the people on the bed.

I can\'t see his face clearly, but I can feel his depth.

The woman on the bed was still asleep, with drops hanging from her hands and her face was very pale.

Hearing the news, Fu Xichen didn\'t look back. He still sat and stared at her for a moment.

Fortunately, Gu Luoluo is still alive.

Fu Yunting sipped his thin lips and walked to Fu Xichen\'s side, "is she okay?"

The woman\'s desperate appearance for love made him sigh.

I hope she can get the happiness she wants.

"She\'s fine."

Fu Xichen spat out, his black eyes staring deeply at her pale face, and his hands curled up unconsciously.

"It\'s all right, later..."

"She was injured in the womb and the doctor said she might not be able to give birth in the future."

Fu Xichen threw up a sentence, interrupted Fu Yunting\'s next words, and made several people behind him look stunned.

Gu Luoluo was shot by the bandit and wounded in the womb?

She may not be able to be a mother like a normal woman in the future?

This is undoubtedly a painful and unacceptable thing for a woman.

Fu Yunting opened his thin lips slightly and swallowed what he wanted to say next.

This result is surprising.

But fortunately, she\'s still alive.

"Fu Xichen, she suffered this robbery for you, so..."

"I know. I\'ll be responsible for her."

Fu Xichen looked at the woman on the bed with black eyes, "I will marry her and let her be my wife."

If only she were alive.

If she can\'t have children, she can\'t have children.

At least she\'s alive.

He should sort out his feelings.

In this life, there is a woman who loves herself so much. What else does he ask for?

Hearing Fu Xichen\'s words, Fu Yunting hooked his lips and said nothing more.

Such a result should be happy for all.

Glancing at the woman on the hospital bed, Fu Yunting\'s black eyes moved slightly.

Gu Luoluo, she accepted Fu Xichen with her own behavior.

Although the course was too rough and the result was regrettable, fortunately, she let Fu Xichen accept her as she wished.

I hope they will be happy in the future.

"Fu Xichen, for the sake of Gu Luoluo\'s suffering, we\'ll write off the absurd things you committed before. But please honor your promise, get out of my sight and Lingling\'s sight from now on, and don\'t think about people you shouldn\'t think about!"

Fu Yunting then turned and strode away, and the Jiang brothers and Lanmei who came with him also left.

Fu Xichen didn\'t speak. He just stared at Gu Luoluo\'s face quietly, stretched out his hand, held her hand and pasted it on his face.

The movement is gentle and tender.

Outside, Jiang Lingfeng and Jiang Lingyun are saying goodbye to Fu Yunting.

"Yunting, we\'re leaving."

Jiang Lingfeng patted Fu Yunting on the shoulder, "see you later."

Fu Yunting hooked his lips, "Lingfeng, you... Take care."

He knows that his focus should be on finding something warm at this time.

If he hadn\'t learned that Shaxi had hurt the warmth, he might not have come here.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, just nodded slightly with Fu Yunting, turned and strode away.

"Fu Yunting, I\'m gone too. Be kind to Lingling. Don\'t let her suffer any more."

Jiang Lingyun looked at Fu Yunting and gave a warning.

Fu Yunting\'s eyes moved slightly, looked at Jiang Lingyun turning around, hooked his lips and said, "Jiang Lingyun, you don\'t have to worry about my wife. You\'d better think about how to please Wen ruoqing."

He has a hunch that his nominal brother-in-law will suffer from chasing his wife in the future!