Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1026

"Wake up? What\'s it like to pass out?"

Xiaxi put down her legs, walked to Xialing, stared at her condescending, stepped on the back of her hand and rolled it hard.

Xia Ling groaned and bit his red lips to prevent him from making a painful sound.

Looking up at the ferocious woman, Xia Ling gasped and smiled, "Xia Xi, you are really sad. Even if you kill me today, you can only live like a clown. No man loves you and lives like a maggot in a gutter all your life!"

The light panting words showed a light diffuse, Xia Xi\'s face was blue and purple, and his eyes staring at Xia Ling seemed to burn a hole.

She pulled up Xia Ling\'s hair and said with a ferocious face: "bitch, your mouth is so sharp! Kill you? I said, I won\'t kill you for the time being! What if a man hurts? At this time, do you think he will rescue you in time? I will let you watch your relatives being tortured in front of you until you collapse bit by bit!"

The words changed Xia Ling\'s face.

The blood on her head flowed wantonly and fell into her eyes, which made her tears blurred.

"Shaxi, what do you want? Where\'s my child? Where did you hide my son?"

"Ha ha, do you want to see your son? OK, I\'ll take you to see him now."

Xia Xi loosened Xia Ling\'s hair, got up and looked down at her, "tell you, I\'m a good man. I\'ll let you see not only your son, but also your mother and your daughter. Do you want to thank me?"


Xiaxi caught her mother and Niannian, too?

Xia Ling looked excited. "Xia Xi, come to me if you have anything. They are innocent. Let them go."

"Less nonsense, more nonsense, can you believe I\'ll kill them now?"

Xia Xi glanced at Xia Ling and gave a look to the man in black.

The man in black understood and strode to Xia Ling. Without pity, he picked her up and followed Xia Xi.

Xia Ling was aching all over, and her eyes were blurred with blood.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the scenery around her. She was carried all the way by people in black, walked through the corridor, walked through the flower scented garden and came to a bungalow.

She doesn\'t know where it is, but looking at the building of the house, it shouldn\'t be domestic.

So Shaxi took them all abroad?

Thoughts abound, and dog barks ring in my ears, one after another, from the bungalow.

Xia Ling was an exciting spirit, and a trace of panic flashed on her face.

Why are there dogs barking in the bungalow?

If her mother and children were locked up here, how would Shaxi torture them?

"Shaxi, where are my mother and children?"

Xia Ling didn\'t hold back and asked eagerly.

"Of course they\'re in there."

Xia xileng hooked his lips and walked in slowly after the gatekeeper opened the door.

Xia Ling was still carried by the man in black and followed Xia Xi in.

The huge bungalow looks very simple, and various instruments of torture are hung on the wall, which is like a place where some high-ranking families privately punish the servants who commit crimes.

The child\'s cry sounded in her ear. Xia Ling\'s pupils shrunk and her eyes eagerly turned to the front. She saw her mother Lanmei falling to the ground at this time, and the two children also fell to the ground.

The child tried to climb towards Lanmei, but was stopped by the servant.

And there is a woman standing with her back to Lanmei, holding leather boots in her hand, raising her hand and preparing to wave at Lanmei!