Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1027

"Mom, read, Xiao Bao!"

Xia Ling cried out in a hurry.

Hearing the sound, the people opposite raised their heads together.

Lanmei was so excited that she wanted to get up, but she was held down and could only excitedly call Xia Ling\'s name.



Xia Ling tried desperately, and the strength on his limbs seemed to slowly return to the cage.

Two small milk bags saw her appear and cried to hug her.

Xia Ling is so distressed that she wants to save them all by turning into Feixia.

At this time, the woman standing in front of Lanmei turned back, glanced at Xia Ling, and smiled proudly at the corners of her mouth.

Xia Ling looked up at him, and his pupil shrank suddenly.


It turned out that Su he was the one who just wanted to wave a whip at her mother!

So today, Suhe\'s mother and daughter want to torture them to revenge the past?

"Xiao Xi, how did you bring her?"

Su he stroked the whip on his hand, glanced coldly at Xia Ling and looked at Xia Xi.

"Mom, of course I want Xia Ling to see how her mother and children suffer! How boring is it to let her die like this? At least let her suffer before she dies!"

Xia Xi twisted her waist and walked to Su He, holding Su he\'s arm.

Su he patted her hand and glanced at Xia Ling. His eyes looked like a poisoned arrow.

She went to Xia Ling, stared at her face, raised her hand and slapped her hard, "little bitch, do you regret? You drove our mother and daughter abroad with the power of the Fu family a year ago. Have you ever thought of such a day?"

The head was deflected, and a trace of fishy sweetness appeared at the corners of the mouth. Xia Ling pursed her lips and looked stubbornly at Su He with cold eyes.

"What do you regret? I don\'t regret at all! If I do it again, I will still drive your mother and daughter abroad!"


A trace of malice flashed in Su he\'s eyes, and he raised his whip and beat Xia Ling severely.

With a snap and a cold wind, under the light colored shirt, there was a trace of blood and winding in an instant.

The pain hit, but made the unconscious body recover gradually. Xia Ling bit her lip and didn\'t say a word.

Behind her came Lanmei\'s eager cry, "Su He, what\'s your ability to fight the younger generation? Come to me!"

Hearing the speech, Su he turned to Lanmei and smiled coldly, "Lanmei, your good daughter! Don\'t worry, I won\'t let either of you fall into my hands today."

"Of course."

Xia Xi walked up to Xia Ling and asked Su He. In fact, she wanted to tell Xia Ling, "Mom, how can we torture them? We haven\'t fed these domestic dogs today? Why don\'t we let the old two fill their stomachs?"

The vicious and inhuman words came out of Xia Xi\'s mouth, and Xia Ling was inevitably stunned and angry.

"Xia Xi, you are still not human? What are they doing to you? If you want revenge, come to me. Would you please let them go?"

I\'ve never seen such a vicious woman!

She won\'t really do that, will she?

"Ha ha, it\'s urgent! Don\'t worry, I said, I\'ll break you down bit by bit!"

Xia Xi laughed and appreciated Xia Ling\'s anxious color. Just when she wanted to wave and give orders, there was a commotion outside and someone broke in.

"Madam, miss, Frank is here."

A man in black came to report. Xia Xi and Su he looked at each other, and a trace of boredom flashed in their eyes.

"Mom, why is he here?"

This frank is the second in command of the tansford family.

Usually they have no intersection with their mother and daughter. I don\'t know why they suddenly appear here today.