Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1025

There was a stabbing pain on the scalp. Xia Ling was forced to look up and stare at the stranger, but she couldn\'t recognize who the other party was.

But even if she didn\'t recognize it, she could vaguely know who it was.

You can call her name. It looks a little like yourself before. Needless to say, this person is probably Xia Xi, his half sister.

So Shaxi tied herself away?

"Cool, cool, cool?"

Hearing Xia Ling\'s words, Xia Xiwei raised his eyebrow and sneered, "hmm? Recognize me? It seems that Fu Yunting told you something?"

Her face is no longer against Xia Ling\'s face, but restored to its original shape.

Because the previous face was destroyed, Xia Xi\'s face was distorted and her eyes staring at Xia Ling were as poisonous and terrible as a poisonous snake when she thought that she had been imprisoned on the island by Fu Yunting and that life was worse than death.

During this time, she has been staring at Haicheng.

Watching Fu Yunting take Xia Ling back to her side, she kept her heart as painful as being burned on a fire.

Did she try her best in vain?

What is Xia Ling?

Why can you easily hold the two brothers of the Fu family firmly in the palm of your hand?

What she can\'t get, others can\'t think of it!

Fu Yunting wants to stay with Xia Lingxiang. It depends on whether she agrees or not!

Xia Ling\'s hair has been grabbed by Xia Xi, which hurts very much.

But she didn\'t cry a pain, but looked at her directly, "Xiaxi, what do you want to do? Kidnapping is illegal, please let me out quickly."

"Ha ha, do you still want to go out? Xia Ling, you fell into my hands today. Do you think you can go out alive?"

Xia Xi laughed with a ghastly smile.

The strength in her hand increased. She restrained her smile, stared at Xia Ling like a devil, and dragged her towards the wall.

Xia Ling\'s scalp seemed to be pulled off. She bit her lips and tried hard to struggle, but her limbs hung weakly, looking at the wall in front of her getting closer and closer to herself.


With a bang, there was a crash in the ear and a sharp stabbing pain in the head, which was a whirling pain and darkness.

Xia Ling couldn\'t help crying out.

Shaxi is a vicious woman. She\'s pulling her hair against the wall!

Again and again, accompanied by her crazy sneer, like a demon climbing out of hell.

It hurts!

The pain made her eyes black, her throat smelled sweet, and her whole body began to spasm.

Xia Xi\'s crazy laughter sounded in his ear, "ha ha, Xia Ling, I won\'t let you die. I want you to live better than die..."

She wants to make her life worse than death!

How can there be such a vicious woman in the world?

How on earth did she offend her?

Obviously, they had half the same blood. They are sisters!

Xia Ling didn\'t carry the pain and fell into the boundless darkness again.

Xia Xi also grabbed Xia Ling\'s hair and panted at the woman who had been unconscious.

The corners of her mouth gave a sneer. She threw away Xia Ling, patted her hands in disgust, and ordered the man in black behind her, "bring water."


The man in black took the order and soon brought a large basin of water.

"Wake her up."

Xia Xi sat on the chair brought by the man in black, folded his legs and stared at Xia Ling who had fainted on the ground.


The icy chill hit, Xia Ling frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

There was darkness in front of her, her eyes slowly gathered, and the pain on her head showed the torture she had suffered before.

I still have little strength on my body, but in my mind

The blurred scene, the looming face, the picture gradually wakes up, and the lost memory seems to be gradually returning.

Xia Ling\'s mood fluctuated, and her fingers moved slightly.

She was hit by Xiaxi against the wall, so it was a blessing in disguise. Remember the past?

I really want to tell Fu Yunting!

Fu Yunting, where are you!