Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1024

"Save your wife again? Who is so bold to bind your wife this time?"

The other party\'s surprised voice came over the phone. Fu Yunting\'s black eyes were deep and told the story briefly.

"Steven, that\'s my wife and my family. I hope you will do your best to ensure their safety."

Hearing the speech, the other party gasped, "the tansford family? Brother, the power of this family can\'t be underestimated. The task is a little difficult!"

"What do you want?"

"Well, brother, don\'t be so obvious."

"Come on, I\'m not kidding you."

Fu Yunting\'s voice was cold and solemn.

"OK, then another good antique."


Fu Yunting agreed without saying a word.

Seeing that Fu Yunting was so cheerful, the other party immediately laughed, "My brother is still so cheerful. However, I\'m not kidding you. What you want me to do is really very difficult. You probably don\'t know that the top leader of this family is good friends with my opponent, so strictly speaking, the top leader of this family is not friendly to me. It\'s actually very difficult for you to ask me to send my contacts in. But..."

"But what?"

Fu Yunting began to tidy up his luggage while answering the phone, with impatience and eagerness in his tone.

"But as you know, there must be a big family fighting openly and secretly in a big family. Now the first and second leaders of this family are fighting openly and secretly. It happens that I and the second leader are allies, so..."

"Don\'t gossip. Go and deploy it for me."

Fu Yunting picked up his simple luggage and quickly stepped out of the villa.

"OK, OK, but brother, you must promise me that you are duty bound when the second in command needs your help in the future."

"OK, is that ok?"

Fu Yunting put his luggage into the trunk. His whole body smelled bitterly about to go to the battlefield.

"Ha ha, I\'ll arrange it now."

At the end of the call, Fu Yunting sat in the cab and watched the clouds in the sky turn into overcast clouds, and his thin lips pursed into a straight line.

A storm is coming.

Wife, wait for me!


Country C, dark and humid basement.

Xia Ling woke up vaguely and looked around in the dark. His thoughts stopped for a moment.

Where is this? Why is it so dark?

When the eyes adapt to the darkness, the previous memory begins to return.

She remembered that she was in Fu Yunting\'s villa waiting for him to pick up his mother and children, but she didn\'t want to wait for a group of people in black.

He was so vicious that he tore into a ball with Fu Yunting\'s bodyguard. Finally, he knocked her unconscious and took her away.

Who is it?

Who took her.

And her children?

Where are the children?

Xia Ling panicked and tried to sit up, but she felt weak all over.

"Somebody, anyone? Let me out!"

Xia Ling shouted loudly, raised his hand vigorously, and climbed slowly towards the door with a little strength.

It looks like a closed basement.

Who will tell her where this is?

Then the door creaked and someone came in.

Xia Ling hurriedly looked up and saw that someone slapped on the wall lamp and looked at her with a smile.

This is a woman she doesn\'t know.

Xia Ling kept calm. "Who are you? Did you catch me?"

Hearing the speech, the visitor stepped on high heels, walked slowly to her and squatted down. He pulled up her hair and forced her to look at herself.

"Xia Ling, you haven\'t recovered your memory yet?"