Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1023

Fu Yunting rushed back to the villa and looked at the mess in the room. Two bodyguards were seriously injured. His eyebrows and eyes were cold and the air pressure around him was very low.

"Sorry, boss."

The two bodyguards covered their chests, hung their heads and stood unsteadily, saying sorry to Fu Yunting.

"I don\'t blame you. Hurry to the hospital for examination."

Fu Yunting\'s tone was heavy and forced to suppress the violent factor in his heart.

The two bodyguards respectfully supported each other and left.

Fu Yunting took a deep breath and looked around. He only felt a severe pain in his chest.

The anxious color of depression flashed in his black eyes. He covered his chest, and his thin lips pursed a cold white straight line.

Who took them!

The cell phone rang suddenly, especially loud in this silent room.

Fu Yunting looked cold and quickly took out his mobile phone for a look.

It\'s Fu Xichen.

Fu Yunting, with dark eyes, pressed the connect button.


"I contacted Cheng Rongjiu. He didn\'t do this today. And Xia Xi..."

Fu Xichen on the other end of the phone said coldly, "her previous number couldn\'t get through. I learned through other channels that she came to Haicheng during this period of time."

In other words, Xia Xi is the most suspect when Xia Ling is kidnapped.

Fu Yunting clenched his mobile phone, with a white arc at the tip of his fingers.

He closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "where is Xiaxi\'s nest? Do you want to go to Xiaxi\'s nest with me?"

At present, he hopes that his brothers will work together to rescue Xia Ling and them first.

Other things will be discussed when they are rescued!

"I only know that Shaxi and her mother went to country C, and her mother Suhe climbed to the top of the tansford family. As for Shaxi\'s own nest, I don\'t know."

On the phone, Fu Xichen\'s voice was depressed and anxious, "I\'ve returned to Haicheng. Now I\'ll go to the villa outside the effect immediately. Where are you? I\'ll come to you right away."

"I\'m in my villa. I\'m waiting for a call. Contact again."

Fu Yunting restrained his emotions and hung up the phone.

He should keep calm and wait for Wen ruoqing\'s investigation results.

If Xia Xi did it, he would not let her go!

Fu Yunting\'s face was cold, and his body was shrouded in hell like cold.

Before long, the mobile phone rang again. Fu Yunting quickly picked up the phone when the first bell rang.

It was Wen ruoqing who called, and Fu Yunting took a deep breath to connect.

"Wen ruoqing."

"Fu Yunting, I asked my men to check. It was Xia Xi who kidnapped your mother-in-law in Fu Xichen villa. The man in black who broke into your villa was also Xia Xi\'s hand. At the moment, they have left Haicheng in two private planes. According to the current situation, they should be on the way back to country C."

Wen ruoqing\'s eager voice came from the phone. Fu Yunting held his mobile phone tightly and said in a deep voice, "I know. I\'ll go to country C now."

"OK, Lingyun and I will always pay attention to Xia Xi\'s trend and contact again."

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yunting\'s thin lips closed tightly.

It\'s because he\'s useless and doesn\'t eliminate the potential safety hazards.

Country C, he must ask the old man for help again.

Fu Yunting looked cold, turned out a phone number and dialed it out.

The phone rang a few times and was connected. A man\'s joking voice came from the current, "Yo, Gavin, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. How can you call me suddenly?"

"Steven, I need your help."

Fu Yunting didn\'t make much noise and went straight to the theme.

"Hehe, I knew it would be bad for you to call me. Come on, what can I do for you this time?"

"I want you to help me save my wife."

Last time, Xia Ling was taken to country C, and the other party helped him out.

I hope this time, the other party can also help.