Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1022

Fu Yunting\'s face was gloomy and terrible. He tried to suppress the inner fluctuation and forced himself to calm down as soon as possible.

The bodyguards he hired were all specially staffed. Even if there were only two or three people, it was impossible for ordinary kidnappers to get close and abduct people.

At this time, as soon as he took Xia Ling\'s mother and son home, the people behind the scenes waited for the opportunity to act.

It was when he left the villa.

It seems that the behind the scenes driver has been spying on his every move.

Something flashed in his mind. Fu Yunting suddenly thought of something, and his face was more gloomy as ink.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Lanmei, hoping that he would think more.

However, the cell phone rang but no one answered. Within a few seconds, the cell phone had been turned off.

Fu Yunting felt a thump in his heart, and his bad hunch was even worse.

Just on the phone, LAN Mei\'s tone was obviously not quite right.

And he just thought she was worried about Xia Ling\'s body.

Lanmei is really worried about Xia Ling, but she is not only worried about Xia Ling\'s body, but also worried about her safety.

That\'s why she stopped talking.

It seems that this is a premeditated kidnapping.

His mother-in-law may have had an accident.

Fu Yunting\'s face was dignified and his fingers clenched the steering wheel.

Who would be so deliberately targeting his family?

Who will have such a great power to take people into the villa on both sides and take them away?

Several names flashed through my mind.

One of them is Shaxi.

Since he came back from the island, the bodyguard reported to him. Within a few days, Shaxi was rescued by someone sent by her mother.

So, will she do today?

If he\'s the real one, he\'s the real one.

Because he was too kind to kill her at that time, which gave her a chance to take advantage of.

Fu Yunting stepped on the accelerator and his thoughts flew.

Then his cell phone rang.

Fu Yunting\'s eyes brightened and he hurriedly picked up his mobile phone to check. He hoped it was LAN Mei\'s call.

But when I saw the caller ID, my thin lips pursed into a sharp straight line.

The phone call was from Fu Xichen.

It happened that he was looking for him.

After connecting, Fu Xichen\'s angry voice rang, "Fu Yunting, where\'s Shu Lan? Why doesn\'t she answer my phone?"

Don\'t answer his phone?

If he hadn\'t made such a move, how could the three of them have been separated for so long.

Even now their mother and son will be in crisis?

Fu Yunting suppressed his inner anger and said in a deep voice, "Fu Xichen, just now, my wife and children were kidnapped. My mother-in-law and Cheng Rongjiu\'s children are missing. Are you satisfied?"

I don\'t know who did it, but those who can do such things can\'t get rid of Fu Xichen!

Fu Xichen, who was on the other end of the phone, was obviously sluggish and asked eagerly for a long time: "what did you say? How could this happen? Who did it?"

"Who did it? All I can think of is Cheng Rongjiu and Xia Xi. Fu Xichen, these two people have a cooperative relationship with you. You really don\'t know?"

Fu Yunting made a cold voice and tested Fu Xichen.

"Both of them? I\'ll make it clear. Hang up first."

The phone beeped and hung up. Fu Yunting looked calm and his fingertips slid quickly on the screen. He found Wen ruoqing\'s phone and dialed it out.

Wen ruoqing has many capable people and different people under her. At this time, he needs her men to find out who took his family and lover as soon as possible.

And where they were taken!