Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1021

Xia Ling held her son and visited the whole villa.

Fu Yunting hugged his mother and son and was in a very happy mood.

"Wife, I\'ll pick up my mother-in-law in a minute. The four of us will never be separated again."

It\'s good. Everything is back as it is.

"OK. But there\'s another question..."

Xia lington paused and looked at Fu Yunting, "husband, I always brought her up. Look..."

"Don\'t worry, no matter whose child she is, as long as her father doesn\'t come and take her away, I will treat her as my own daughter."

Fu Yunting understands Xia Ling\'s worries.

That\'s the child of Cheng Rongjiu and Ji Linhan. She\'s afraid he has ideas about the child.

But how could he think of an innocent child?

At this moment, he didn\'t want to care about anything. He just hoped that the quiet days of these days could last forever.

"Husband, thank you."

Xia Ling sincerely thanks.

"Fool, do you share with me like this? You should know that I will like whatever you like."

Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows and eyes were soft and tender.

Xia Ling raised her eyes and looked at him. She just felt warm in her heart.

At this time, Fu Yunting\'s mobile phone rang.

Fu Yunting loosened Xia Ling, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He couldn\'t help but smile.

"Wife, it\'s mom calling. I should be anxious to ask about the situation."

"Then answer it quickly. Don\'t let mom worry."


When the phone was connected, LAN Mei\'s gentle voice came from the current, "Yunting, where are you and Lingling now?"

"We\'ve returned to the villa. Mom, I\'ll pick you up and Niannian right away." Fu Yunting said with a smile.

"Are you coming to pick us up? Well... You should drive slowly on the way. Don\'t worry."

Lanmei\'s tone in the current is a little unstable.

Fu Yunting slightly raised his eyebrows and inexplicably heard the desire to speak and stop in LAN Mei\'s tone.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"I\'m fine. I\'m just worried about Lingling. Is she okay?"

"She\'s fine. Mom, everything will be all right."

Fu Yunting thought Lanmei was worried about Xia Ling\'s body and smiled back.

Unexpectedly, at the other end of the phone, Lanmei was stabbed with a sharp knife in her waist, and her face was already pale.

Here, Fu Yunting told Xia Ling a few words and then went out of the door.

The car started and puffed up exhaust.

The heart is inexplicably flustered.

Fu Yunting drove the car, stretched out his hand and pressed it on his heart, with his sword eyebrow slightly twisted.

The last time I had this feeling was when Xia Ling was transferred.

Don\'t tell him that such a mistake will happen again.

Fu Yunting frowned slightly and took out his mobile phone to call the bodyguard team arranged around the villa to ask them to send more people to protect the safety of Xia Ling\'s mother and son.

After hanging up, Fu Yunting speeds up and wants to pick up LAN Mei and Niannian home as soon as possible.

Only by their side can he feel at ease.

However, some things are doomed not to be what people want.

When Fu Yunting\'s car was halfway through, his mobile phone rang again.

The call came from the bodyguard who just dialed out.

Fu Yunting suddenly had a bad hunch.

He hurriedly connected the phone, his tone was slightly heavy, "what\'s the matter?"

"Boss, I\'m sorry, we transferred people late. More than a dozen people in black broke into the villa, and the young lady and young master were taken away."

There was a painful and apologetic voice from the bodyguard on the phone. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Fu Yunting\'s pupils suddenly shrunk, hurriedly stepped on the brake and galloped back in the swearing of the car owner behind him.

Who showed up?

Who took their mother and son away when he first got happiness!