Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1020

At Fu\'s villa, Xia Ling followed Fu Yunting in.

Low key and luxurious decoration, each decoration is expensive.

Xia Ling looked around and looked at this strange but familiar place.

Yes, she dreamed of this place.

The man in the dream looked at himself deeply in the villa and joked with his intimacy.

It was not a dream, but the best memory in her heart.

Xia Ling walked casually, stroking every object with her slender hand.

Fu Yunting copied his pocket with both hands and followed behind her without saying a word. He didn\'t dare to disturb her or explain anything, for fear of stimulating her nerves.

It\'s good to guard her silently.

As long as she comes back, he will be satisfied.

The knock on the door sounded. Fu Yunting looked at the woman walking upstairs and turned to the door.

The babbling milk sound sounded, and it was their son who came back.

Fu Yunting caught a soft smile in his eyebrows and eyes, took the child from the nanny and teased him.

"Son, mother is back. Do you miss her? Shall we go to her?"

The little guy\'s big eyes rolled, his small hands and legs pedaled vigorously, as if he understood his words. His small body leaned forward, as if looking for someone.

Fu Yunting put a touch of joy on the corner of his mouth and went upstairs with a small milk bag.

In the master bedroom, Xia Ling looked at the display in the room.

Clean and spacious bedroom, as seen in a dream.

Sofa, Queen bed, dresser

It seems that men and women spend time together here.

It\'s so beautiful and romantic.

The head began to jump suddenly again. Xia Lingxiu slightly twisted her eyebrows and reached out to rub her temples.

"Uh huh..."

The sound of a small milk bag sounded at the door. Xia Ling quickly put down her fingers and sorted out her facial expressions to make herself look normal.

She doesn\'t want people who love her to worry.

Everything will be fine.

Xia Ling smiled and turned to the door.

Fu Yunting by the door held a small milk bag in his arms and looked at Xia Ling deeply with black eyes. "Wife, son is back."

This is their son!

At this moment, Xia Ling looked at the little milk bag carefully, looked at his eyes exactly like himself, and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

The hand unconsciously rubbed the clothes on both sides, and Xia Ling swallowed her saliva. "Husband, do you think he won\'t want me?"

She hasn\'t brought him since she was born with a milk bag.

In his eyes, she is a stranger.

Give him a hug.

Will he cry without face.

Looking at the woman\'s helpless expression, Fu Yunting smiled, "hold him."

"Oh, good."

Xia Ling licked her red lips, clapped her hands at the little milk bag and smiled sweetly, "Xiaobao, mother hug?"

The little guy looked at Xia Ling, and his black and bright eyes didn\'t blink for a moment.

His mouth purred, his little hand moved and leaned towards her.

Xia Ling was so excited that he reached out and held the little guy over and kissed him again and again on his fragrant face.

"Well, Xiao Bao, you like your mother\'s, don\'t you?"

Her son didn\'t want her to hold him!

Perhaps this is the existence of kinship.

"You are his mother. Of course he will like you."

Fu Yunting on the edge hung his lips and looked at her with soft eyebrows and eyes.

"Well, unfortunately, Xiao Bao doesn\'t look like me at all. I don\'t think he looks like you in the second half. Does he look like me?"

Xia Ling teased the little milk bag, and her pretty face was full of regret.

Fu Yunting\'s smiling face was slightly frozen, but it was fleeting.

Taking out his mobile phone, he turned out some photos, "look, this is you in the past. Wife, it doesn\'t matter. No matter what you look like, you are my wife."

What does it matter if she has a peaceful face?

"So I used to look like this? No, I\'ll get my face back another day."

"Well, wife, isn\'t that necessary?"

"Husband, do you think I look better and more flirtatious now than before? Sure enough, men are color embryos."

"Wronged, wife, I just don\'t want you to suffer. I\'ll cut you in the face again."
