Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 530

"Liva, you must be crazy! It\'s impossible to find this guy in a short time with this clue that doesn\'t even have a face! " Niu, the false mother of the three beasts, kept complaining about liva.

Liva, with a stiff face, was like an old pedant, and said solemnly: "Niu, the will of general Estes, as subordinates, we can only obey unconditionally. Don\'t you know that? "

"All right! All right! " Niu waved her hand“ Of course I know it\'s the general\'s will, but do you think we can really find this guy? "

As she spoke, Niu opened the portrait of the Cambrian human mural.

In the picture, the man in a wide suit has flying black hair and high spirits. Although you can\'t see your face at all, you can see at a glance the arrogance of the world.

"Whether we can find it or not, we must try our best to do the task given to us by general Estes!" Liva stopped. Several soldiers behind the opponent said, "spread out and start a carpet search in this area. All those who find the likeness in the portrait are invited back. Remember, be polite to each other! "

Many soldiers looked at each other. Where can I find someone in the wild mountains?

The territory of different nationalities in the North itself is poor mountains and rivers. There are many dangerous places, which are not suitable for human habitation at all. It is precisely because of this that foreign nations often invade the territory of the Empire.

What\'s the difference between letting them spread out and looking for people in such a place and dying? They are not Imperial Envoys! In case of danger, let alone deal with it. It\'s lucky to escape!

However, even if the heart is no longer reluctant, the idea that military orders are greater than heaven has gone deep into the bones of these soldiers.

Especially, Estes is very kind to his soldiers and is loved by them. Under such a premise, many soldiers scattered in twos and threes and drilled into the dense jungle around them.

"What about us? Is it right here waiting for news? " The tall duidas scratched his head and asked liva.



Before Liwa finished, a deafening explosion came from the distance, and even the ground under his feet trembled slightly under the amazing explosion.

"So... What\'s that?" The three beasts immediately jumped up and jumped on the top of the tall tree, overlooking the direction of the explosion.

"Something seems to have exploded!" Liva frowned“ Let\'s go there. Maybe this is what general Estes is looking for! "

The three beasts, who thought they had found clues, didn\'t even think about whether they were the opponent of each other. They hurried in the direction of the explosion.

A few kilometers away, Dong Zhuo took the tombstone set up by chersey as a space, and kept the evil smile on his face. Prepare to find a crowded town and inquire about the direction of the imperial capital.

Judging from the situation of those two true gods who have just peeped into the long river of the world. It\'s still early for them to decide.

Since Dong Zhuo, who has put down his heart knot, has come to the world of beheading younger sisters, how can he return without success? Although he despised those imperial tools, those lovely sisters and the world itself were branded by Dong Zhuo.

"Huh?" Dong Zhuo, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped and looked at the jungle in the distance with some curiosity.

Looking through the layers of trees, three guys running in their own direction came into Dong Zhuo\'s eyes.

Looking at the familiar costumes of the three people, Dong Zhuo had a flash of inspiration in his mind and muttered to himself: "these three guys seem to be the three beasts around Estes. Since they are still alive and active in different nationalities. So, the plot should not have officially developed! "

In the process of Dong Zhuo\'s meditation, the three beasts have rushed out of the jungle and are speeding up towards Dong Zhuo.

As the two sides got closer, the speed of the three beasts gradually slowed down.

"Liwa..." when dayidas saw Dong Zhuo\'s appearance from a distance, his tone suddenly became excited“ He seems to be the guy in the picture! "

"Yes! It must be him! " Thinking of the explosion that shook the ground just now, Liwa was more and more sure that the guy who killed hundreds of thousands of troops of different nationalities in the north at that moment was the man standing proudly in front of him.

"Come on, let\'s go and don\'t let him run!" Niu was even more excited, and her voice changed a little. Originally, I thought it was impossible to find people according to that abstract painting. Who knows that this has not started a large-scale search, and the other party appeared in front of me.

How can the three of them not be excited?

Hearing the communication between the three people from a distance and cooperating with the plot of the original book in his memory, it is not difficult for Dong Zhuo to judge that the hundreds of thousands of people who were instantly destroyed by his own repulsion should be the foreign nationalities in the North who went on an expedition at the beginning.

As for the Spearman who killed each other as soon as he came to the world, nine times out of ten he is a famous northern brave man.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three voices broke the air one after another. The three beasts surrounded Dong Zhuo for the first time, as if they were afraid of Dong Zhuo\'s escape.

"Hello! You fellow, come with us! " Niu habitually gives orders to Dong Zhuo.

As soon as he spoke, his heart suddenly clicked.

If the person in front of them is really their target, the other party has solved hundreds of thousands of foreign armies alone! Even their loyal Estes couldn\'t do that.

I speak to the other party in this tone, in case the other party is angry

On Niu\'s forehead, a cold sweat flowed down.

As expected, Dong Zhuo\'s face immediately showed a cold smile.

Dong Zhuo doesn\'t have any personal views on liva and dayidas among the three beasts. Anyway, it doesn\'t have much to do with him. But Dong Zhuo is very upset about this fake mother, Niu.

This guy has a creepy hobby of skinning people alive, especially beautiful girls.

The Bento girl in the original work, the daughter of the former minister, died. When Dong Zhuo didn\'t cross, he really hated this fake mother!

At the moment, the other party offended himself as soon as they met. It\'s an act of death! Follow him, take the opportunity to kill him and let your thoughts know.

"Are you talking to me?" With a murderous smile on his face, Dong Zhuo walked towards Niu step by step.

"Hold... Sorry. your excellency! I apologize for my previous impoliteness! Hope... "

Niu is not a fool. When he found out that he was wrong, he immediately chose to soften and apologize.

Unfortunately, before his words were finished, a faint light suddenly rose from the position of his chin.

The expression on Niu\'s face suddenly froze.


Like the sound of water spray, a trace of red blood spread around Niu\'s cheek.

Wow. His whole face fell off his head.

The bloody scene immediately startled Liwa and dayidas, and hurriedly copied the guy and glared at Dong Zhuo.

"I feel much happier now!" Looking at Niu\'s cheek falling to the ground, Dong Zhuo immediately felt that he was a saint!

Psychopaths like Niu are already dead.

"You should be looking for me, right?" Dong Zhuo, who killed Niu, was very familiar and asked Liwa.

At this moment, Liwa and dayidas had no doubt whether Dong Zhuo was the one who destroyed the whole foreign nation.

They didn\'t see the faint light just now. In other words, they didn\'t find out what had just happened until Niu\'s face fell to the ground.

Such a strange attack really frightened the two people.

After calming down, liva took a sad look at Niu\'s body, lowered his head and covered up the killing intention of burning in his eyes“ It seems that your excellency did the death of those foreign nationalities. We have received the general\'s order to invite you to meet us! "

"Let\'s go!" Since I came to this world by chance, Dong Zhuo, the queen of aisdes, will not let go anyway.

"Well? You... Did you agree? " Before seeing Dong Zhuo kill Niu when he disagreed, liva thought Dong Zhuo wouldn\'t agree. He\'s ready to die in his job. Who knew that things would develop so beyond imagination