Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 531

"What? Do you really want me to refuse? " Dong Zhuo looked at liva and daedas in front of him with a smile.

Of course, he felt their intention to kill themselves. But Dong Zhuo doesn\'t care. The overall level of the world\'s strength can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches in the several worlds he has experienced.

Even if the so-called 48 pieces of imperial equipment gather together, don\'t want to cause him any trouble. Even the strongest Estes is just a war slag in Dong Zhuo\'s eyes. Not to mention three beasts.

You know, in the original book, they were killed by brand. Although Brandt himself died, it was Liwa who killed Brandt by poisoning his blood with the means of dying together. If you fight hard, the three beasts are definitely mass destruction, and brand\'s death is just serious injury.

"How!" Liva shook his head. Dong Zhuo\'s acceptance made the killing intention in his eyes slightly weak.

"So what are you waiting for? Now take me to see this famous female general! "

Shake... Shake s female general!

Liwa and dayidas were immediately startled by Dong Zhuo\'s name. Even general Bude didn\'t dare to call Estes like that.

Before they could recover, Dong Zhuo walked towards the camp.

Liwa had no time to think more, and hurriedly picked up Niu\'s Imperial military music dream scream from the ground. One side and dayidas chased Dong Zhuo.

The residence of the imperial Legion.

"Sir, please wait here for a moment!" Liwa politely took Dong Zhuo to a quiet military tent“ I\'ll report it to the general! "

"Well, go!" After waving his hand at will and sending Liwa away, Dong Zhuo looked at the military account curiously.

On the other side, Estes, who was leisurely leaning on his chair in the central tent, was interrupted by liva\'s voice.

With a little blush, his pretty face quickly returned to normal. Estes glanced at liva proudly, smiled and said, "find the person I\'m looking for?"

"Yes! General! " Liwa, who was about to speak, suddenly choked. Nodded and said, "but that guy..."

"Where are the people?!" Estes was not interested in listening to liva about the middle process. Just interrupted him. Even Niu\'s disappearance was ignored by Estes.

Liva, full of words, was choked back. Helpless way: "according to your instructions, he was arranged in the military account where the general rested!"

"Well done!" Estes only heard that the person he was looking for was waiting for him in the big tent. He didn\'t even think that Liwa arranged Dong Zhuo in his resting place.

Hurried away from the shaft, Estes almost rushed to the tent where he rested and opened the curtain to keep out the cold.

In the military tent with a faint fragrance of daughter, Dong Zhuozheng was lying cross legged on the couch that belonged to Estes, with a somewhat obscene smile on his face, and looked at the black thing in his hand.

Estes, who broke in directly, suddenly froze!

That\'s her personal clothes! This big tent, except herself, even the three beasts would never come in without permission. Now the man in front not only occupied his sleeping place, but also played with his personal clothes, especially the others smelled on his nose!

"Asshole... Asshole!" A stream of blood rushed to the forehead in an instant, and Estes\'s face rubbed like a fire

"You want to see me?" I don\'t think it\'s wrong to turn around in other people\'s rooms and play with girls\' intimate clothes. Dong Zhuo turned over and sat up, carelessly patting the position around him. "Come on, sit down and say“

"Ha... Ha ha!" There was a distorted smile on Estes\'s face“ It seems that I should teach you how to face your future master! "

Estes, who has always been overbearing, took Dong Zhuo as his private property before he found Dong Zhuo. It\'s like her creed.

The strong can manipulate everything of the weak at will. In her heart, she is a well deserved strong man. Dong Zhuo in front of her was just the prey she was about to take. Then, of course, she is Dong Zhuo\'s master!

"Master?" Dong Zhuo smiled. He did it on purpose. Even if he is hungry and thirsty, Dong Zhuo will not be reduced to satisfying himself with the girl\'s intimate clothes.

The reason for doing so is just to provoke the anger of Estes and directly defeat her proud strength with domineering means.

In Dong Zhuo\'s opinion, Estes may be the easiest girl in the world. As long as the strength is stronger than her, you can do whatever you want with her. After all, in Estes\'s view, it is completely normal behavior, because the strong can dominate everything of the weak.

Since Dong Zhuo was stronger than her and crushed her with strength, it was natural that she was dominated by Dong Zhuo.

"You are so angry! Then you should first think calmly about how to face your master! " As the voice of Estes fell, a sharp chill burst out of her in an instant.

Nearly hundreds of square meters of space were frozen in an instant. Whether it is the ground or the furniture and bedding in the big tent... Under the action of this cold, they are all wrapped by a layer of clear ice crystals.

Click, click

The sound of freezing continued to spread around. On the ground outside the tent, a layer of cold ice continued to spread around.

Liwa and dayidas, who were not far from the military tent, were immediately startled. According to their understanding of Estes, she has never used her imperial equipment so recklessly in the military camp!

"What the hell did this bastard do? It made the general so angry! "

"Come on, tell the others to leave around this tent!"

Not to mention how the soldiers of these empires were panicked in the face of the cold winter caused by ESDES. In the tent, Dong Zhuo looked at Estes in front of him, allowing the biting cold to diffuse around him. But there was no response.

When everything around turned into a cold territory, Estes finally stopped the display of emperor tools, with a broken smile, and walked towards Dong Zhuo step by step“ Now do you understand? The weak should be dominated by the strong! So... "

"So I can control everything about you at will. Right? " Dong Zhuo interrupted her.

Esther\'s eyes widened sharply, and his unusual eyelashes shook. Unbelievable way: "do you think I\'m weak?"

He nodded and stood up. Dong Zhuo said, "yes, in my opinion, your so-called emperor equipment is just a child\'s game. Do you think this level can be called a strong man? "

As he spoke, Dong Zhuo pretended to be surprised and pointed to everything frozen around him.

"Ha......" Estes was more and more surprised. Although she knows that Dong Zhuo solved the alien race. But the arrogant Estes didn\'t think he would be Dong Zhuo\'s opponent“ Try to see who is weak! "

This time, Estes completely put down his concerns. Before, she wanted to subdue Dong Zhuo, so she restrained her hand. But now, Dong Zhuo wants to dominate her everything, which makes her completely unbearable!

The cold, far more terrible than just now, burst out from Estes again.

On the frozen ground, Ice Spikes glittering with crystal light sprung up like mushrooms. The sharp ice spike rose up at Dong Zhuo\'s feet and stabbed directly at his body.


A buzzing sound came from around Dong Zhuo\'s body. Those terrible ice spikes were blocked by an invisible thing and stagnated in a position less than an inch around his body.

"As you said, this is a child\'s trick." With Dong Zhuo\'s light wave, those sharp Ice Spikes disappeared in an instant.

Esther\'s eyes coagulated and her pupils narrowed sharply. She had never seen such a strange means. However, a lot of 48 pieces were lost, including some strange abilities.

"It seems that I really should teach you how to..." the lotus foot in high heels stepped forward two steps when Estes was preparing to teach Dong Zhuo a profound lesson. A whirling feeling suddenly came