Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 529

Hearing the news of survivors, Estes strode forward and kicked the bound alien soldier to the ground.

Xiuzu in high-heeled shoes stepped on each other\'s face and rolled it, bringing pain to each other. At the same time, she asked in a dreamy and charming voice: "tell me. What the hell happened here! "

"Dead... All dead! Hahaha... Monster, that guy is a monster! help! Help! "

Confused and illogical words came from the man who was trampled under the feet of Estes.

With a slight frown on his brow, Estes now noticed that the guy\'s eyes were full of madness and fear. Obviously, this guy is crazy!

Although Estes is a man who likes to torture others, the standard shakes s s. But her inner self admiration made her never care about a madman.

Dissatisfied, he kicked the only survivor to death. Estes asked the two soldiers escorting each other: "did you ask anything from him?"

"Report back to the general! From the sporadic information provided by the madman, we infer that only one person should destroy the whole foreign army. We have found a studio to copy each other\'s appearance! After the madman\'s reflection and judgment, the painting should have nearly 90% reduction! "

"Where\'s the painting?" Esther\'s eyes lit up.

In her heart, she became more and more curious about the guy who instantly destroyed the entire northern foreign army station and completely changed the terrain. Even, her inner desire for the strong has made her eager to see Dong Zhuo.

"Here!" The soldier said and respectfully handed over a scroll.

As soon as he grabbed the scroll, Estes eagerly opened it.

On the scroll is a vivid portrait. A man in a black uniform stood proudly. Around him, countless ferocious foreign nationalities were raising their weapons and looking like they were going to attack.

The face of the man in the picture is not very clear. This made the expectant Estes frown with some dissatisfaction.

"Doesn\'t it mean that the reduction degree is 90%? Why can\'t you even see clearly! "

"This..." seeing Estes frown, the soldier was immediately frightened into a cold sweat. He hurriedly explained, "general. The madman\'s previous identity should be a masterpiece of different nationalities. Because of his mission, he was far from the barracks. Although we escaped, we can\'t find more information about this mysterious man from him! "

"All right!" Estes was not an unreasonable man. He nodded, motioned the two soldiers to leave, and then threw the scroll in his hand to the three beasts“ Wherever this guy is, find him for me! I want him to be my property! "

The three beasts looked at each other and opened the scroll in their hands. When you see the Impressionist picture on the scroll. Their faces were like swallowing a bowl of hot Xiang!

With this portrait with distorted basic proportion, they can\'t even tell each other\'s gender. How can they find it?

"General!" Liva swallowed his saliva. Embarrassed, he said, "I think our top priority now is to crusade against different nationalities first. As for this mysterious strong man, according to his actions, he either has a life and death feud with the different nationalities in the north, or he should be an imperial man like us. Perhaps, after solving the problems of different nationalities, he will come out to see us himself. Even if we don\'t find him, I believe we can find news when we return to the imperial capital! "

"Liva!" Estes condescended and said in a scolding tone, "I want to find this guy as soon as possible, okay? I can\'t wait to see this guy who dares to rob my prey now! I don\'t want to wait for a moment! Do you see what I mean now? "

"Yes! General, I see! " Liva stood up straight with a brush.

"Very good. Go and check it for me now! We must find this guy in the shortest time! "

Seeing the three beasts leave the big tent, Estes sat down in the chair playfully, and his pretty face unconsciously climbed up to a blush“ Who is it? I hope you don\'t let me down! "

In the original work, it was precisely because of the return of the brave men who fought against the north that ACE des asked the emperor and ministers to fall in love. In fact, she had such an idea in the process of going on the expedition. And Dong Zhuo\'s appearance in the sky just meets the fantasy of Estes!

At the moment, Dong Zhuo, who is regarded as the fantasy object by Estes, is still buried in the earth bag built by Chelsea.


A blast came out of thin air.

The earth bag split in an instant and turned into a wind and sand filled the sky for nearly 100 meters.

Through the shadowy dust, you can vaguely see that a slender man with dark hair slowly flew out of the ground.

"It seems that they will be able to decide the outcome soon!" A smile of expectation appeared on Dong Zhuo\'s face. Muttered to himself: "no wonder the connection between me and the immortal body will become faint. It turned out that these two guys made the ghost!!"

When Dong Zhuo was about to get a kick from chersey\'s pure body, the Yang God and Yin God who had been unable to contact before finally crossed the barrier of the world and passed the news to Dong Zhuo. Told him the whole story.

The reason is that in the world of death, the connection between the original God and the immortal body becomes faint. It is entirely because a powerful true God intends to break through the shackles of the world and achieve the purpose of detachment.

But this guy was unlucky, in the process of his detachment. Not only encountered countless disasters and obstacles in the long river of the world. Even by former enemies. The two sides are still fighting on the long river of the world.

The battle between true gods is amazing, and there is the intervention of the will of the long river of the world itself. The aftermath of just one fight is enough to wipe out the world around us. If the immortal body had not been hidden under the control of the Yang God and the Yin God, the immortal body within the aftermath of the war would have destroyed several worlds.

Dong Zhuo\'s contact with the long river of the world coincided with the time when the other party was at war. At that time, the whole world was churning over it. How could he contact the immortal body.

Even now, the war on the long river of the world has not stopped. However, the fighting between the two sides has temporarily stopped. Everyone licks their wounds and is ready to continue to fight life and death.

Dong Zhuo, who learned the news, almost went crazy.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind! Once the two sides reached the point of victory and defeat, Dong Zhuo, the guy who had been hidden, suddenly shot. He believed that even if the two true gods were strong and at the end of the crossbow, they could not be his opponent. At that time, his harvest will definitely be rich beyond imagination.

Because he was thinking about the heritage of the two true gods, Dong Zhuo even ignored chersey, who was close at hand. He consciously broke through the barrier of the world and carefully peeped into the situation of both sides.

But when he came back, he found that he had been buried in the soil.

With an annoyed pat on the forehead, Dong Zhuo looked around“ It seems that the little girl Chelsy has been run away! I didn\'t expect that there would be so much time difference between the long river of the world and the world of beheading sister! "

For fear of being discovered by the two true gods, Dong Zhuo didn\'t even have a millionth of a second to spy on the long river of the world. But when he came back, nearly a day had passed in the world of beheading sister!

"Huh? This is... "His eyes suddenly fell on a blown up splintered wooden card, and Dong Zhuo grabbed it from a distance. The wooden cards suddenly flew up and pieced together like a reversal of time.

It won\'t take a moment to recover.

Looking at the messy handwriting on it, Dong Zhuo looked strange, and then laughed“ Chelsea, I don\'t know what you\'ll look like when you see me again! "

The more you think about it, the more interesting it is. The smile on Dong Zhuo\'s face becomes more and more brilliant; At the same time, the feeling of bad taste is getting stronger and stronge