Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 521

"Captain!" The shocked Japanese Valley winter lion Lang, whose face was completely cool in the past, was very angry and said to jinglechun waterway: "but Matsumoto will help this guy. Obviously he did so much to the corpse soul world... "

"I\'ve said enough!" Jingle Chunshui\'s cheeks drooped slightly and gave a loud drink, which again interrupted the words of rifangu winter lion Lang.

"For... Why?" The Japanese Valley winter lion Lang, who couldn\'t understand, looked at the spring water of jingle with a dull look.

The gloomy face of jingle Chunshui is not interested in explaining anything to rifangu Dongshilang. With heavy steps towards Dong Zhuo\'s direction.

Looking at the farce in front of him, Dong Zhuo was a little disappointed and said to Matsumoto: "random chrysanthemum, come here!"

"Zhuo!" Matsumoto looked happy and hurriedly came to Dong Zhuo. He lingered for two times, making Dong Zhuo feel soft.

Although Matsumoto is obedient to herself now, even in the world of death, she may be the only person with only her own heart.

But all this is Dong Zhuo\'s use of omniscient power to tamper with Matsumoto\'s cognition. This made Dong Zhuo slightly unhappy about it. Maybe this is also the hypocritical side of his character.

Most of the time, Dong Zhuo would rather be strong with the girls in the plot than change their thoughts with their spiritual ability. With his current ability, he can create life out of thin air. It\'s effortless to make a few obedient toys. The appearance is what you want to look like, all according to your heart.

But what\'s the difference between a girl created by herself and a doll?

For example, in addition to the memory of the body and some of the original works, where is Matsumoto?

With a slight sigh, Dong Zhuo quickly left this loss behind. Anyway, in addition to Matsumoto and chrysanthemum, there are girls such as Inoue Zhiji and Mao Zhihua lie. One less, one less.

His eyes fell on jingle Chunshui, and Dong Zhuo\'s face looked like a smile“ It seems that you have decided to beg for mercy from me, haven\'t you? "


"This... This is impossible! How could the captain surrender to such a family. He\'s the one who killed captain Yamamoto! "

For a time, there was much discussion in the queue of death.

However, those really smart people agree with jingle Chunshui\'s practice very much.

After all, except for those who are not intelligent enough and impatient, everyone can see that they are against strong people like Dong Zhuo, not to mention that they are not qualified as members of the virtual circle expeditionary army. Even if they pull up the whole corpse soul world, they also send vegetables.

In particular, Dong Zhuo\'s means of tampering with people\'s hearts is really frightening. Almost everyone would rather die than become a person who changes his character with each other\'s heart.

The footsteps about to land suddenly stopped and hung in the air. Jingle Chunshui looked at Dong Zhuo in amazement, and then said with a bitter smile: "that\'s right. I hope... I hope you can raise your hand and let go of the corpse soul world! "

"Ha ha..." smiled and Dong Zhuo nodded with approval“ That\'s all right. It\'s just a corpse soul world. I don\'t pay attention to it yet. But you\'ll have to pay some price for your trouble with me? "

"I don\'t know what you want?" Hearing that Dong Zhuo agreed to his request, jingle Chunshui was happy at first, but then embarrassed by Dong Zhuo\'s request.

"There is nothing worth seeing in the corpse soul world!" Glancing at the unique beauties in the virtual circle expedition army, Dong Zhuo said mercilessly: "well. Give them to me as an apology! "

As he spoke, Dong Zhuo pointed at Yi Shi Qixu and others.

"You!" Qi and blood surged up in an instant, and jingle Chunshui\'s eyes were red.

If he really agrees to Dong Zhuo\'s conditions of losing power and humiliating the country, what qualifications will he have to be the chief of the thirteen times team of the corpse soul world in the future?

Even if jingle Chunshui doesn\'t pay attention to the captain\'s rights and reputation, he can\'t bear the curse!

"What? Disagree? " Holding Xiaosen Tao in one hand, Dong Zhuo said carelessly, "do you think the corpse soul world has the right to refuse me now?"

"I......" jingle Chunshui bowed his head in embarrassment.

"We promised!" Tianshilang of Qilin temple, who hates iron but does not become steel, loudly made a decision instead of jingle Chunshui.

In his opinion, Dong Zhuo\'s current conditions are simply too favorable. I thought that even the ownership of the corpse soul world would be taken away by the other party. Now it seems that the other party\'s ambition is not big.

In the future, everyone can still keep the well water away from the river. Even after knowing Dong Zhuo\'s weakness of liking beautiful women, tianshilang of Qilin Temple thought that he could use beauty tricks to win over Dong Zhuo in the future.

Although Dong Zhuo lives in the virtual circle, he does not belong to the virtual circle. As long as he agrees to join the God of death and admit his identity as the God of death, who dares to say that he is not?

For a time, some fanciful Qilin temple tianshilang wanted to immediately force these girls around him into Dong Zhuo\'s arms.

"A wise decision!" He patted on Matsumoto\'s buttocks, Dong Zhuo loosened two sentences, and Lang said, "leave the person I want, and you can go!"

"Yes!" Like facing the spirit king, the attitude of Tian Shilang in Qilin temple is so humble that people can\'t believe it. He walked to jingle Chunshui with his head down and pulled the still confused jingle Chunshui. Tianshilang of Qilin Temple lowered his voice and warned, "if you can\'t bear it, you will make a big plan! Although we sacrificed those girls, don\'t forget. The corpse soul world is still there! "

Suddenly raised his head, jingle Chunshui looked at tianshilang in Qilin temple in amazement. I can\'t believe it was said by the members of the zero team who made all the gods of death look forward to it.

"Let\'s go!" Word by word, after biting his teeth and giving the order to retreat, jingle Chunshui walked towards the place where death gathered.

"Captain! You... Do you really want to give them to this bastard? " The Japanese Valley winter lion Lang was completely confused. His little head didn\'t understand how all this happened.

"Captain rifangu, do you want to resist?" Their anger has been suppressed to the extreme. The questioning of rifangu makes jingle Chunshui angry!

"I......" rifanggu Dongshilang lowered his head in disappointment“ Yes! "

Seeing that many gods of death were ready to leave the virtual circle through the boundary crossing door, Dong Zhuo suddenly said, "wait!"

"Yes! I knew this guy would be treacherous. We fought with him! "

"Yes, don\'t be manipulated by him even if you die!"

The God of death ready to leave immediately filled with righteous indignation.

Ignoring these death minions, Dong Zhuo points to lanran and Marubeni, who are still in the state of selfless kiss“ Aren\'t they the captain of your court guard team 13? Take them away! "

Lanran and Marubeni have no use value. Leaving them is only disgusting for Dong Zhuo.

"But..." jingle Chunshui hesitated and said, "aren\'t captain lanran and captain Marubeni your people?"

"Who told you they were mine?" Dong Zhuo stared and said impatiently, "pull away these good friends! I\'m not interested in men. Of course, you can join them if you need to. "

Jingle Chunshui blushed and dared not get angry with Dong Zhuo. He could only look angrily at lanran and Marubeni, who were in the state of kissing. He snapped: "Captain lanran, Captain Marubeni. When will you... Kiss again? "

Interrupted by jingle Chunshui, lanran and Marubeni finally reluctantly separated each other. A silver silk thread connected their lips.

"I\'m sorry. Captain jingle Chunshui! " Lanran holds the little bird in her arms like a man. There was a thick look on his face“ After this death, silver and I have seen through life. We decided to resign as captain of the FIFA team and the Sanfan team. Live in seclusion. I hope the captain will allow it! "

"You... You!" Jinglechun\'s lungs are going to explode.

In particular, the whispering voice of the exterminator made him feel hot on his cheeks. A sense of humiliation arises spontaneously.

The reputation of death for thousands of years was destroyed when I just became the captain. Old man, I\'m sorry for you!

Jingle Chunshui looked up sadly. Speechless looking at the sky