Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 522

Virtual night palace. Outside Dong Zhuo\'s room. Bursts of red faced decadent sounds, constantly passing through the door, echoed in the empty corridor.

Inoue Zhiji was holding a thick soup with a running aroma in her hand. She stood with a red face and raised her arms, stiff at a loss. Neither advance nor retreat.

Beside her, wearing a tight sportswear, youze Longgui\'s face was also tinged with light ruddy luster, pretending to be calm: "I\'m not wrong! This guy is completely a human self-propelled gun. If he didn\'t do such a thing now, I would feel strange! Besides, what you do, I think except yourself. I\'m afraid no one can eat it? "

While talking, youze Longgui glanced at the thick soup in Zhiji\'s hand on the well with vigilance. She won\'t be bewitched by the faint smell.

Youze Longgui knows a lot about Inoue Zhiji\'s eating habits that can only be described as exotic flowers.

"That... That!" Inoue Zhiji didn\'t expect that she cooked thick soup to make up for her brother. Who knows that her brother is doing that kind of thing again.

"Ah! Enough... Enough! You damn bastard... "Yi Shiqi\'s confused voice came from the room.

The clearer and louder voice made the pretty faces of Inoue Zhiji and youze Longgui as red as fire.


The door of the room suddenly opened. Through the gradually opening crack of the door, Inoue Zhiji and youze Longgui immediately peeped into the ugly picture in the room.

Dong Zhuo\'s strong body is pressing on Yi Shi Qixu, who has just lived in the virtual night palace, and constantly attacking.

In the past, the eyes on the bridge of the nose had already disappeared. The pink pretty face was flushed with intoxicating blush, and the rhombic lips were like fish leaving the water source, constantly opening and closing. Breathing the air.

Beside them, the sweating Mao Zhihua lie, Daisy Mori peach and Matsumoto chaos chrysanthemum have already fallen asleep.


Seeing such a scene, whether youze Longgui or Inoue Zhiji, all had a bad feeling.

"Aha!" A burst of chattering, no one can understand the Martian Language, constantly jumping out of Inoue Zhiji\'s rhombic lips.

Waving an incomprehensible track with her arms, Inoue Zhiji laughed and turned her head to escape.

"Hello!" Youze Longgui immediately returned to his senses and hurriedly prepared to chase Inoue Zhiji away.

I\'m kidding. If they stay any longer, they will soon replace Yishi Qixu and become the next target to be ravaged.

However, the two women\'s reaction was finally a beat slower.

Just took two steps, an unstoppable suction suddenly came from the room.

With a burst of exclamation, youze Longgui and Inoue Zhiji flew in upside down, and the door slammed shut. Then, the Jiaochuan and high pitched voice belonging to youze Longgui and Inoue Zhiji took over the work of Yishi Qixu and played a fantastic movement again.

After a few days of debauchery, he was in the main hall of the virtual night palace. Dong Zhuo casually wore a black gold cloak and sat on the throne.

His face was somewhat confused, puzzled and dignified. Whispered to himself, "strange! Why does the connection between me and the immortal suddenly become so weak? "

Not long ago, Dong Zhuo, who was tired of playing with the beautiful girl in the world of death and was ready to return to the immortal body and devour the world of death, found something that caught him off guard.

The connection between him and the immortal body became faint. Although it was not completely disconnected, it could not return smoothly with such a weak connection.

In a few days, this situation has not changed with time!

This cast a haze over Dong Zhuo\'s heart.

Obviously, this change is definitely not benign. Even Dong Zhuo did not dare to think whether he would completely lose contact with the immortal body if the situation continued to deteriorate.

"It seems that we can\'t wait to die!" He got up from the throne. Dong Zhuo\'s eyes narrowed slightly. One palm pointed into a knife and chopped down towards the void in front of him.


Like Huang Zhong Da Lu\'s voice, it spread from the virtual night palace to the whole virtual circle in an instant, even broke through the gap of space and passed to the present world and the corpse soul world with low morale.

However, with Dong Zhuo in charge, no one dares to enter the virtual circle now.

The space was like a thin piece of window paper. With Dong Zhuo\'s palm waving off, it tore and cracked a long and narrow crack.

A little starlight, floating out from the dark cracks, permeated the hall of the virtual night palace, decorating the cold and lonely environment with a dreamlike color.

Unfortunately, no one except Dong Zhuo could appreciate the dazzling scenery.

As more and more starlight gathered in the hall, these shining spots began to gather slowly in a mysterious track.

In a moment, a starlit door appeared in front of Dong Zhuo.

The door of truth! In addition to the ten precious trees that have become the skeleton of the immortal body, the only thing in Dong Zhuo\'s hand that can be called a treasure.

Although Dong Zhuo did not bring the door of truth when he left the eternal blessed land, the door of truth that has been refined by him can be called out in any world at any time as long as Dong Zhuo needs it.

Obviously, in these days of waiting, Dong Zhuo, who is more and more restless, can no longer wait safely. Even at the risk of being discovered by the long river of the world, he will forcibly cross the world barrier and return to the immortal body.

After all, compared with the world of death, not destroying the divine body is the foundation of Dong Zhuo.

Taking a deep breath, Dong Zhuo slowly came to the closed door of truth. Reach out to open the door and leave the world of death.

Dong Zhuo\'s movement suddenly stopped when his palm was just on the door leaf.

The palm of your hand caresses the space around you. A dull looking self appeared from scratch.

"You guard the world of death!"

Coldly told him to separate himself. Dong Zhuo pushed open the dazzling door of truth and stepped into it.

With Dong Zhuo\'s figure disappearing into the door of truth, after a burst of dazzling light, the door of truth standing in place disappeared.

"Ernie sauce..." Yoshiyuki Inoue, with a smile on her face, came to the hall of the virtual night palace again with a bowl of food made of something she didn\'t know.

"Arnold! Ernie sauce, what was that just now? " Seeing the light of the moment when the door of truth disappeared, Inoue Zhiji asked Dong Zhuo\'s separation differently.

"From now on, there is nothing. No one is allowed to disturb me!" In front of this separation, Dong Zhuo didn\'t get much strength. Compared with the world of death, which has settled down comfortably, Dong Zhuo, who has embarked on an uncertain future, needs strength more.

However, even if he is separated, he still exists invincibly in the world of death under the interference of omniscient and omnipotent power.

"Alas!" Inoue Zhiji widened her eyes and looked at Dong Zhuo suspiciously. Murmured, "Ernie sauce, you\'re strange!"

Although a brain of paste. However, Inoue Hao\'s education of Inoue Zhiji was obviously very successful. Inoue Zhiji didn\'t refute at all. She obediently left the hall and even told other girls not to disturb her separation.

Insects sing and birds sing; Deep in the uninhabited primitive jungle, the gurgling stream flows slowly.

Pebbles lay on the river bed. Countless stars appeared out of thin air and slowly condensed into a shining and mysterious door.

In the creak. The door of truth opened slowly. Dong Zhuo, dressed in a decent robe, stepped out of the door.

"Sure enough! The connection between me and the immortal body is in jeopardy. Even accurate positioning cannot be achieved! "

After looking at the strange world in front of him, Dong Zhuo was ready to open the door of truth again. A rapid sound of breaking the air from far to nea