Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 520

Under the manipulation of Dong Zhuo, shinmaru silver and lanran, who had just been resurrected by him, ignored the public and staged a love drama that made everyone\'s eyes fall to the ground in public.

Although there are no restrictive scenes, the passionate kissing of two men is enough to drive people crazy.

Especially the chief of jingle Chunshui, his mind is blank. They even have the illusion that everyone is spitting on the corpse soul world with disdainful eyes. If circumstances permit, he would like to destroy these two guys who have been discredited by the corpse soul world.

Because of Dong Zhuo\'s intervention before, lanran completely lost the opportunity to become a big boss. Everyone also regarded him and shimaru silver as heroes who sacrificed for the corpse soul world.

The inside story between the two male heroes is simply welcome!

"You... You are not my blue dye captain. Ha ha... "Young Mori Tao looked black, with a broken smile on his face. While walking towards the two of them who are embracing each other in Jiqing, he pulls out his soul cutting knife Feimei, which is obviously intended to destroy his feelings for lanran; The object suspected of blue dye is destroyed.

"Wait... Wait!" The heartbroken Daisy Matsumoto has a stronger bearing capacity than Daisy mori. Seeing the murderous appearance of Xiaosen peach, he quickly reached out and grabbed the other party\'s shoulder and said, "Xiaosen. Don\'t be impulsive! "

"What are you talking about? Lieutenant Matsumoto? " Young Mori peach looked back without God. The tone was flat and frightening.

Take a deep breath, Matsumoto is like comforting Daisy Mori peach and persuading himself. Youyou said: "anyway, this is the choice of captain lanran and Yin. We... We have no reason to interfere with them, do we? "

Young Sentao\'s body shook for a moment, and her round fragrant shoulder shrugged slightly. Sobbing, he said, "no... i... I don\'t believe it. I don\'t believe captain lanran... Unexpectedly... "

"Xiaosen!" The sympathetic Daisy Matsumoto opened her arms and embraced Daisy Mori into her grand mind“ I know how you feel! Maybe... "

Maybe this guy named Dong Zhuo is your real destination?

With such a strange idea in her mind, Matsumoto was startled. She didn\'t dare to really say this. Daisy Mori peach itself was already black. If you stimulate her with such words again, it can\'t be said that the girl will completely collapse.

Seeing Matsumoto and chrysanthemum, I didn\'t speak for a long time. Daisy Mori Tao raised her head, looked at Matsumoto\'s tangled face with tearful eyes, and helplessly asked for help: "vice captain Matsumoto. I... what should I do? "

"It seems that the peach is very sad!" The sound of abuse came from the side of the body.

Matsumoto looked angrily at the gloating Dong Zhuo. Gnashing his teeth, he said, "are you satisfied now?"

"How unreasonable!" Dong Zhuo shrugged, pretending to be wronged, "what\'s none of my business? Resurrecting lanran and Marubeni is your request. Isn\'t it? "

Dong Zhuo\'s words immediately flashed a light in Matsumoto\'s mind. Vaguely, she seemed to finally understand why Marubeni and lanran were like this.

It\'s Dong Zhuo! Only he can manipulate others\' psychology and tamper with others\' cognition! Lanran and Marubeni must have been manipulated by him.

In fact, this problem is not difficult to guess. Just now, Dong Zhuo has revealed his power to manipulate people\'s hearts in front of everyone.

The reason why Matsumoto did not think about this before. It was her inner instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

This mentality is like an ostrich. When the crisis comes, he inserts his head into the sand dune. It seems that as long as he can\'t see the danger, the danger really doesn\'t exist.

But now Dong Zhuo jumped out by himself, but let Matsumoto\'s only extravagant hope disappear.

Matsumoto\'s mind was inevitably full of wild thoughts. She has confirmed that Dong Zhuo must be the culprit of all this. But why did he do that?

Is it

When Dong Zhuo looked at himself before, he recalled the eyes with desire. Matsumoto seems to finally understand.

"It\'s you!!"

Dong Zhuo smiled noncommittally, and didn\'t mean to solve Matsumoto\'s confusion at all. Instead, he gently picked up Daisy Mori peach who was in pain in Matsumoto\'s arms. Fondled the young Sentao\'s soft black hair“ Peach. Don\'t be sad. Even if you don\'t have captain lanran, there\'s me. Isn\'t it? "

Young Mori Tao, who was about to struggle, stopped suddenly. His eyes were full of shock. He looked at Dong Zhuo, and his lips trembled slightly. Finally, she burst into tears. Lotus root arm hugged Dong Zhuo\'s waist and cried loudly. It seems that I want to cry out all the grievances I have suffered during this period with tears.

The young Sentao, who fell in Dong Zhuo\'s arms, didn\'t see it at all. When she opened her heart to Dong Zhuo and cried, Dong Zhuo\'s face showed a successful conspiracy smile.

Seeing all this, Matsumoto was suddenly cold all over.

Dong Zhuo\'s malicious smile undoubtedly proved her previous speculation. The reason why shimarubeni and lanran have such shocking behavior is simply caused by him. The purpose is nothing more than for himself and Xiaosen peach.

Now young Sentao has obviously been captured by him. What about yourself?

For a time, Matsumoto\'s mind was in a mess.

"Random chrysanthemum, what about you?" Dong Zhuoke has no intention of giving up Matsumoto. The most valuable thing in the world of death has been pocketed by him. The rest of the world itself will soon be packed and taken away by him.

Now there are only a few beautiful girls left, which is worth Dong Zhuo\'s stay. Matsumoto is obviously one of them.

"I......" glanced at the numerous gods of death of the 13th team of the court guard not far away, and a trace of determination flashed on Matsumoto\'s face. Then he laughed at himself and said, "I can\'t imagine that you would fight so much for me and Xiaosen. Should I be honored for this time? "

Dong Zhuo frowned and said discontentedly, "what do you mean?"

"Of course... Whisper! Grey cat! " Finding that he could not let Dong Zhuo get rid of his vigilance, Matsumoto completely put down his concerns and launched a suicide attack on Dong Zhuo.

Obviously, she would rather die than accept the plot on her own.

"Toast without penalty!"

After an angry hum, Dong Zhuo mercilessly launched his omniscient power to Matsumoto and chrysanthemum and began to tamper with each other\'s cognition. She completely transferred her feelings and memories of Marubeni to herself.

The blade turned into smoke. It was close to Dong Zhuo\'s body. Matsumoto\'s action suddenly stagnated. His eyes suddenly widened. In his memory, the face that took persimmons to satisfy her hunger when he was on the verge of starvation was slowly changing from Marubeni to Dong Zhuo.

"No... no! may not! I absolutely don\'t allow...... "Matsumoto loosened the handle of the soul chopping knife, hugged his head with both hands, and looked struggling, as if he was resisting something.

"Matsumoto!" The Japanese Valley winter lion Lang exclaimed. Regardless of his fatigue after the fierce battle, his small face was full of anger and rushed up with a roar“ Unravel! Dahonglian ice wheel pill! "

The piercing cold suddenly turned into a towering snow dragon, and roared in the direction of Dong Zhuo.

"Cat dance!"


Zizi... Harsh voice, from the ice dragon. The snow flakes off the ice dragon.

"For... Why, Matsumoto! You...... "the surprised Japanese Valley winter lion Lang forgot to attack.

I don\'t know when Matsumoto, who once again held the gray cat in his hand, firmly guarded Dong Zhuo\'s body“ Sorry, Captain japanyu. Although I know I\'m wrong. But... "

Slightly paused, Matsumoto looked back affectionately and looked at Dong Zhuo for a moment. Then he continued, "but I will never allow anyone to hurt Zhuo!"

"Are you... Are you crazy?" The angry jifangu Dongshilang is also ready to go up to make Matsumoto change his mind.

But before he could act, a big hand had fallen on his shoulder.

"Enough! Captain Nippon Valley! " Jingle Chunshui\'s face was gray