Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 519

As the general captain of the 13th team of the court protection team, even now, jingle Chunshui has to pretend to be calm. Otherwise, those miscellaneous soldiers and cannon fodder God of death will be even less motivated to fight when they see that he is flustered?

Unfortunately, jingle Chunshui\'s pretended calmness did not play any role at all.

When Dong Zhuo showed his ability to tamper with people\'s hearts in front of everyone, all his fighting spirit was extinguished, whether it was death or annihilator.

"Elder Qilin temple." Resisting the throbbing in his heart, jinglechun lowered his voice and asked tianshilang of Qilin temple, "what shall we do now?"

He shook his head powerlessly. Although tianshilang\'s face in Qilin temple was silent, the despair in his eyes could not be concealed.

Even in the face of the undeveloped spirit king in the crystal, he did not feel so weak and humble as he is now.

"Can\'t..." the heart stopped for a moment, and jingle Chunshui said reluctantly, "do we just admit defeat?"

"Is there any other way?" Kirin temple tianshilang smiled bitterly“ I don\'t think even the spirit king can be the opponent of this guy now! You should have seen before that we can\'t even control life and death in front of him. "

"But..." jingle Chunshui\'s voice trembled slightly, suppressing his inner indignation“ This guy killed the old man. If... "

"I know what you think. I also want to avenge captain Yamamoto. " Tianshilang of Qilin Temple interrupted jingle Chunshui\'s words and said helplessly, "but don\'t forget that you are not only the disciple of Captain Yamamoto, but also the captain of the 13th team of the corpse soul world. You should inherit the will of Captain Yamamoto and choose between revenge and preserving the whole corpse and soul world. "

Loyalty and filial piety cannot be both.

The words of Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple undoubtedly stabbed the weakness of jingle Chunshui.

If you really want to avenge Yamamoto, Yuanliu and Chongguo, fight with Dong Zhuo. According to the strength comparison between the two sides, Dong Zhuo will certainly be fine. The corpse soul world may disappear completely in his anger!

As the general captain of the thirteen fan team, jingle Chunshui had to make this difficult decision. Or just thinking about revenge, every man splashed blood five steps in his anger and pulled the whole corpse soul world in for burial. Or... Submit to Dong Zhuo; compromise out of consideration for the general interest.

When jingle Chunshui was struggling, Dong Zhuo, as the only protagonist, was not in the mood to care about their thoughts.

A funny smile on his face. He waved to Daisy Mori and Matsumoto.

"You two come here!"

Dong Zhuo has been playing with him for a long time. Although xiaosentao still can\'t put lanran in his heart, he has no resistance to Dong Zhuo\'s requirements. Even if we can\'t say obedience, it\'s not far away. Obediently took small steps and meekly came to Dong Zhuo.

Blinking his big watery eyes, he looked forward to Dong Zhuo, waiting for him to realize his promise and revive lanran, the most important thing in Xiaosen\'s peach heart.

But Matsumoto is not so obedient. A trace of entanglement flashed in the silver gray eyes. Her pretty face was full of vacillation“ What are you going to do? "

Obviously, even if you know clearly in your heart that Dong Zhuo\'s strength is not something you can resist. However, because he disturbed the corpse soul world before and killed in the corpse soul world, Matsumoto is still unable to let go.

"Of course, it\'s the silver ball that resurrects the fox face. Yes? Have you changed your mind? " Dong Zhuo showed a hypocritical surprise that people can see through at a glance.

"You... Are you really willing to revive silver?" Matsumoto\'s eyes widened sharply. He looked at Dong Zhuo with surprise and joy.

"Are you qualified to let me cheat?"

Arrogant tone, but dispelled Matsumoto\'s last hesitation. In her opinion, how could a strong man like Dong Zhuo deceive himself with such a despicable lie?

If he really wants to deal with himself, he can kill him directly. Why bother?

No matter how you look at it, you are not a god of death, and you are not qualified to be deceived by such a strong man who threatens the whole world. Unfortunately, Matsumoto has underestimated Dong Zhuo\'s shamelessness.

Walking quickly to Dong Zhuo, Matsumoto luanju leaned slightly and bowed to Dong Zhuo.

The moment I bowed my head, my skirt was inevitably affected by gravity. Dong Zhuo\'s eyes subconsciously fell into the unfathomable.

"Thank you very much!" Matsumoto\'s tone was slightly excited.

However, when considering his own position, it is obviously inappropriate to thank Dong Zhuo, the enemy. Matsumoto hastily remedied, "I just thank you very simply for saving silver. But that doesn\'t mean I\'ll settle my grievances with you. After all, the silver died in your hands. You made everything. Besides, you\'ve done so much in the soul world! "

"All right! There\'s no need to explain. I understand! " Casually interrupted Matsumoto\'s explanation. Dong Zhuo smiled and said to the two people, "maybe what happens next will be difficult for you to accept. But blue silver is the king! It\'s not appropriate for you to cross in! "

These words stunned Daisy Mori and Matsumoto at the same time. They didn\'t understand what Dong Zhuo was talking about. What king, what blue silver

"This is the person you want to see!"

Without giving them a chance to react, Dong Zhuo directly launched his unique ability in the world of death. The resurrection of lanran, who once died in his hands, is Marubeni.

At the moment, with the rapid gathering of Lingzi, the images of Marubeni and lanran are rapidly becoming clear. However, no one knows that the two people who are now resurrected are no longer the genuine blue dye and Marubeni in the world of death. After all, they were swallowed up by Dong Zhuo. In order to bring them back to life perfectly, Dong Zhuoshi must sacrifice part of himself.

With his extremely selfish character, how small this part is, he will not agree.

Therefore, the resurrected Marubeni and lanran are new individuals created by Dong Zhuo according to their memories. Even if they have the same memory, appearance and ability as the former, they are essentially different.


"Captain lanran! Sobbing... "

Seeing that his sweetheart is resurrecting, whether it\'s Matsumoto or daisy mori, his mood began to get excited.

Especially young Sentao, thinking that lanran died in Dong Zhuo\'s hands, he wanted to commit suicide to thank the world. The grievances in her heart were like the water breaking a dike. Tears trickled down my cheeks.

"This is...!" Lanran, who was the first to wake up, was dazed for a moment. When her eyes returned to Qingming, her attention solidified on shimaruyin.

"Silver! You... You\'re not dead? " The excited blue dye suddenly appears in front of Marubeni and holds him in his arms.

"Captain lanran!" After waking up, shimaru silver hugged LAN ran affectionately, and they were silent. Regardless of the exterminators and the gods of death, they have lost their eyes.


"Captain lanran!"

When the love was strong, "lanran" and "shimaru silver" completely ignored the audience around them and kissed them affectionately.

"No... no!" Young Sentao is stupid. In the big eyes, there was no longer the slightest look. Hei hei giggled twice, showing a broken look“ This... This is not the blue dye captain I want! "

Relatively speaking, although Matsumoto\'s three views have been subverted, at least it is not as impolite as Daisy Mori\'s spade.

After the shock, Matsumoto murmured, "no wonder... No wonder you have such a close relationship with captain lanran. It turns out you two..."