Chang'an's First Beauty

10 Chapter 9 The next day

The following morning, the crowd gathered in Jia\'an Church.

The old lady was holding the second-room grand-daughter-in-law, who had just given birth to her great-grandson, and she smiled.

While the box was talking, Mrs. Lu raised her eyes and just saw the eyes of Meng\'s daughter falling on Lu Yan.

And Lu Yan?

He was on his side, talking to Lu Ye in the second room and Lu Ting in the third room, but his face was not exposed.

The old lady pouted, her grandson really refused to give her a little face.

She cleared her throat and said to Meng Suxi: "Girl, you gave me the picture of the Hundred Cranes yesterday, but did you draw it yourself?"

Meng Suxi quickly got up, "Yes, the old lady laughed."

The old lady nodded with satisfaction, and said: "You can have such a brilliant stroke at your age, it is already very good, but it is still a little weaker on Shen Yun."

Upon hearing this, Meng Suxi hurriedly said: "I wonder if Suxi can have the honor of the old lady pointing one or two today?"

When Mrs. Lu saw her on the road, she smiled and said: "If you are talking about painting skills, you should not ask me this old lady. You should ask your cousin, he is an expert." He raised his face and shouted at him, "Brother!"

The old lady shouted like this, that Lu Yan wanted to pretend to be dead, and could not pretend.

He turned around casually and smiled, "Grandma called me."

Mrs. Lu took a painting from her maid and handed it to Lu Yan. "This is your cousin\'s painting. Look at it." Mrs. Lu glared at him. The meaning was obvious. , Just wait.

Lu Yan got up and took the painting, up and down, left and right, and watched it for a long time.

Meng Suxi looked at his paintings being pinched in his hands, and his heart jumped from puff to puff, as if he was holding the painting instead of painting.

Who can\'t be bothered by such a beautiful man?

After a while, Lu Yan raised his head and said, "Isn\'t this good?"

Meng Suxi easily talked to him, and naturally refused to let it go, "Lady Lu said that Su Xi’s painting was a little less charming, and Su Xi begged his cousin to give him some advice. ."

Hearing this cousin\'s cousin, Lu Yan\'s eyelids were slightly raised, and she looked at her straightly, and then said: "Meng Meng, that\'s talent, do you think that diligence can make up for it? In fact, this is Shen Yun, how many people I couldn\'t ask for it for the rest of my life." It is true that Lu Yan still gave the Meng family girl a face, really.

Otherwise, according to his temper, it is also okay to kill a girl\'s family ashamed and angry.

The voice fell, Meng Suxi\'s face was pale, the old lady\'s face was blue, Lu Ting of the three bedrooms quickly hurled a face with her hand, and the corner of the princess\'s mouth was slightly drawn. Only the starling in the southeast corner called two. sound.

The surroundings were too cold. Wen\'s quickly got up and played the round. "Isn\'t it? If you want me to say, the girl is too strong. Isn\'t this painter much better than our sister Heng\'s painting?"

Lu Heng glanced unpleasantly at Wen\'s.


Lu Yan returned to Suning Hall at the forefoot, and Princess Jing\'an arrived at the back.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Princess Jing\'an folded her arms over her chest.

Lu Yan frowned slightly, but didn\'t expect her mother to succumb so quickly.

"Mother wanted me to marry the daughter of the Meng family?" Lu Yandao said.

Princess Jing\'an looked up at him, "When did I say you were going to marry her? But even if she didn\'t talk about marrying, she was always your third aunt\'s pro-nephew, and it\'s right for you to call your cousin, you are right Really?" The son he gave birth knew best.

Lu Yan kept silent.

Princess Jing\'an looked at him in this cold-hearted and cold-hearted manner, and he couldn\'t get angry, "Princess Fu\'an has embraced her grandson over there, you can be well, and marriage is not successful. I don\'t care what you think, in short I’m looking at the Meng family’s child for the time being. If it’s okay, we’ll settle the marriage next year.”

At first Lu Yan\'s face was impossible, but somehow, he suddenly remembered that capricious dream.

In his dream, he had no wife and no children until death.

He looked up at the long princess, and suddenly remembered how she collapsed and wept in front of the hall. For the first time, she didn\'t say anything against it, only coldly said: "I try."

Princess Chang smiled unexpectedly.

Try to get him this sentence, of course she did not think of a mother.

Lu Yan is a man who can do what he says, and since he has said something, he will naturally not regret it. Since then, he has never given Meng Suxi a cold face and sent her a few paintings to show that day. apology.

Wen Suxi was flattered.As the saying goes, hitting the iron while it is hot, as long as Lu Yan returns to the house in the past two days, she will take notes and paintings and ask for advice.

Even chess has played a game.


A few days later, Lu Yan was invited to attend the wedding banquet of Xuanping Hou Shizi Suiyu.

The bride was sent into the cave room with cheers, and the people all over the room were saying auspicious words.

Xuanping Hou Shizi Suiyu was drunk by a few friends and paid tribute to Lu Yan. His eyes were latent and he could no longer hide.

He clinked his glasses with his best friend and immediately sipped it out.

In the eyes of everyone, Sui Yu Chunfeng was proud, and was fortunate enough to marry his teacher\'s daughter.Only Lu Yan knew that Sui Yu had never let that person down.

Speaking of that person, you have to say another old thing.

Three years ago, Suiyu Senior High School Jinshi was preparing to go to Yunyang Houfu to raise a relative to Shen Yao, the second girl of Shen\'s family. The courtesy had been found, but at this time, the second prince from Uighur was actually in Shen Yao fell in love at first sight at a hunting feast.

The sage had the intention of pulling together the Uighurs. When he heard the other party\'s intention to be close, he immediately decided to seal Shen Yao as Princess Yonghe, and then marry when Liangchen was lucky.

This is the imperial destiny, and no one can change it.

The guests on the side drank too much and dangled: "If I can live like Xiao Yu, I will die without regret."

Sui Yu heard it, looked back, and could not help laughing.

No regrets?

But two major regrets in his life, one is the title of the gold list, and the other is Dongfanghuadye.

Before Sui Yu entered the cave, he patted Lu Yan\'s shoulder. "Shi Yan, in fact, I envy you the most." If you are not tempted, you are not emotional, and you are most free.


When Lu Yan walked out of Xuanping Hou Mansion, it was already dark.

He stepped on the bus and closed his eyes for a long time, remembering Meng Suxi\'s means of going in and out, he was too lazy to go back and cope with it, and said coldly: "I will not go back to the house today, go to the bamboo garden in the west."

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Zong was taken aback, and then he said weakly, "Lord Shizi, Zhuyuan is a must."

Lu Yan raised her brow slightly, "What\'s wrong?"

Yang Zong looked at the drunken and indifferent look of his family prince.It is estimated that he forgot, he reminded: "You forgot, put together those eight thousand past a few days ago, let\'s get out of Zhuyuan."

You know, a residential house in Chang\'an City, which is a few hundred yuan, a full eight thousand yuan, but they sold a lot of assets in their hands.

After hearing this, Lu Yan said quietly, "Is it." He smiled in the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were inexplicably annoyed.

"Then go back to the house?" Yang Zong said.

"No, go to Chengyuan."

Not to mention that he will forget, he still has an outside room.


The night was slightly cold, and You Que was silent.

By the time Lu Yan arrived at Chengyuan, Shen Zhen had fallen asleep. In the Lanyue Pavilion, none of the lights were on.

There was no one in this yard except Shen Zhen and the two maids who were here.

Shen Zhen slept very honestly, the slender one, she didn\'t move a whole night.

Lu Yan leaned on the door frame, raised her eyebrows, and looked carefully at her back.Even if the bedding is covered, you can see the contours of the whole body. The lower part is the waist and the upper part is the hip.

Lu Yan entered the room, deliberately made a noise, the sound of the footsteps, the sound of the stool moving.

It was just after drinking, and at this moment some inexplicable dryness, he lifted the kettle on the table, slowly tilted it, and made the sound of the water flowing into the cup.

Shen Zhen closed her eyes and opened it after a while, her hands clenched into fists, her body stiffened, and she dared not look back.

At this time, no one could break into Chengyuan directly. No one but him.

Lu Yan looked at Shen Zhen, realizing that the neck of the man in the bed was completely stiff, and knew she was awake.

He raised his hand and took a sip of water, then said in a cold voice: "Are you doing this outside the room?"

In a word, it directly broke the tranquility in the house.

Shen Zhen heard his faint anger, and felt that the bed was covered with nails, so he had to bite his lower lip and stood up daringly.

She went down to the ground silently and said softly, "Adult."

Lu Yan glanced at her, only to see that she was well-dressed and she didn\'t even take off her undergarment.I don\'t know who is defending.

He yelled, then got up, turned towards her, and spread his arms.

Shen Zhen didn\'t know what she meant at first, and she only knew what she should do when her eyes were facing each other, but she was sweaty in her palm, and she didn\'t know where to start. She hesitated for a long time before wrapping around his waist and waiting for him to change clothes.

But Shen Zhen, a daughter-in-law of the Hou Fu who hasn\'t been out of the cabinet, how can he loosen the man\'s girdle?

Lu Yan looked at her slender fingers and moved back and forth on his girdle, just couldn\'t untie it and couldn\'t help whispering: "Why don\'t you do all this?"

Shen Zhen felt cold on the top of her head, and her heart was filled with grievances.No one has taught her about this. Can she learn without a teacher?

"Return." He didn\'t breathe.

It\'s always his job to air others, when is it his turn to air him?

Shen Zhen shuddered his shoulders with his sternness, rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, but his tone was very good, "Adult forgive me, this is my first time."

Hearing the words, he couldn\'t help but looked at her dark, supple hair, and the ten fingers that had not been touched with Yang Chunshui, and the frowning brows gradually loosened.


A month ago, she was still the princess of Houfu who was well respected.

A moment later, Lu Yan silently grabbed her two small hands, pinched her fingers, and secretly exerted her strength, teaching her to loosen her girdle like a person holding a pen.

"Remember?" Lu Yan let go of her hand.

Shen Zhen looked blushing, and he didn\'t know where to put his hands, but he suddenly remembered his cold "reply" and quickly said: "Remember, my lord."

Also, know the long memory.Lu Yan thought.

After Shen Zhen finished speaking, the man was still standing in front of her. She guessed that this should mean her to continue.

In her mind, she quickly recalled how Qingxi usually served her.

It is strange to say, being served for many years, these actions should have been the most familiar, but when I thought about it, they were all intermittent and could not be connected everywhere.

If the sky outside was still black, Shen Zhen even felt that she should be seventeen at the moment.

Spend time with him.

After Shen Zhen waited for him to change his clothes, he turned on the lamp, folded his clothes, and put them on a Huanghuali lotus leaf hexapod table.

Then the pestle said nothing.

Lu Yan sat on the bed and looked at her face with the swaying candlelight. Bai Shengsheng, misty, and her eyes were green and charming, and she was fascinated.

When I came back to God, I couldn\'t help but think, was she the one in the dream who would never forget her?

at the same time.

Shen Zhen moved to him step by step and whispered: "Does the adult want to stay overnight?"

Lu Yan faced her with four eyes, "huh" snorted.

Having made his outside room, she naturally knew that living with him and having a kiss with his skin was only a matter of time.I can think about it, and doing it is really a crime.

She took the initiative to step forward and spread a quilt for him, and then blew out the light with a "huh".

The room fell into darkness again.

Immediately afterwards, a brisk footstep moved to the door, "The lord took a rest earlier."

The door hadn\'t opened yet. The man sitting on the bed stared at the pretty figure and opened his mouth somberly, "Where are you going?"

Why did he want to run for her?

Lu Yan snorted.


I want you, you have to suffer.

Don\'t want you, and don\'t run.