Chang'an's First Beauty

11 Chapter 10 Meal

The silver moonlight was covered by the dark clouds, the bare sycamore tree in the yard rustled, the bell above the eaves rang twice, and Shen Zhen\'s hand settled on the knocker.

She closed her eyes very regretfully and irritably, then turned back casually, and said softly, "Is there anything else?"

"Come back." He whispered.

Shen Zhen wanted to cry without tears, and felt that there was a lot of weight under his feet, but he still had to walk back daringly.

Seeing her coming back, Lu Yan patted the bedding and said, "Turn on the light and sit down."

Shen Zhen lit the lamp and then sat down with her knees bent.

Lu Yan leaned over and looked at her. His eyes were colder than the wind in the winter, as if she could see through her careful thought at a glance, "Go prepare water, I want to bathe."

Shen Zhen should be, and then it can be regarded as fleeing, and recalling his just eyes, where is telling her to prepare water, clearly asking her-I let you go?

Shen Zhen was still in the house when Lu Yan returned from the clean room. Compared with when he entered the room, Shen Zhen was much more obedient.This is typical of under-adjustment, Lu Yan thought.

Lu Yan lay down on her own.

In the Jin Dynasty, men and women were in the same bed, regardless of their wives and concubines, they were all males and females, so Lu Yan lay in the original position of Shen Zhen as soon as she went to bed.

When Shen Zhen saw that he was really going to sleep this time, he whispered, "Master, do you turn off the lights?"

Lu Yan yelled.

The house fell into darkness again.

Lu Yan glanced sideways at Shen Zhen with his neatly dressed back straight, and could not help ironically: "Did you also sleep in your coat while in Hou Mansion?"

Shen Zhen\'s hands on his knees clenched, "Master, I\'m a little bit cold."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yan sneered.

Although others haven\'t come in these two days, the charcoal fire has not lost her. He is not cold in his middle clothes, and she is cold.

Lu Yan didn\'t have the preference of not coming hard, and was too lazy to take her apart, but she still didn\'t see her lying down, and she was unhappy again.

In his eyes, whether she was his business or not, it was really her turn to guard him, so he said again, "Are you going to sit like this all night?" His voice was heavy, as if with a hint of warning.

After hearing this, Shen Zhen wanted to be discouraged.

He didn\'t dare to cry, bit his lip, and honestly got into the quilt.

After being a girl for 16 years in Houfu in Yunyang, there was a man lying next to him. The sleepiness of Fang Cai just disappeared without a trace.

She was stiff all over, and she didn\'t dare to make one out of the atmosphere. Fearing to move, she touched him.

She never wanted to hear him speak again.

Every word is a knife. Can she resist if she is born?

Not to mention yourself, even Shen Hong is in the hands of others.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the person next to her breathed evenly.

Shen Zhen tried to close her eyes, but she could not sleep outside, but she was really not used to it. She had to roll over almost every quarter of an hour.

Lu Yan was awakened by her and could not help frowning.Even if he slept again, he would be tossed by her.

He stretched his long arm and landed on her, mutely said: "Don\'t toss me."

To Shen Zhen, his action is like being a fisherman killing a fish.

She remained in this position for the rest of the night and never moved.


There was white fish belly in the sky, and the soft morning light spilled in through the branch window. The warmth brushed over, and Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Not to mention, he didn’t do any strange dreams last night. It was the most comfortable sleep in recent times.

In contrast, Shen Zhen.But it was a headache, his legs tingled, and dark circles under his eyes, and he sat up slowly.

The two went to the ground one after another, silently.

Lu Yan was thirsty. When he came to the case, he picked up the kettle and fell. He found that there was no water in it.Not only the water, he was awake, and even the hot veil in this room did not see one, let alone breakfast.

He glanced at the sleepy Shen Zhen.

Inexplicably bored.

He understands that he is looking for an outside room. He clearly finds a nobler than himself.

After a while, it was worthwhile. There was really no time to disperse the fire. He got up and dressed, and pushed the door to call the two maids in the yard.One is called Moyue, and the other is called Tangyue.

These two are maidservants who are helped by the housekeeper of the Zhenguo government. They naturally know Lu Yan\'s identity. When they saw Lu Yan, the two of them summoned, "Shiziye."

Tang Yue said first: "The slave-servant did not know that Shizi woke up, so he prepared water."

Mo Yue again said: "Today\'s kitchen grandma\'s leave is off, the slave-servant\'s skills are not good, and she will only make some congee and side dishes.

Lu Yanxi straightened the cuffs, "No problem."

"But Shi Ziye is eating at Lanyue Pavilion?" Mo Yue said.

Lu Yandao: "Go to the Western Times."

After washing, the morning meal was delivered.

On the table is a clear porridge, pickled winter mustard, fried three fruits with sauce, plus a plate of golden silk rolls, and a bowl of winter melon soup.

This time Shen Zhen finally learned to be smart, and when he saw him sit down to eat, she hurriedly walked over, and she would still serve the dishes. After all, when the grandmother was alive, she often served around.

She picked up the wooden chopsticks, put a piece of walnut kernels, and put them in his bowl. When he saw him eating, she also put a piece of almonds, and then put a bowl of soup aside.

She thought she didn\'t have to listen to him to find fault again this time, but she didn\'t sleep or eat all night. She was hungry and unbearable, and her stomach groaned at this time.

He was sitting, she was standing, according to the difference in body size, the voice sang in his ears.

He must have heard it.

As expected, Lu Yanzhan looked up at her.

The intersection of the four eyes, Shen Zhen\'s entire face, as if being colored, turned completely red, followed by messy eyes.

Her self-esteem as a boudoir was almost struck by him in the past two days. When she saw him, she was about to speak again, and she blocked her ears without thinking.

I really don\'t want to listen anymore.

Lu Yan was dumbfounded by her sudden reaction.

This time Lu Yan was not as she thought.

He just patted her back and whispered, sitting down and eating together when she was hungry.

Shen Zhen sat down, without grievances, picked up the wooden chopsticks, picked up the remaining demureness and dignity, and clamped a winter mustard without any hassle.

But she chewed her brows.

This dish has no taste at all. Compared with the craftsmanship of Grandma and Qingxi, it can be described as one heaven and one underground.

She slowly took another bite of gold flower roll, and her small face collapsed completely.

Even the curls are hard.

After frowning, she forced herself to take two bites, and immediately dropped the wooden chopsticks.

None of her actions were spared, and they all entered Lu Yan\'s eyes.

He picked his eyelids and said slowly: "Are you usually picky like this?"

After listening to him, Shen Zhenru was struck by thunder, and he dared not to tell the truth. He could only quibble daringly, "Adult, I just... have no appetite."

Lu Yan looked at her with a smile, and immediately got up.

In fact, he was also picky eater since he was a child, and he couldn\'t smell a little. The cooks in the Zhenguo government did not change it for him once or twice. However, since when did he become unsuspecting?

He thought that it was probably the year he took office as Yangshan county magistrate.

The imperial court commander was no less than Wang Sungui, and it was a day to run a case.

Even the picky mouth will eventually lose to hunger.

He rarely understood her once.

Sixteen years of nourishment and superiority, clothes come to stretch out your hands, meals come to open your mouth, countless maidservants surround it, and want to change, it is not overnight.

He wiped his hands with a veil, walked over to her, and took a picture of her head, not seriously: "Even if you don\'t like to eat, at least it is still hot now, don\'t wait until you get dizzy and force yourself Eat cold dishes and rice."

These words came into Shen Zhen\'s ears, and they were a bit pun intended. At first glance, it was only that he exposed the problem of her picky mouth, but if you take a closer look, you might be talking about her.

This cold food and cold dishes, like her situation, cherished food, no longer exist.

How long can it last for a long time?

Sooner or later, you have to bow your head, right?

Shen Zhen looked up at him and didn\'t know how to figure it out. She reached over and grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said softly, "I\'m being taught me to get acquainted, right?"

It is true that Lu Yan didn\'t think so much when he said this, he just couldn\'t see her hungry and refused to eat.

But when she interpreted it this way, he thought it was what he thought, so he nodded and said, "You can think of it, naturally it is the best."