Chang'an's First Beauty

9 Chapter 8 Birthday Banquet

The moonlight outside the house is like silver, the moon shadow is like a hook, and the glory like onyx is splendidly plated on every brick and tile of Chengyuan.

There was no sound around him, and even the sound of the swaying candlelight could be heard in the silence.

It\'s still a while before the morning bell strikes.

After instructing Shen Zhen to cry, she was forbidden to cry after everything, and even when she was not allowed to cry, she did not feel wronged and lay down for a while.

Shen Zhen wanted to go to Shen Hong, but he didn\'t dare to disturb him for a rest. Sitting there for two hours, he didn\'t dare to close his eyes.

I haven\'t rested for several days. At this moment, I couldn\'t hold it anymore. I planted myself to the side and fell directly to the ground, and the round stool rolled over.

With such a loud noise, Lu Yan opened his eyes naturally.

He looked at her--

I saw that she fell to the ground without opening her eyes.

Looks so cute, and has both pity and cuteness, just like Lu Yan, who never cares about the life or death of others, has moved her heart.

He got up and walked to her, nodded her shoulders with her fingertips, and said softly: "Get up."

Hearing the man\'s voice, Shen Zhen instantly regained his soul, turned his red eyes, and stood up in a "wipe", "Master, Master, is there something wrong?"

Lu Yan saw her look full of precautions, and could not help but sneer.

It\'s really unnecessary to control her.

Unhappy in my heart, naturally no good looks.He thought that he had almost rested, and he walked out of the yard without looking back.

Lu Yan left the Lanyue Pavilion and went straight to the West Chamber. Before he opened the door, he heard a cough.

Inside, he lowered his head and Shen Hong looked up. The security in Xiaobu\'s eyes was exactly the same as that of her sister. Her eyes were red, and she cried.

Lu Yan doesn\'t like children, no matter who it is, no matter crying or laughing, but he doesn\'t like anyone who can open his mouth.

So before it was Shen Hong\'s turn, Yang Zong asked someone to send Shen Hong to the Lanyue Pavilion.

Lu Yan looked sideways out of the window, Mei Yu was solemn, his face slightly cold.

"Has Zhaoxing Square been taken care of?" Lu Yandao said.

Yang Zong bowed back: "The master is assured that only one front yard has been burned, and our people put out the fire. It is claimed that the oil lamp is running out of water. No one doubts it for the time being."

Lu Yandao said: "There is such a loud noise tonight, there will be no action for King Teng and Suningbo tomorrow, you will send someone to continue to stare and report every six hours."

Yang Zongying was right, and then said, "Master, what about the young son Shen?"

For a moment, Lu Yan thought, Shen said, "Can\'t wait, and send him out of Beijing as soon as the day dawns." He paused and said, "By the way, the mother-in-law and the maidservant were also sent out of the city together."

After Yang Zong left, Lu Yan fiddled with the white jade in his hand, and his heart was confusing.

A few days ago, he dreamed of a fire on the ninth day of October. At first he did not believe it, in any case.

But until the fire arrived as scheduled.

He knew that this person, Shen Zhen, had to be guaranteed anyway.


The next morning.Jingzhao House.

While Lu Yan was writing a submission, he listened to the military command under his arm: "Sure enough, the lord said the previous day was correct. The lord of the Wang family in Liquan County did have a problem. Yesterday I sent someone to search and found that there were two female bodies at the bottom of the well."

"Who are they, did you find out?"

"According to Zuo Zuo, one of the singers in Pingkangfang, whose surname is Luo, has already paid the ransom from the old mother. The other is Wang Zhao\'s concubine before the year, and there is no trace of homicide." Join the military.

After hearing this, Lu Yan paused and nodded at the table with his index finger. After a while, he said: "No, the smell of corpse rot in his yard, there are more than two corpses."

His implication is: two corpses, one is a concubine and one is a geisha, even if Wang Zhao has any special hobbies, playing them dead, since it faked suicide, there is no need to hide at home for so long.

Such results are not so much as they were searched out, but rather that they were intentionally placed there.

Joining the military, I don\'t know what I thought of, immediately said: "Subordinates will go check again."

Lu Yan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his hand.I didn\'t have a good rest last night, and then went through the morning case again.

Before Lu Yan\'s heart was finished, Yang Zong walked in again carrying a bird cage.

"Master, the starling you asked for has been bought. The old lady will definitely like it." Today is the birthday feast of the old lady of the Lu family. This starling is the birthday feast prepared by Lu Yan.

The parrot raised by the old lady died a few days ago and was sad for a long time.Lu Yan remembered that those who dared not buy the parrot hook of the same product were sad. They could only buy a starling who could also sing softly to please her old people.

Because this is the birthday of Mrs. Lu, Lu Yan returned to Zhenguo\'s government as soon as she lost her value.

When we walked to the door, we saw the wife of Sanfang standing outside the door, and then, holding the hand of a girl with a bun, she entered the house together.

Lu Yan frowned and whispered, "I remember my grandmother said that today only hosts a banquet and does not invite outsiders. Who are you from here?"

Yang Zong replied: "That was my grandmother\'s niece. Because my father was transferred to Jingzhou to make a history of assassination, he wanted to live in the house for a while. Today he specially came to celebrate the old lady\'s birthday."

Lu Yan squinted at him: "You know so clearly, why didn\'t you tell me in advance?"

Yang Zong was exposed on the spot and could not help but touch the tip of his nose and whispered, "Princess Chang told me not to let her subordinates tell you."

Lu Yan sighed long.

OK, come again.


There are three rooms in the town of Gonglu.

Lu Jun\'s grandfather, Lu Junshang, is the eldest son-in-law, Princess Jing\'an, and Lu He\'s second grandfather, Lu He, married Shang Shu\'s daughter, Xiao.

And the youngest son, Lu Can, who is the most troublesome for Mrs. Lu, was married to a business woman, who is now the third grandmother, Wen\'s.

However, the Wen family is not an ordinary merchant, but the largest cloth merchant in the Jin Kingdom, and an individual.Therefore, when the old lady saw Lu Can\'s feelings, he went away. Since he was determined to marry, there was no need to make any unpleasant, so as to avoid discord in the future.

However, the sisters of the Wen family were also very prosperous. The elder sister married the forefront of the town government, and the younger sister married the court official Sanpin.

Just now, it was Meng Suxi, the daughter of the third grandmother\'s sister.

When Lu Yan entered the door, the three bedrooms of the Lu family had gathered in the main hall.

When everyone saw him enter the house, the atmosphere in the room became more lively. He stepped forward and smiled: "Shi Yan pleases the grandmother, I wish the grandmother a healthy body, and the smile is always open." Then, the starling in his hand So I sang twice, especially beautiful.

Looking at the starling in his hand, the old lady took it immediately and teased it a few times.

The box was talking, only listening to the swinging of the curtain, and a lady dressed in a hibiscus colored jacket and a golden tutu walked out.

This bright and flamboyant beauty is Princess Jing\'an.

The years are partial to her, and she has obviously been a woman for more than 20 years, but her face seems to have been parked for more than ten years ago. Only by raising her hand and throwing herself in the room, there is a little more charm that the girl family does not have.

She walked over to the old lady, deliberately shook her wrist, and smiled: "This clothes was embroidered by the daughter-in-law, and the mother should not be dismissed."

Mrs. Lu looked at her bright face and couldn\'t help laughing, saying, "Your craft is always the best."

Mrs. Lu likes Jing\'an not because she is a distinguished eldest princess, but because of her ten years of temperament.

When Princess Jing\'an first married the Lu family, her daily posture was high, and her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were okay. They were considered respectful and filial piety. It is a little bit unwilling to converge.

But she is the saint\'s favorite sister, who dares to choke at her.

At this time, Mrs. Lu couldn\'t help but feel distressed about her elder son, fearing that he would be imperially angry one day.

Until the days passed, Mr. Lu knew what kind of person Princess Chang was.

At first, Wen\'s going out to entertain, some people like to use her business woman\'s identity to tell two jokes. Wen\'s fear of embarrassing scenes, never dare to squeak, and endure.It happened to be heard by Princess Chang once, she turned over on the spot, fell the teacup, pulled Wen\'s turn and left.

The surrounding temperature is like freezing.

On the way back, Princess Jing\'an didn\'t forget to reprimand her, "Little Uncle has been with you for many years and hasn\'t said a single serious matter. Why did you get outside and still get angry with others? This kind of thing endured once. There are only two times, do you have to endure it again and again?"

Wen\'s dare not return his mouth, hesitated for a long time before whispering: "I am also afraid of embarrassment..."

After listening to this, Princess Chang couldn\'t help but fine-tune her eyebrows and chuckled: "Three younger siblings, I tell you, as long as you are not afraid of embarrassment, it\'s someone else who is embarrassed."

Later, this sentence spread to the old lady’s ears, causing the old lady to smile for a long time, and she ate half a bowl more for dinner. Since then, she only recognized the son’s sentence-although Jingan’s temper Not gentle and considerate, but sincere to everyone in the family, it is more important than anything.

Everyone was seated and the Shengxiao ancient music played.

When I was young, the dishes had been offered four times, and everyone stopped the chopsticks and watched the performance of the troupe.

At the end of the song, the beautiful girl withdrew and replaced a strangely dressed man into the house. The long sleeves on his body, the sleeves were long and short, and the makeup was also. While painting the face of Mazi, it was clean.

Everyone was feeling that there was a lot of novelty and discussion, and the old lady saw that the eyes of the Jingan Chang Princess and Lu Yan, both of them had complex eyes, their eyebrows were tight, and even the corners of their mouths couldn\'t help themselves.

The old lady couldn\'t help smiling.

The eldest wife of the second room, Xiao, met and quickly asked, "What\'s the mother laughing at?"

Mrs. Lu quickly whispered to Xiao Shi while the expression of the two did not change.

When Xiao heard the words, he naturally looked at Princess Jing\'an and her son. The expression was so common that he laughed out of nowhere.

The pair of mothers and sons have always been picky and difficult to serve, and no one knows the town government.

At this time, Xiao\'s eyes fell on Meng Jiasu Xi and whispered: "The daughter-in-law feels that the young girl of the Meng family is really good, and she has nothing to pick."

The old lady glanced into the distance.

I have to say that Meng’s daughter’s face was very pleasing, a pair of big eyes, like washed grapes, black and bright, rounded nose, and when she smiled, she showed a row of white teeth, and she would give birth to a human being. Goodwill.

Everyone knows what the Wen family\'s idea was to live in the Guo Gong Mansion at this time.

But as long as Lu Yan can meet, it is also a beautiful thing.

The old lady nodded, "You call her and I will say a few words to her."

Xiao\'s "he" sounded, walked to the end of the table, patted her shoulder.

The old lady is old and naturally likes the young girl. She held Meng Suxi\'s hand, looked at it carefully, and called Lu Yan again.

The drumming sounds on the side kept on, and the old lady didn\'t hear anything he said to him. In desperation, he had to bow down and put his ears together.

Meng Suxi was closest to the old lady, and when she saw him leaning forward, she flushed with a rush.

The daughter\'s helpless look naturally fell into the eyes of Mrs. Lu and Princess Chang.


After leaving in the evening, the third grandmother went to Meng Suxi\'s room, "Xi Xi, have you ever seen the prince?"

Meng Suxi\'s small face turned red instantly, and some stuttered: "Aunt, aunt."

Wen took her sign language and said in earnest: "What is the identity of Princess Jing\'an, your mother must have told her too. My aunt has been with her for more than 20 years, how much she still knows her, if you really want to marry the Lu family, Believe your aunt, don’t restrain yourself too much. In these two days, Changgong mainly talks to you. She will answer whatever she asks you. Outspokenness is the best."

"Auntie, don\'t worry, if Princess Chang comes to ask questions, Su Xi must have something to say and never turn around."

Wen\'s pinched the tip of her nose. "You are like your mother, you are clever."

Meng Suxi shook her aunt\'s hand and secretly spoiled her.

"Okay, I\'m relieved when I finish talking. Take a break early. If you are short of something, tell your aunt and treat this as your own home."

After Wen\'s door came out, the smile in Wen Suxi\'s eyes disappeared instantly.

Fang Cai’s daughter’s shame was completely gone.

She was sitting in front of the makeup, looking at herself in the bronze mirror, slowly raising the corner of her mouth, showing a self-deprecating smile.

Her aunt is destined to marry someone like the Lu family, and people are also naive.

Dare to say such absurd words as outspoken.

The mother had no son and looked at people\'s faces everywhere in the Meng family. The daughter of the aunt even crawled on her head.

If you can\'t please the Princess Chang this time, successfully marry the Lu family and wait for Jingzhou, you can only listen to your father and go to the next year\'s draft.

But she really did not want to enter the palace.

The author has something to say: My fat intestine likes Princess Long.