CEO's Endless Love(The Coming Cute Baby: No Bounds for the President's Spoiling)

Chapter 397

"Hello, I'm He Ying. Nice to meet you." Qin Muxuan looked at the slender hand in front of her, held it, and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm..."

"Qin Xuan, the actor of Qin Qingqing and President Gu Girlfriend, I know. "

Qin Muxuan was snatched by He Ying before she finished. She seems to want to point out something, the girl friend three words bite particularly heavy.

Qin Muxuan looked at her for no reason, but only saw her smile, as if she didn't mean anything else. Qin Muxuan thought she thought too much, but didn't notice that Xu Wei's face was gloomy and terrible.

She was just about to say a few words to He Ying when Xu Wei put the script together: "let's go in. There are still some changes in the script."

"Ah?" Qin Muxuan was silly: "but the start-up ceremony is coming soon."

"Mr. Xu," said He Ying, who was standing on one side and didn't leave, "do you just don't want to see me?"

Qin Muxuan turns her eyes to Xu Wei. Xu Wei purses her lips tightly, but she doesn't look at He Ying. She retorts in a dumb voice: "no, miss he thinks too much."

"Ah I wish I didn't With that, He Ying lowered her eyebrows and looked hurt.

If Qin Muxuan can't see anything, she is no different from a blind man.

She said with a dry smile, "I suddenly remembered that there was something else, so I left first."

With that, she ran away. Even Xu Wei didn't hear her call.

He Ying hugged her chest and chuckled, "what a lovely girl."

Xu Wei raised his eyelids and looked at her. His lips moved slightly. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to open his mouth. Finally, he bit his lips and said in a dull voice, "I don't mean anything else to her."

He has always been the appearance of the elite. Now, with this expression of grievance, he has some contrast sprouting for no reason, which makes He Ying want to pinch his face.

But she held back, just nodded slightly and said, "I see."

That's the reaction?

Xu Wei was not only dissatisfied, but also annoyed. Knowing her reaction, he explained what to do. It was a shame.

When he thought of this, he gave a cold Snort and was about to leave here. However, he heard the voice behind him with a smile:

"I know she's just your muse, but Xu Wei, I'll still be jealous."

Xu Wei turned around and looked at her with no expression. He Ying still couldn't help but raised his hand and pulled his face. Then he quickly took it back before he was angry, and continued:

"besides, you should be careful, in case Mr. Gu is jealous?"

Xu Wei was stunned.

Qin Muxuan, who fled to Huangqi in a hurry, secretly looked back and saw he Ying pinching Xu Wei's face. She couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time." Huangqi was relieved to see Qin Muxuan come back, for fear that something might happen to her. After all, the ceremony was very important to Qin Muxuan.

What happened before had a great influence on Qin Muxuan. Now there are many voices calling her names on the Internet.

And for a star, strength is more important than traffic. Huangqi hopes to take advantage of the opportunity to pick up director Wang's play to set up some good images for Qin Muxuan, at least to guide the online limelight to the good.

He had discussed these things with Qin Muxuan for a long time. Qin Muxuan understood his nervousness and quickly comforted him: "it's OK. I've confirmed the script with Mr. Xu."

It wasn't long before the start-up ceremony, Qin Muxuan followed the director and others to complete the blessing process before the start-up, followed by the press conference.

Director Wang is a great director, and Xu Wei is also a well-known figure in the circle, not to mention that the film is well funded, and both the male and female are the film masters and the female are the film queens.

When many reporters arrived at the scene, Qin Muxuan sat on the stage and looked at it. She only felt that the black area under the stage was full of heads. She can't help being a little nervous, knowing that today is a hard fight.

There must be a lot of people coming for her. Although Qin Muxuan is just a little star, her disputes with Gu Zijin and Yan Xiaoyu can definitely make them flock to her.

Sure enough, after half of the press conference, it was time to ask questions freely.

After all, no one dares to offend such a rich and powerful crew. The process should go.

But when asked, those questions are out of shape, and the trend is more and more strange.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that the role of Qin Qingqing was not originally Qin Xuan, but you forced it to be Qin Xuan. What's the relationship between you?" This question left a bit of a feeling, did not directly ask Xu Wei whether he and Qin Muxuan have any shady deal.

Despite this, Xu Wei lost his temper. He is a very serious person, which can be seen from his constant revision of the script to strive for perfection. This problem has touched his head.

Qin Muxuan watched Xu Wei's face getting worse and worse. He was as black as the bottom of the pot. She was worried that he would say anything that was not pleasant to hear. He Ying next to him also gave him a worried look.Fortunately, Xu Wei is very rational. He looks into the microphone and answers seriously: "yes, I decide the person, but it's not because I have any relationship with Miss Qin, but because I think Miss Qin is very suitable for this role."

He used three very important words to emphasize his point of view.

The reporter clenched: "even if she is suitable for this role, what if Miss Qin's acting skills are very poor?"

This question is very impolite. Even though Qin Muxuan thinks she has a good temper, she is a little angry.

She just wanted to answer this question, Xu Wei quickly opened her mouth.

His eyes were deep, and he said in a cold voice, "do you mean that director Wang and I are the kind of people who can put any acting skill into the crew?"

Maybe he was too aggressive, or maybe his character was guaranteed. The reporter scratched his head and didn't dare to talk any more.

"Oh, please rest assured that Miss Qin's acting skills are absolutely guaranteed. She entered the production group on her own strength."

"As for how good the specific acting skills are, please watch them in the TV series at that time, ha ha ha."

"Okay, okay, next question."

As time went by, the following questions were not too unusual. Seeing that the press conference was coming to an end, Qin Muxuan was also secretly relieved. She couldn't believe she was so lucky.

However, it's too early for her to rest assured --

"excuse me, Miss Qin, is it true that there is a rumor that you have a secret relationship with Mr. Gu Zijin, President of Gu family?"