CEO's Endless Love(The Coming Cute Baby: No Bounds for the President's Spoiling)

Chapter 398

The scene was extremely quiet for a moment, and all the eyes under the stage were focused on Qin Muxuan.

Generally speaking, unless you are a new reporter who has never been on the stage, you seldom ask questions so openly, unless

The questioner seems to be quite old. Obviously, he is not a novice. There is only one possibility. He is deliberately targeting Qin Muxuan.

Xu Wei was obviously about to get angry. His face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water. However, Qin Muxuan suddenly felt strange and finally came.

Being targeted one after another, Xu Wei can't help his temper. He is not a good-natured person. This play is very important to him, and can't tolerate any stain. Now these reporters try to pour dirty water on them one by one. If it's not the wrong occasion, Xu Wei can really swear.

Seeing that his face was not right, He Ying, who was sitting next to him, grabbed his fist and patted him placidly.

As soon as Xu Wei's breath stagnated in his chest, his face changed. Finally, he calmed down strangely, pursed his lips, and locked the sharp words he was about to spit out in his throat.

At this time, Qin Muxuan finally reflected that she knew that this question could only be answered by herself, and it was not appropriate for others to answer for her.

However, how to answer it is a question.

Huangqi had done prevention before, and told Qin Muxuan that if someone didn't ask this kind of question for a long time, just deny it. As long as there is no real hammer, no one can pressure her to admit that all the consequences, Gu Zijin will help her sweep.

Qin also agreed with him at that time. But at this time, she looked at the audience or ridicule, or malicious, or gossip eyes, suddenly did not want to bear.

The reporter who asked the question thought that Qin Muxuan did not dare to answer, and her smile couldn't help catching a trace of satisfaction. Today, Qin Xuan's ugliness is decided. As long as she denies it, the prepared hammer will be released and her reputation will be ruined, and the man's promise of 500000 will be obtained.

It's a good money!

In the silence, Qin Muxuan held out her slender white hand like green onion, held the microphone on the table, leaned forward slightly, and her eyes were as calm as the lake without wind and waves.

People held their breath, and then heard her say: "today is the press conference of" Qinhuai River "TV series, so I think it's better for you to focus your questions on this drama, rather than to pry into the private lives of the actors."

The reporters were disappointed. They thought what she was going to say, but it turned out to be the same. The crew took a long breath of relief and secretly praised Qin Muxuan.

The reporter seemed to have expected that she would answer like this. When she was about to make further difficulties, she listened to the gorgeous woman on the stage and continued: "I know that you are very interested in my love life with Mr. Gu. After all, as a young newcomer, my identity is very different from that of President Gu. It's normal for you to have bad guesses. After all, gossip is the source of life! The life of modern people is so hard. Gossip is a good way to relieve the pressure of life. "

With that, she playfully threw out a wink and joked.

No matter what thoughts the people on the scene held, they were all amused by her words, and the people who were ready to move calmed down, waiting for her next words.

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to do with Mr. Gu. On the contrary, I have a very aboveboard relationship with him. "

She turned her eyes to the camera. Her eyes were affectionate and blazing: "Mr. Gu, I don't know if you are watching the live broadcast. If you don't, I will turn it out for you later."

"I'm very happy and happy with you. I'm honored to meet you and fall in love with you in my life. I hope I can make you happy too!" Said, she raised her hands, toward the lens of a heart-shaped, sweet voice with a trace of Shyness: "love you yo!"

With that, she took back her hand, sat up straight and looked at everyone with a smile.

Everyone's expression is the same blank, who did not expect Qin Muxuan would be so straightforward, not only did not avoid her relationship with Gu Zijin, but began to express in public.

Such a bold action, no matter how dirty people can not say.

The leading reporter was depressed and wanted to say something, but he held back. After making preparations in his heart, he broke the whole manuscript.

He Ying looked at Qin Muxuan with admiration. He was envious.

Soon, the conference came to a successful conclusion.

Today, the director didn't arrange the shooting task. After we got familiar with the site, we left separately.

Out of the theater, Xu Wei wants to say something to Qin Muxuan. He Ying drags him away. Qin Muxuan laughingly looks at the interaction between the two people and waves goodbye to Xu Wei.

As Huang Qi walked down the steps, they were about to walk to the nanny car when a pure black, shiny private car suddenly came and stopped beside Qin Muxuan.

It looks like A little familiar?

After being pushed by Huangqi, Qin Muxuan realized that it was Gu Zijin's car.Didn't this person say that he had a big project to be busy with today? Why did he come here?

Qin Muxuan was puzzled, but she didn't think much about it. She opened the door.

"It's a great honor to meet you and fall in love with you in my life. I hope I can..." As soon as the door was opened, the familiar voice and words came into Qin Muxuan's ears, making her stand in the same place.

This Isn't that what she just said?! Gu Zijin heard it so quickly! In front of her!

Qin Muxuan blushed with embarrassment. She quickly got into the car and closed the door.

"Gu Zijin! You... " She shamed annoyed of turn round, want to scold to take care of Son Jin this kind of excessive behavior, but be met up by the man who has already planned, the words blocked a just.

"Well Well, you Take it easy, Gu Zijin! Well... "

Four soft lips nestle together, rubbing entangled.

After a long time, Qin Muxuan's whole body was a little dizzy. Gu Zijin sighed and released the kiss that made people blush and beat their hearts. She was still not satisfied.

Not enough, just a kiss is not enough.

He does have a big project to do today, but he always remembers that Qin Muxuan has a new play press conference today, so he opened the live broadcast while looking at the file.

When he saw Qin Muxuan being made difficult, he wanted those people to disappear immediately.

When he heard Qin Muxuan's sweet confession and undisguised eyes, he couldn't help but want to see her immediately.

So, for the first time in his life, he left his job and came to her with the fastest speed.

Qin Muxuan leaned breathlessly in Gu Zijin's arms and was calm. Suddenly, she heard Gu Zijin ask:

"who is the man with glasses? Is he interested in you? "