CEO's Endless Love(The Coming Cute Baby: No Bounds for the President's Spoiling)

Chapter 396

Gu Heng almost laughed angrily by Qin Muxuan, and beat the mandarin duck with a stick. It's really a pity that she said it.

What's more, he never thought that Qin Muxuan didn't communicate with him at all, so he called Gu Zijin directly. This straight ball seemed a little stupid, but it was quite effective. Gu Heng was caught off guard when he was hit.

He wants to take Qin Muxuan's mobile phone, but he is powerless and can only look at Qin Muxuan with cold eyes.

Gu Zijin on the other end of the phone is stunned by Qin Muxuan's call, and then his face sinks.

The voice is still so gentle, but it's easy for people to hear the cold meaning: "he's looking for you?"

When Qin Muxuan heard what he said, she calmed down. She was a little embarrassed and gave a gentle hum.

She is a little angry. Gu Heng's way of doing things is the same as that of old lady Gu. So is it true that she is a mother and a son?

But calm down and feel that it's not good to call Gu Zijin like this. It's not that it's bad for Gu Heng, but to disturb Gu Zijin for such a little thing and make her feel embarrassed.

"Since he is willing to give you money, you can take it. One hundred million is enough for you to go shopping and buy some clothes." Gu Zijin said solemnly, then joked in a low voice: "as for leaving me, Xiaoxuan, do you want to punish me or yourself? okay? In bed. "

Qin Muxuan's ears were red when she heard that. She opened it to the outside. She didn't expect that Gu Zijin would say such dirty words. She didn't believe that Gu Zijin couldn't hear it. She opened it to the outside.

"Gu Zijin!" Qin Muxuan cried out in a shy voice.

"Well, I'm here." Gu Zijin is full of smile.

Qin Muxuan said: "you can shut up!" Finish saying to force ground hang up the phone, Gu Zijin comfortable laughter isolated in the radio wave that end.

Hang up the phone, Qin Muxuan deep breathing several times, let the heat on the face down, just put up a business smile to look at Gu Heng.

Gu Heng has long been angry with Gu Zijin. If he had a beard, he would be very tall.

This villain is talking about a mess!

Seeing Qin Muxuan's smile, he became even more angry and said in a rough voice, "what's the smile? Do you think you can enter the house with that smelly boy's support? I tell you, no way! "

"As long as my old man is still alive, I will not admit that you are my daughter-in-law."

Qin Muxuan was really afraid that he would not be able to breathe and pass out. Although she wanted to retort, she still held back.

It's meaningless to argue. This is what she learned in shopping malls in recent years.

"Don't worry, I won't take your money. But you can't control the relationship between Gu Zijin and me, and I don't need your recognition. " She light way, finish saying, politely a nod, take the hand of small core.

"It's getting late. I'll go first. Goodbye."

Gu Heng was not comforted by her words, but became more angry. But this kind of anger is not that kind of total anger, which also has a bit of appreciation.

The people standing next to him all lowered their heads and didn't dare to speak. Gu Heng leaned back on his chair for a while, gasped for breath, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "let's go, too."

In the next few days, Qin Muxuan didn't go out. She had got the new script. Every day she stayed at home to study the script, and occasionally went to the company to have a look.

Xiaobai and Gu Zijin go home to have dinner on time after work. The family's life is very happy.

Life was so beautiful that Qin Muxuan almost forgot other worries. Such as the entertainment industry, such as Yan Xiaoyu, such as Gu Heng

However, no matter how beautiful it is, we have to start working, otherwise Huangqi will not let her go, and Xu Wei will not let her go.

On the day when the crew started up, Qin Muxuan arrived at the venue early.

In order to make this play, the crew specially rented a large block of buildings in the film and television city of the Republic of China, and made careful arrangements to make every plant conform to the original work.

Qin Muxuan could not help but respect the intention.

She arrived early, so she put on her make-up early and took her make-up photos.

Xu Wei came to the door before he could remove his make-up.

While waiting at home to start work, Xu Wei made several phone calls to her, all of which were to discuss the plot and characters with her.

"Miss Qin." Xu Weiyang greets her with the notebook in his hand: "the script has finally been changed. Come and have a look."

Qin Muxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally changed it. God knows how much thought she spent and how much words she spent in order to settle the script.

For this reason, she also carefully pondered the role of Qin Qingqing, substituting herself into the characters, in order to find a more suitable character's psychology, language and action.

At that time, Gu Zijin thought she was ill again.

Xu Wei was happy and immediately noticed her make-up and clothes after greeting.

"Miss Qin really looks good in this suit. I spent a lot of time to get this cloth and found a famous master Fu to make it."Qin Muxuan was stunned. When she just tried on the dress, she found that her cheongsam was of high quality, fine and well-balanced stitching, and quite appropriate cutting. It was very good at first sight.

She didn't see other people's costumes. She thought the costumes of the whole crew were of such high quality. Now it seems that they are not.

Qin Muxuan sighs at Xu Wei's care for the role. On the other hand, she feels a little uncomfortable. She can't say why, but she feels that Xu Wei's eyes always make her a little uncomfortable.

But the play hasn't started yet, and there are still many times when the two want to cooperate. Qin Muxuan's good professional ethics makes her resist this awkwardness.

Two people are standing at the side of the script, not far away suddenly came a commotion.

Xu Wei looked at it and said faintly, "it's the heroine."

Qin Muxuan also raised her head.

I saw many people around a tall woman came.

Women look very good, not the kind of sharp good-looking, but that kind of, quiet, like the clouds of beautiful.

Qin Muxuan thinks she has seen a lot of beauties. Apart from other beauties, Jianxi and Jiang Xin are both great beauties. Even yanxiaoyu is extremely beautiful.

But the beauty of this woman still amazes her. It is said that women who are too beautiful will make the same sex hostile, but looking at the woman's face, Qin Muxuan can't pick up any hostility, but feels very comfortable.

"It turns out that she is He Ying. She is really beautiful." Qin Muxuan sighed.

Xu Wei took a dim look at the woman. Holding the script tightly, he lowered his head and pointed at the script: "don't look at her, look here..."

The heroine He Ying probably saw Xu Wei and walked directly towards them.