Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 651

"Come on, we'll find a way through the snow."

Zhao Tianming looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said.


Without any hesitation, Li Xian agreed to follow Zhao Tianming about five or six steps behind him. This position can just guarantee his safety. Even if Zhao Tianming suddenly wants to fight, he can also have the strength to fight back. It's not that Li Xian doesn't believe what Zhao Tianming said. After all, the dark clouds in the sky and the scaly fists just now are indisputable facts. But Li Xian can't just believe what Zhao Tianming said.

From the beginning to the end, what Li Xian can understand about this matter is what Zhao Tianming said. Li Xian can't judge whether it is true or not. In essence, Li Xian won't believe anyone. What he believes is his own judgment. But at present, there is no way except to believe Zhao Tianming.

This is a headache.

Zhao Tianming seems to be aware of Li Xian's defensive heart. He doesn't have any objection to it. He goes forward and plays with the sound bell in his hand. He obviously refuses to give up contact with Wan Jianzong.

"I said, what is that monster just now? Can your younger martial brother beat him?"

"No way." Zhao Tianming said without looking back: "it's the ability to devour demons. The demons use him to devour power, and then gather to their own plane. Once that thing has grown to almost invincible existence, Tianyuan can only hold him for a period of time, and give us some time to escape."

"Perfect body, that thing won't become a glutton in the end, will it?"

Li Xian said casually.

"How do you know?"

Zhao Tianming turns around and looks at Li Xian in surprise.

"Well, I know that the one who can devour everything is probably such a monster."

Li Xian sighed and looked at the sky. At the moment, he didn't know what happened to Liu Tianyuan and the goblin. The dark cloud seemed to be farther and farther away from them, and the outline was very vague.

If it wasn't for his own experience, Li Xian doubted whether what had just happened was true.

So far, Li Xian and Zhao Tianming have no words. Li Xian knows what the other party is hiding. Even if he asks, the other party may not be able to tell the truth.

Although Li Xian is very interested in the truth and facts, he hopes to survive first. Compared with the invasion of monsters and other things, Li Xian is more worried about his soldiers. Zhao Tianming is the same. He also can't contact the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

What's more, Li Xian wondered why the emperor system didn't give any hints, which made him doubt the specific situation of this incident. According to the past situation of the emperor system, how many tasks or hints should be issued at this time. Undoubtedly, all kinds of situations made Li Xian very depressed but helpless.

"Wait, don't move."

Suddenly, walking in front of Zhao Tianming stop, alert to look around.

Li Xianwen was stunned, but he still stopped to look around.

Along the way, Li Xian never stopped using his spiritual power to explore the surroundings. After so many things happened, he followed Zhao Tianming, who originally wanted to kill himself. It was strange that Li Xian was not alert.

But he didn't find anything from the beginning to the end, but looking at Zhao Tianming, Li Xian couldn't help getting nervous.

"Fingertip thunder."

Suddenly, Zhao Tianming reaches out his hand to Li Xian. A touch of golden arc leaps to his fingertips and pops to Li Xian.

Almost at the same time, Li Xian, who was absorbed in the movement, stepped back and threw out a touch of sword Qi in his hand.

However, the golden arc did not fall on Li Xian, and Li Xian's sword spirit did not stop the arc.

A puff.

Both of them stopped in front of Li Xian almost at the same time.

Followed by a shrill scream, followed by the original empty place appeared a fuzzy outline.

A green, humanoid lizard.

"What the hell is this?"

Rao Shi Li Xian was also startled by this sudden appearance, but his action was not slow at all. He directly took out Xuanyuan sword and cut it off without hesitation.

With a puff, the green lizard was cut in half by a sword from head to foot, and the green blood splashed on Li Xian.

And then a crackle came.

Li Xian looked back, and dozens of golden arcs appeared around him, swimming around like a snake, each of which had a thick or thin arm.

Every time these arcs appear, they fall on the seemingly empty place beside Li Xian. Every time they fall, lizard monsters appear out of thin air. This arc seems to have some special effect. The hit lizards are in a daze and can't move.

But each ejection of the arc weakens a bit.

In the blink of an eye, the arc ejected more than ten times, and more than ten lizard monsters appeared around Li Xian."Blast!"

Zhao Tianming gave a light drink, and the lizard monsters standing in the same place reappeared.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Countless flashes of light suddenly, scream one after another, those lizard monsters all fell to the ground, all black, obviously can not die again.

"It looks like you saved me again."

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Li Xian shrugged and the Xuanyuan sword disappeared.

"Let's go."

Zhao Tianming's face was ugly again, but he ignored Li Xian's meaning and said coldly.

Li Xian shakes his head helplessly, and then follows. He looks at the corpses of the monsters on the ground reluctantly, but he wants to take them back to study. However, with Zhao Tianming, he still doesn't want to do this kind of thing.

However, what was the situation of these monsters? How did they seem to chase them? Moreover, the silent attack was so fierce that he didn't find out when these monsters came to his side.

If it wasn't for Zhao Tianming, I'm afraid I would be seriously hurt if I didn't die.

"Well, although I know you don't have to tell the truth, I still want to ask, can you explain what's the situation now, why these monsters are chasing you, where are we going now, and whether you can deal with these monsters?"

Li Xian finally can't bear it. He urgently needs to know more information. This confused feeling makes him very bad.

Walking in front of Zhao Tianming stopped, looked back at Li Xian, hesitated, said: "they are not chasing us, they are for you." ..