Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 652


Li Xian pointed to himself in surprise.

He thought about many reasons why these monsters suddenly attacked, but Zhao Tianming's answer still puzzled him.

Although I always feel good, it seems that I shouldn't let the monster chase so crazy.

But Zhao Tianming doesn't seem to be lying. After all, if he didn't, he would have saved himself. What's more, what's in him that is worthy of this super master's plot? According to what happened before, the ancestor of wanjianzong really has the strength to bully in this area. It's totally unnecessary to escape with him.

"It's you." Zhao Tianming said with a light smile: "the way of heaven is changeable. Everything has a definite number. It's also your bad luck. From the day you took Ou Yezi away, it's doomed to have something to do with you."

"Ou Yezi?"

At the moment, Li Xian can be said to be at a loss. How can things be related to Ou Yezi.

"For many years, we wanjianzong have managed this area. Although we have effectively prevented the attacks of monsters for many times, there is a problem that has not been solved since ancient times, that is, we can't close the channel for monsters to enter here at the first time. Therefore, although we have never lost, every time we end up with a tragic victory."

There is a heavy sigh in Zhao Tianming's expectation.

Li Xian is silent. Now he has a certain understanding of various regions in the east of China. He has controlled the cangxuan region and Cang region.

Through his understanding of history, all the inheritance and records have serious dating problems, such as the wolf cavalry of the Qing Dynasty, the God of war and the moon shadow.

They clearly have great power and ability, but actually they can use very well today. Although the power of the God of war of Huang Taiji is powerful, in fact, what he has used is nothing.

There are so many mysteries of the moon shadow clan, but in the end, that's what happened. Even after Li Xian asked Qing'er, they couldn't explain why the clan's blood is so thin today, and the inheritance that should have been left behind is even less.

As for the mysterious region, not to mention, the only one with a bit of history is Yunxia palace. Most of the legends are only known by Zhang Haining, the old prodigy. The others are almost nowhere to be found. Moreover, it takes advantage of Jiutian Xuannv.

All this seems strange, but it's easy to explain Zhao Tianming's words today.

Every thousand years after the invasion of monsters, few people can survive a fierce war, let alone inherit it. That's why.

I think Wan Jianzong is aware of this problem.

"Do you mean that what ou Yezi takes is related to whether he can prevent the invasion of monsters?"

Li Xian finally gave his guess.

Zhao Tianming looks at Li Xian in surprise.

"It's really good to get the favor of Xuannv. For many years, we wanjianzong have been looking for a more effective way to prevent the invasion of demons and beasts. What ou Yezi took is a very important part of it. It can even be said that wanjianzong branch was set up in cangxuan for such things, but I didn't expect that he was still alive 。”

Li Xianwen frowned slightly. Zhao Tianming's words show that it was not bright when Wan Jianzong captured something like that in Ou Yezi's hands, but it also proves that Ou Yezi may not have told himself the truth.

These old monsters are more than a thief.

"In this case, why don't you talk about the strong people in the higher regions? Why do you wanjianzong want to protect this inferior region? Don't say that the people who practice Taoism cherish the world and can't bear to ruin their lives. These words can deceive children."

Li Xian asked.

"Adaptability." Zhao Tianming looked at Li Xian with great interest and said: "compared with the demons and beasts, no, to be exact, compared with the majority of the creatures in the world, the human race is still very weak. Although we have found a powerful way, there are still many restrictions in the world. For example, the practitioners born in higher regions are difficult to adapt to the spiritual power of lower regions. If they come rashly, they will not be able to absorb the spiritual power freely. The most obvious problem is that the practitioners in higher regions are more likely to die in regions such as the earth. And the strong who can get rid of these restrictions will suffer from the instinctive resistance of the lower world. Strictly speaking, life exists in every world in the universe. Many times, they don't recognize the power of other worlds. They default that these forces are threats. Of course, it's hard for you to understand these things. Everything in heaven and earth is very mysterious. It's not clear in a few words 。”

Zhao Tianming tried his best to make things simple, but as he said, these things are very mysterious, without personal experience, how can they be explained in a few words? So he doesn't expect Li Xian to understand, but he also knows that he needs to let Li Xian understand these problems as much as possible.

If, if his guess is true.

"Self protection mechanism?"Li Xian said almost without any hesitation.

"Well, that's understandable." Zhao Tianming took a surprised look at Li Xian: "your perspective is very different."

There is no doubt that Zhao Tianming was surprised by Li Xian's answer. He did not explain these things to others, but many times, even those who have some understanding of these things are difficult to quickly understand the key to the problem. Li Xian is the first person to hit the nail on the head. Although the idea of this explanation is different from what he thought, the result is the same.

At this moment, Zhao Tianming suddenly felt that what happened today might have another profound meaning.

"What do these things have to do with me?"

Li Xian shrugs. Maybe Zhao Tianming finds these things difficult to understand, but for him, this is equivalent to a task. He only needs to know what the purpose of the task is. As for the process, it has nothing to do with him. Strictly speaking, the world has nothing to do with him. What he needs is to complete the task according to the rules of the world.

"Because only those who can dominate this area have the ability to close the access of monsters. As I said, any area has life. You may be qualified to be the representative of this area."

Zhao Tianming hesitated and said.

"I'm a guardian or something."

Li Xian smiles. This result is no surprise to him. However, at this time, the prompt sound of the emperor system suddenly comes.

"Ding, the epic level regional mission monster invasion opens." ..