Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 650

"This, what is this?"

Li Xian looked up at the sky and took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mood.

The black fist was more than ten feet in diameter. It was as black as ink. It was like a pile of jagged stones. The same black forehead and arms extended upward, covered with scales.


Liu Tianyuan cautiously raised his head against the water, stepped forward and said, "elder martial brother, take him with you first."

"Younger martial brother."

Zhao Tianming wants to say something, but he hears a roar from Jiutian, which is like the roar of Hongzhong. The dark fist is waving here, which is like destroying the sky. It falls down with great power.

"Cut the sky in reverse."

Liu Tianyuan let out a big drink, and his sword light went straight up and collided with his huge fist.


Zhao Tianming no longer hesitated and reached for his hand. Li Xian only felt that the scenery around him was flashing quickly. The next moment he had fallen into the snow, and he didn't know where he was.

"Wait here. Let me explore the situation."

As he spoke, Zhao Tianming took out a bell and said something. Then the bell floated in the air, emitting a bright light.

Li Xian knew that it was a tool for transmitting messages.

Although the practitioners have a series of abilities, such as flying sword to transmit letters and sound to the secret, they actually have some specific restrictions. It is very difficult to transmit information over a long distance.

Li Xian knows only a few kinds of magic tools can have this effect, one of which is a kind of magic tool called sound transmission bell.

However, after waiting for a moment, the bell was just shaking, but there was no change. Zhao Tianming opened his eyes and held the bell in his hand. His face was very ugly.

Obviously, he didn't get any response.

"What happened?"

Li Xian asked, looking solemn.

Tender consolidation let a fit realm master show such a grim expression, can let nine days Xuannv suddenly appear, no matter what things must be very serious.

"Too early, too early, too early."

Zhao Tianming's tone trembled slightly, and his voice was filled with fear. He pondered for a moment. He turned to look at Li Xian and said in a deep voice.

"Since Xuannv values you, you should be qualified to know about it."

"What do you mean I'm qualified for? What's the matter?"

At the moment, Li Xian is confused and doesn't know anything.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you the main content."

Zhao Tianming said heavily.

"Heaven and earth are divided into different regions, just like practitioners. According to the strength of each region, it can be roughly divided into God, immortal, heaven and human regions. What we are now in is the human region, which is the so-called inferior region. The world in which ordinary people live has relatively stable rules and does not require high living conditions, It's suitable for most creatures to survive, and it's also the most vulnerable and vulnerable area

"The higher regions have more stringent living conditions, more complex rules and more powerful forces. Similarly, the higher regions have more powerful living forces."

"Like you?"

After listening to Zhao Tianming's words, Li Xian finally knows why the people of wanjianzong think highly of themselves, which means that they come from a higher level of the world.

Of course, Li Xian does not think this is impossible. After all, according to the task process of the system, his growth coincides with this statement.

"That's right, but there are still connections between these regions. The superior region is evolved from the inferior region. In short, the good cultivator is similar. One of the countless ordinary people can practice, one of the countless cultivators can become a more powerful cultivator, and so is the formation of the universe. It can be said that the last region is the least important and the most important It's important to be there. "

"Therefore, in order to protect the existence of the lower level regions, the upper level regions have formulated corresponding rules, which are led by the immortal regions and supported by most of the living beings. In other words, we are all under the rule of the immortal regions."

"Just like the rule of the Empire, we are a remote town. Are you the envoys sent from above?"

Li Xian said with a smile.

"It can be understood that due to the limitation of the rules, our task here is to fight for the interests of our Sect on the one hand, and to prevent some dangers on the other. Regional rules are complex and mysterious. For example, in the realm of canghuan, except for WAN Jianzong, we hardly understand the existence of these rules. Therefore, we are also responsible for solving the problems that may break the regional rules. Otherwise, this area will be controlled by other forces and may have an indelible impact. "

Zhao Tianming said.

"I know the truth, just like the imperial dynasty's conquering cities and lands, it's to seize territory."

Hearing this, Li Xian probably understood what Zhao Tianming meant."Not the same, the fighting of imperial dynasties will not kill people, but if you fall into their hands, this area will be removed. Originally, this should not happen now."

Zhao Tianming's voice is very heavy.

"Not at this time. Do you know when they will come?"

"Yes, every thousand years, the demon kingdom will attack the last area. As for which one is completely random, but it is relatively easy to attack here. Every thousand years, the demon clan will appear. Originally, it is about 200 years away from the millennium. We should have enough time to prepare, but..."

With that, Zhao Tianming looked up at the sky.

"Obviously, they didn't observe the time. You know this. This monster will attack. Why don't you stop them? You should..."

Li Xian said suddenly, he suddenly showed why the existence of these so-called high areas did not prevent the monster from attacking here.

"Yes, we are deliberately so, the tone aimlessly let go, it is better to leave them some offensive options, we just defense these options

"We are the bait, aren't we?"

Li Xian said in a bad mood.

Anyone who knows that they are used as bait will die at any time and will not be happy.

But Li Xian immediately reflected another thing.

"Why are you so afraid of monsters?"

Since I had known that the monster would attack, Zhao Tianming, the practitioner of the fitness realm, had overreacted.

"Because if we can't resist the attack of demons and beasts, all the existence of the whole final plane will be wiped out. We are their sacrifice."

Zhao Tianming took a look at Li Xian and said. ..