Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 634

"When death comes, what else to say."

Gao Huaide looks at Dian Wei and others who are sticking to the outside of Anyang town and says in a cold voice.

"Do you really think I'll put all my troops on the siege?"


Hearing this, Dianwei's face changed. He wanted to say something, but it affected the pain of the wound.

"Since you want to die, I'm not to blame."

With a wave of Gao Huaide's hand, the self-cultivation man came forward and tried to take Dianwei.

But don't want to, although Dian Wei was seriously injured, but still very powerful.

Pop, pop.

He twisted his acquaintance's neck and looked at Gao Huaide ferociously.

"Shoot the arrow, kill him, kill him."

Gao Huaide was shocked by Dian Wei and ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows to kill. He also knew that even if he was seriously injured, it was hard to kill an expert in Dian Wei's realm. Only he could grasp it better.

In fact, however, goldwood doesn't want to take risks.

The other side has weapons that can break through their own defense. It's hard to guarantee that nothing else can kill them. Once they rush forward, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In fact, Gao Huaide is worried about this. There are only so many people like Dianwei who are qualified to use the sunset bow. Otherwise, Dianwei would not fight hard after Gao Huaide killed the archers.

"Do it."


With the final fight, Dianwei led the remaining troops to rush to several times the enemy, which was the only thing he could do now. Soon, their figures were submerged in the crowd.

Gao Huaide sighed a little. He was a tiger general, but it was a pity that he finally came to this end.

"General, look, look what that is."

Before Gao Huaide had time to sigh that Dianwei had been killed in this way, he was shocked by the exclamation of a private soldier. He ordered his subordinates to occupy Anning town and sent someone to investigate.

"Report back to the general. Li Xian, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, led the elite to attack our camp."

Soon, the Scout will report back.

Gao Huaide, who is directing his men to clean up Anning Town, can't help changing his face.

"The Tang Dynasty, Li Xian, is impossible. How can it be?"

Gao Huaide didn't believe that Li Xianhui would appear here at this time. Is all this a complete set? It's a trap that the Tang Dynasty lured him to come here.

"General, what shall we do now?"

The deputy general asked hastily.

"What to do, what to do."

Gao Huaide looked at the empty Anning town and beat his chest. Now, the supply has not been cut off, but he has become a turtle in the urn. What's the use of leaving such an empty city.

Just when Gao Huaide was depressed, the sound of fighting kept coming, and then he saw a golden light in the sky. He was invincible everywhere, and all the enemies on the way were killed.

"Li Xian, let's go, let's go."

Nowadays, Li Xian is well-known, and the golden light of Xuanyuan sword is symbolic. Gao Huaide recognized it at a glance. What's more, there are several experts in the realm of fitness. Who is Li Xian in the Tang Dynasty.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Countless arrows came through the air. Although there was no such thing as the sunset arrow and the moon arrow in the Northern Song Dynasty, there were also weapons against the practitioners, but they were not as abnormal as those in the Tang Dynasty.

However, without waiting for those arrows to take off, Li Xian's own practitioners came forward behind him and launched an attack together.

Bang bang, all the arrows from the air hit an invisible shield, and a large part of them disappeared.

Most of the arrows that have the ability to break the cultivator's defense have one thing in common. They are disposable items.

As for the arrows that went through the barrier, naturally they couldn't do any harm to Li Xian.

"All killed."

Li Xian came to Anning town first. With his order, Zhan Zhao led the royal guards to fight in the city.

The army of the Northern Song Dynasty had just captured Anning Town, but before it could be cleaned up, it was attacked by Li Xian. For a moment, the whole Anning town was filled with fighting, wailing and bones.

"No, run."

When Gao Huaide sees that the situation is not right, he directs the pro guards to attack Li Xian, but he sees an opportunity and plans to slip away.

I'm kidding. That's a practitioner in the state of fitness. What else do you want to fight? I'm going to die.

I hope those people can give themselves more time to procrastinate.

But without waiting for him to run far, a sword light fell in the air and blocked his way.

"Damn it, how come it's so fast."

Gao Huaide turns around and looks at Li Xian, who is approaching step by step. His eyes are gloomy.

"It seems that I have no way to live today."

"You should have known from the beginning."Li Xian's voice is cold. This time, if it were not for his chance to go with the supply team, the whole Tang Dynasty would fall into an irresolvable crisis.

"Well, I'd like to learn the power of a master of fitness."

Knowing that there is no way out, Gao Huaide retreats and draws out his sword. Perhaps, this is the only thing he can do now.


With a click, the long knife broke.

Xuanyuan sword passed Gao Huaide's neck without hesitation, and a big head flew up.

"Your Majesty, go and have a look. General pawe is no longer fit."

Before Li Xian had time to deal with the rest of the enemies in Anning Town, suddenly a small school came and said breathlessly.


Li Xianwen frowned.

However, his figure appeared in a simple medical facility in the city, most of which were wounded soldiers. On the innermost bed, a great figure lay motionless.

"Dianwei, Dianwei."

Li Xian came to the bed step by step. Dian Wei's face was pale, his lips were blue, and his breath was tiny. The size of the wounds on his whole body was dozens of times, which was so dense that it was shocking to see.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid general Dianwei's injury is..."

It's not necessary for the military doctor to say that Li Xian can also see that Dian Wei's injury is incurable. For a moment, everyone is enveloped in a sad atmosphere.

"Give orders, clean up the city, stick to it, and reinforcements will arrive soon."

Without hesitation, Li Xian ordered the people to leave, then put it on Dian Wei, and the spirit power was continuously transported to him.

Maybe it's just a possibility, but no matter what, Li Xian must keep Dian Wei's life.

Three days later.

"Your Majesty."

"How are you, your majesty?"

The weak Li Xian finally leaves the room. Zhan Zhao quickly helps Li Xian to sit down. He can see that Li Xian is suffering from excessive consumption of spiritual power at the moment.

"I'm fine. Take good care of general Dianwei. By the way, is reinforcements here?" ..