Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 635

Dragging tired body, Li Xianfei quickly understand what happened these days.

Shortly after he led the people to support Anning Town, Zhan Zhao led the follow-up troops to the town. Suddenly, the 100000 unstoppable pioneers were caught off guard and defeated one after another. Finally, they were surrounded and annihilated outside Anning town.

"Tell me what it's like to fight Jundu of the Northern Song Dynasty this time."

Li Xian asked.

"It's very powerful."

Zhan Zhao was the first one to say: "the average strength of soldiers in the Northern Song army is stronger than us, and the number of top practitioners is more than us. This time, if it is not for the threat of the sunset arrow and the moon arrow, and the terrain of Anning town is not conducive to the opponent's large-scale attack, it will not be easy to win this battle."

"That's it

Li Xianwen frowned slightly, which he had expected before. However, the reality seemed more cruel than he thought.

"Your Majesty, this Wudang vanguard should be the most elite troops in the Northern Song Dynasty. Since they can cross the ice wall to attack us, why don't we use the same method?"

Guo Jia said suddenly.

"Surprise attack?"

Zhuge Liang was stunned and said, "the plan of fengxiao is wonderful. If it can be successful, he can surprise the flank of the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, general Xue will join forces to attack. He will not worry about the failure of the Northern Song Dynasty."

"Yes, it's not easy to cross the ice wall. Even if there is a fish who has missed the net, it's impossible to pass back the things here. We might as well block the news and order general Xue to withdraw slowly to make a false impression that there is not enough food and grass. At the same time, we can send people to cross the ice wall, so as to save most of our strength and deal with the subsequent attacks."

Xu Shu interface said, although he did not say what the subsequent attack is, but we all know that there must be other names behind this matter, otherwise the Northern Song Dynasty is idle.

"Your Majesty, this plan is very good, but we can't be sure what's behind the ice wall. We'd better send someone to investigate before we make plans."

"Time is pressing. The war is coming. No minute is allowed to be wasted. Your majesty, think twice."

Soon, they divided into two parts. On the one hand, they thought the plan was feasible, on the other hand, they thought it should be safe.

"All right."

Li Xian interrupted the discussion.

"First restore the supply line, then build a defense line along the ice wall, and organize a group of people to follow me to explore the situation behind the ice wall."

"Is your majesty going to attack?"

"Your Majesty, our army has no advantage now. The strategy of dividing forces is not the best choice."

"Your Majesty, please think twice."

As soon as people heard Li Xian's strategy of dividing troops, they immediately unified their caliber. No doubt, in this situation, dividing troops is very unfavorable for the Tang Dynasty.

"It depends on the situation whether we divide our troops or not. Now we should make preparations. Zhanzhao, you should organize your people to follow me to see the situation after I explore the ice wall."

Li Xian said directly.

It's not easy for people to say anything about it. They can only leave according to their words.

That night, Zhao Yun rushed from the holy city to Anning town.

"See your majesty."

"Straighten up, what's going on in the holy city?"

"To your majesty, everything is normal."

Slightly, Zhao Yun continued.

"After hearing that your majesty is going to explore the ice wall?"

"Why, are you here to persuade me to give up?"

Li Xian asked.

"No, if your majesty wants to explore the world behind the ice wall, I have someone here who can use it."

Said, Zhao Yun waved, a 16-year-old woman wrapped in fur came in.

"This is the Xueling people?"

At first glance, there is no difference between the boy and ordinary people, but close observation shows that their ears are very sharp and their eyes are almost completely white.

"Yes, your majesty."

The little girl seems to be afraid of strangers. Zhao Yun gently pushes him, and the little girl responds and says timidly.

As for the Xueling people, Li Xian also learned something from Xue Rengui's Memorial. These people are aboriginal people living in the snow. They have many special abilities and can naturally hide in the wind and snow. However, this is the first time he has seen them.

"What did you say after the Xueling people knew about the ice wall?"

Li Xian asked Zhao Yun.

"According to linger and Xueling people, they originally lived in the ice wall. The ice wall looked huge, but actually it was surrounded by icebergs. Later, a group of other monsters appeared and drove Xueling people out of the ice wall."

Zhao Yun explained to one side.

"Oh, there are also such allusions. Since there are monsters behind the ice wall, how did Gao Huaide get through it?"

Li XianMei frowned and said.

"Because of this, the Xueling clan found the general after hearing about it, and I rushed over with ling'er all night. Maybe something happened after the ice wall."Zhao Yun said so.

Hearing this, Li Xian can't help speculating. According to his idea, since Gao Huaide can take people through the ice wall, it's unreasonable that he can't, so this plan is feasible in theory.

However, at the moment, Zhao Yun brought the Xueling people to make it all strange.

"In this way, take her to rest first. Zilong, tell me something about the ice wall."

After thinking about it, Li Xian decided to postpone the action. The most important thing is that Zhao Yun mentioned the word monster, which surprised Li Xian.

No matter in Cang region or cangxuan region, there are almost no monsters, but some clues can be seen from some secret books. In addition, the wolf cavalry of the Qing Dynasty is also said to have demon wolf blood, but there are few left now.

Li Xian is still a little worried about the strength of the monster. Besides, since Gao Huaide can cross the ice wall, it's hard to guarantee that they have no deal with the demon clan. If he thinks so, it's really a matter of long-term consideration.

After a sleepless night, Zhao Yun steals supplies from the camp. They design to catch a prisoner of Xueling, and then track him to the camp. Later, they tell us how to make friends.

In short, the Xueling clan is also a demon clan, but there is little left, and the source of everything comes from a war of destruction in the teaching.

It is said that at that time, I don't know why, all the monsters were crazy and attacked each other. On the contrary, the Xueling race, which had no strength, kept their sense and avoided the disaster.

Then it was occupied and developed by the Terrans. They hid in the ice of the snow.

Fortunately, the Terrans didn't explore the snowy land much, so the Xueling people were very comfortable.

But later, a group of Snow Demon wolves came to the ice wall and forced them out. This time, the snow spirit clan learned that someone was coming out of the ice wall. It was because they were worried that something had happened inside. They wanted to go to find out, hoping to get Li Xian's help. ..