Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 633


As Dianwei rushed into the regiment, the situation on the field changed instantly.

Dian Wei, who was already in the realm of Yuanying, carried out a crazy killing in this level of fighting. His two halberds flew, and there was no one enemy in the place he passed.

"Come to the general name, your grandfather Gao will not cut the nameless ghost."

With a shout of rage, Gao Huaide got up and rushed to Dianwei, who was killing all the people in the city.

"Here comes the enemy general."

Needless to say, Dian Wei also saw Gao Huaide's figure, and his face became more dignified.

Although we have known from all aspects before that the practitioners in the realm of canghuan are stronger than those in the realm of cangxuan. To be exact, the cultivation system in the realm of canghuan is more complete.

Of course, Dianwei doesn't believe in this. We have to fight before we know.

Now, in front of him, this guy has given him an urgent pressure, which is difficult to appear in the competition of the same level.

"Prepare the sunset arrow."

Dian Wei gave an order in a low voice. Compared with Gao Huaide, he also needed the defense command of the firm Anning Town, and he fell into a disadvantage.

"Take your life."

Gao Huaide yelled angrily, his body was like electricity, but Dianwei would not shout.

"Shoot me."

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The sound of breaking through the air, nearly a hundred feather arrows flashing red light, pierced Gao Huaide's defense, surprised him.

"It can break Yuanying's defense. This is..."

Gao Huaide also knows a lot about the spirit weapon that can break the defense. However, no matter which one is valuable, the forging method is even more mysterious. However, he never dreamed that in such an ordinary battle today, the other side could take out such a level weapon.

"Damn it."

Gao Huaide retreated in frustration. When more than 100 archers used sunset arrows to shoot at a man, it was very difficult for him to escape.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dianwei returned to the city, killed several enemy generals and stabilized the formation.

"Well, well, today I will tear you to pieces."

Gao Huaide roared, and his whole body burst out with blue light. Without hesitation, Dianwei waved his palm, and the sunset arrows shot out.

However, this time, Gao Huaide did not dodge. He ran into the arrow in the face of the setting sun. With a backhand, dozens of archers fell to the ground.

"Damn it, one step slow."

Dian Wei, who wanted to stop him, was half slow. His halberd almost wiped Gao Huaide's cheek and flew by, but he fell short in the end.

"If you want to go, it's not that easy."

As Gao Huaide blocked his way with a backhand knife, Dianwei suddenly gave a loud drink, and his halberd turned into an arc.

With a puff, Dianwei was hit by the light of the sword and fell to the ground. On the other side, Gao Huaide also declined from the top of the city.

"General, general."

"Is the general OK?"

For a moment, they forgot to fight, and checked whether their coach had any problems.

"It's OK, I'm ok?"

Dianwei pushed him away and tried to help him up. He stumbled to the end of the city.

At the critical moment, he gave up his own defense and chose to attack each other. That's to say, he had the heart to hit his opponent hard. Now he just felt that his internal organs were gone, and his whole body was empty.

Who knows, under the wall, Gao Huaide stood up with the help of his attendants.

"The day when the city breaks down is the time when you die. Don't stop attacking the city for a moment."

Gao Huaide issued the last order, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"How are you, general?"

One of the soldiers backed Dianwei down to the city for a rest.

Although the commanders of both sides left, the fighting continued. One side attacked the city, the other side defended.

Compared with Gao Huaide, Dian Wei's injury was very serious. After all, before the battle against Gao Huaide, he had consumed a lot of spiritual power to kill those elixirs. This is what the elixirs are like. No matter how high the realm or the ability is, it is futile to have no spiritual power.

"Somebody, help me."

In the middle of the night, Dianwei sat up and ordered his troops.

"What are you doing, general?"

"Yes, I can't wait for the enemy to retreat. Have a rest."

"Your wounds, general."

Dian Wei looked at all the soldiers and said in a deep voice, "don't talk about it. Do you have the courage to fight with me?"

"Willing to follow the general."

"Willing to follow the general."

"Willing to follow the general."

These confidants are following Dianwei step by step. Many people, Dianwei, can be named. Of course, more people are no longer there. They know that when Dianwei says this, it's really time to fight to the death."All the soldiers, follow me out of the city to retreat."

Dian Wei gave a big drink and killed him from this small Anyang City.

During the day, Dianwei didn't want to understand why the enemy army didn't besiege the city, and then nibbled at himself a little bit.

Not long ago, Dian Wei suddenly figured out that they needed these materials, and so did the Northern Song Dynasty.

Their original plan should be to cut off the supply line between Anning town and the holy city, and take this batch of materials as their own. At that time, the holy city would be cut off, and the Northern Song Dynasty could offer any price it wanted.

And these unstoppable pioneers can use these materials for war of attrition.

Originally, they were afraid that I would burn the supplies.

Your majesty is so prescient.

In the army of the Tang Dynasty, there is a rule that hasn't appeared for a long time. If circumstances permit, destroy everything and never leave anything to the enemy.

"Ah Dian Wei is smart this time. I'll make you laugh at me again. I have no brain."

Dianwei, who had figured out all this, mobilized his last strength to go out of the city and attack the enemy.

No one can think of it, they didn't think of it themselves.

Only in this way, attracted the attention of the Northern Song army, the supply team was able to leave. According to general Xue's habit, there must be a receptive person not far ahead. At that time, everything was worth it.

Sure enough, with the attack of Dian Wei, the whole camp of the Northern Song Dynasty was in chaos for a moment. Gao Huaide was angry and ferocious. He looked at Dian Wei, who was killing all sides in the crowd. He was itching with hatred, but he was afraid of the other party's sunset arrow.

"No, supply."

Looking at the disorganized army of the Tang Dynasty, Gao Huaide immediately thought of the key problem. He did send people to guard Anning town in all directions, but there was no one in such a mess.

"The whole army will follow my orders, ignore the harassment and attack the Anning formation."

With Gao Huaide's order, the army of the Northern Song Dynasty immediately became orderly and headed for Anning town.

"Ha ha ha, I want to break Anning town and step on Laozi's corpse."

Dianwei led the remaining men to guard the entrance of Anning town without fear. ..