Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 632

Outside Anning town.

Report of scouts in the Northern Song Dynasty.

"General, in front of you is Anning town. There are a lot of materials in the town. Please show me."

"Well, the whole army will make a surprise attack and make a quick decision."

At Gao Huaide's command, 100000 unstoppable pioneers launched a charge.

What he thought was very simple. Since it was determined that your supply line was here, I would destroy your supply line and seize your throat after occupation.

Looking at the troops gathered under the city wall, Dianwei stood on the tower, his face changed greatly.

At his feet is the supply of Xue Rengui's army in the future. Without these things, they can't live for two days in the frozen snow field.

Of course, he did not want to believe that the army of the Northern Song Dynasty would really appear here, in the hinterland of the snow plain.

"Send people to transport the supplies to the Lord's mansion, and all the soldiers will guard at the north gate."

Dianwei immediately ordered that in the current situation, Dianwei was also very clear that whatever he did was useless. It was unimaginable that he could cross the dangerous place like that moat, and the strength of the enemy who attacked must be strong, and the number of them would not be small.

"General, look, they're going to attack."

Dian Wei's face was dignified. He separated the crowd and came to the top of the city to look down. Ten thousand unstoppable pioneers were ready to attack.

On the other side, Dianwei sneered and ordered to go down and prepare to attack.

"General, general, what are you doing?"

The original garrison of Anning town was stunned when he saw Dianwei's action. Dianwei came with 20000 relatives to meet the supply, and the number was not large. In addition, the original garrison of Anning town was more than 30000, less than 40000.

In addition, Anning town itself is a rear Town, and it has just been built, let alone complicated fortifications.

It's too late for such an enemy to defend. Why should the general attack.

Dian Wei coldly glanced at the soldiers in Anning Town, and saw that they were pale one by one, obviously afraid of the fighting power of the Northern Song Dynasty.

"If I'm not here today, I'm afraid I'll surrender."

Dian Wei shook his head. Anning town itself was temporarily moved by mortals and practitioners who couldn't get along with other places. There were also some small families, which could be said to be on a new scale, but not yet.

Originally, there was a holy city in front of Anning town. Anning town was just a transit station for goods and materials. Who could have thought that this humble place had become the key to the war.




With the sound of drums, the army of the Northern Song Dynasty launched an offensive with great momentum.

"Shoot the arrow!"

Diway drank it in a loud voice.

At that time, the sound of arrows flying by was endless, followed by the scream of the army in the Northern Song Dynasty.

For a moment, the momentum was blocked.

And then there was a roar.

"Evil comes here, who dares to make a mistake."

As he spoke, Dian Wei led the army with two halberds.

"Well, what's going on."

"Didn't the general say there was no garrison here?"

"Call it quits."

In the end, Gao issued the order.

This Anning town looks really restless. The number of archers is no less than 5000. Is it true that there are ghosts and gods in the Tang Dynasty? Even such a plan can be considered.

"General, it's time to stop fighting."

A small school asked strangely.


Gao Huaide said with a sneer.

"According to the normal configuration of the army, the garrison on the opposite side should be no less than 50000 people. If it's a rush attack, who knows if there will be something else in it."

"The general means that the Tang Dynasty knew we were coming long ago."

Asked the school suspiciously.

"I don't think so. In that case, we are all dead now. Maybe it's a coincidence."

Gao Huaide shook his head and said, "withdraw first."

As the army of the Northern Song Dynasty retreated slowly, all the soldiers in Anning town showed a look of relief. On the contrary, Dian Wei's look was more solemn and his eyes were very dignified.

If the other side had just attacked, he would have confidence to ambush a wave, not to mention the heavy damage to the Northern Song army, but there should be no problem in killing 8000 people on the opposite side. However, his plan for the retreat was in vain.

It can be seen that the general on the opposite side is also very powerful.

In other words, it's too cautious.

How can such an opponent fight when the war is coming and the loss of manpower comes first.

Dian Wei could not help but let out a long sigh.

Maybe it's fate, maybe it's a coincidence, all of these people come to this small peaceful town at this time."General, they're here again."

All of a sudden, the school came up to report that Dian Wei's eyes wandered along the city wall. As expected, the Northern Song army organized an attack again.

With the sound of the horn.

The army of the Northern Song Dynasty approached Anning town with neat steps.

There are shield soldiers in front to cover the ladder troops. Originally, weapons such as city breaking hammers were better used at this time, but this time Gao Huaide really didn't carry these things.

Who knew that Anning town would become like this.

"Defense equipment ready, release!"

Dian Wei was in the middle army. With a roar of anger, archers and arrows poured down from the city.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Whoosh, whoosh!

Countless sounds of breaking the air came, and a corpse fell, but no one had time to take a look. This is the cruelty of the battlefield. Here, life does not belong to itself.

"Keep charging."

Gao Huaide's voice came here.

The soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty, carrying shields, linked the ladders together to form a larger shield, laying a mat on the wall one by one.

If the city of Anning town is big, it's useless. Unfortunately, it's such a big place. Gao Huaide has made up his mind to take down the city even with his life.

"Ready for rolling wood and stone, Archer, don't stop."

Looking at the army of the Northern Song Dynasty, Dian Wei felt numb.

He is not afraid of everyone and death, but he is afraid of delaying Li Xian's important affairs.

Supplies were cut off, what does it mean to have no supplies, no one knows better than Dianwei, who has lived here for a while.

There is no doubt that Dianwei has done everything he can. Anning town is so big that there are only a few things he can make use of. The first group of people and horses who are unstoppable pioneers have climbed to the top of the city.

These people all have the strength of the golden elixir realm. Each of them is strong in force. Ordinary soldiers are not rivals at all. Although the soldiers brought by Dian Wei are elite, they are still weak after all. Gradually, the defensive front is torn open.

"Wow, your grandfather is here."

As he spoke, Dian Wei rushed into the regiment with two halberds. ..