Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 631

"General, why don't they attack yet?"

Xue Rengui stands at the head of the holy city on the edge of the snow plain. His shoulders are covered with snow.

"I don't know when the next supply will come."

Xue Rengui asked.

"It's still about a day's journey. According to the general's wishes, we have sent people to escort along the road"

"it's really strange. What is he waiting for?"

Xue Rengui looks at the millions of troops gathered under the city and frowns. It can be imagined that when the answer is revealed, his expression will be very surprised.

"Your Majesty, we can't delay any longer. If we delay any longer, our strategic intention will be exposed."

Outside the city, in the camp of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin and others were anxiously waiting.

"Wait a minute. We are the only ones who attack. The loss is too great."

Zhao Kuangyin shook his head and said.

He is not a arrogant man. Even before that, Zhao Kuangyin pondered over all the wars that the Tang Dynasty could find. Therefore, Xue Rengui, who is a faceted man, chose the most secure way, and so on.

But this and so on also must divide the scale.

Once the waiting time is too long, the plot will be meaningless. The counsellors of the Tang Dynasty have guessed that you are ready to launch a surprise attack.

But too early has another problem.

In the siege war, the other side is not a nobody on paper. The general siege method certainly won't work, so Zhao Kuangyin waited for the people from houshu to come.

Among other things, only the Northern Song Dynasty, the later Shu Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty can be regarded as forces in the canghuan area nowadays. Other forces are either exterminated or scattered everywhere, which makes no sense at all.

Among them, the Northern Song Dynasty was the most powerful, the Southern Tang Dynasty was slightly weaker, and the latter Shu was at the end. However, the latter Shu had a team that was very good at attacking cities. No matter how strong it was, it could open a channel in a short time.

Zhao Kuangyin gave up the good opportunity to destroy the Southern Tang Dynasty and even agreed to join hands with them. It was because he had a crush on the Tang Dynasty in cangxuanyu that he didn't want to expose his strength too early in the face of no real confrontation.

"Your Majesty, you can't wait any longer. It's too late to wait any longer."

Zhao Pu stamped his feet and said.

On the other side, Zhao Kuangyin frowned, thought about it and said, "OK, order the three armies, attack."


At the same time, Li Xian, who is on his way in the vast snow, is also confused.

Although I heard from others several times that the environment of the snow plain is bad, I really didn't know how difficult it is to survive until I got here.

Now Li Xian feels that Xue Rengui doesn't ask him for much money.

"Your Majesty, do you think the Northern Song Dynasty will send people to attack from here?"

Zhanzhao looked at the tall, mirror like ice ridge mountain nearby and said in doubt.

"What if I want you to cross this mountain and raid the Northern Song Dynasty?"

Li Xian did not answer rhetorical questions.

"To die for your majesty."

"That's right. We should never despise anyone, and we are not qualified to evaluate what we have not done. The only problem now is, where will they go if they really come here?"

No doubt, if he was an army of the Northern Song Dynasty, the problem after passing the ice crystal peak was where to go, because he could not judge whether the supplies had been missed at the moment.

Therefore, he has two goals. The first is to attack in the direction of Chang'an City, which is more likely in terms of time. The other way is to continue to move forward and reach Anning town not far away.

Anning town is the last inhabited place between cangxuanyu and Xueyuan. Before the arrival of Xue Rengui's army, there were only a few scattered families, but now it has gradually developed into a town with high population density.

Because sometimes supplies do not arrive on the same day, most of the time supplies will be delayed in Anning town for a day before departure.

No matter how you look at it, it's a better choice to fight for Anning town.

"Zhanzhao, after I leave, you have to go to Anning town as soon as possible to support me. Do you understand?" Zhan Zhao immediately nodded and understood Li Xian's meaning.

Li Xian wanted himself to lead a wave of elite soldiers to Anning town without any supplies, so as to block the army of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Undoubtedly, this is a gamble. Once he loses, Li Xian will have nothing.

"Why, don't you believe me? This time, the safety of the Tang Dynasty is on you. Vanguard camp, follow me."

Li Xian doesn't give Zhan Zhao the chance to refuse. With a loud shout, three thousand practitioners come out and follow Li Xian.

"Your Majesty, I am with you."

"You still..."


Xue Jinlian, a woman dressed as a man, refused. Li Xian shook his head and said, "let's go."

Speaking, led by Li Xian, people's spiritual power gathered together to split the snow.At the same time, in Anning town on the other side, Dianwei was very careful to check the goods of the dressing car.

Originally, it was not his turn to escort supplies, but this time Xue Rengui repeatedly asked him to deal with it in person, and Dian Wei Ran with him.

But fortunately, nothing happened. It was peaceful all the way.

"There are still a batch of materials on the way. It is estimated that they will arrive in the evening. If they are lucky, they can start tonight."

Whispered the captain of the garrison in Anning.

"I see. By the way, the garrison here, I don't see many people defending."

Dian Wei took a look at the whole Anning town and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's almost time to go. There are no people in Anning town. It's only after your army comes that there are people. No, I heard that song has come over there, and those who have some skills have run away. Only these people can't run."

"Well, let them run. Sooner or later they will regret it."

Dianwei sneered and said noncommittally.

Just then, under the ice wall in the distance, a group of people came slowly. It can be seen that every one of them was full of fatigue. Some of them even went to sleep the next moment.

Climbing over the ice wall to come here, this is absolutely not a human thing.

Not to mention anything else, more than 6000 people fell off the cliff and died. Plus other casualties, only more than 90000 people were left here.

"According to the news, it should be Anning town not far ahead, general. What shall we do now?"

A small school asked.

"Rest in place first, and continue to set out after an hour."

Gao Huaide said with a cold breath, staring at the faint outline of the town in the snow.

For such a highly stressful task, Gao Huaide was not at all uneasy. On the contrary, he was very excited, just as he started to follow Zhao Kuangyin from nothing and gambled every step he took. Finally, he gambled to the extreme.

One, just win one, he can never gamble.

For a moment, Gao Huaide's eyes became eager. ..