Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 613

"All over the world, is it the king's land? Our wanjianzong is an immortal sect. A mere mortal emperor dares to overstep his ability. He is really ignorant."

A young disciple of Wan Jianzong said with disdain, but he didn't want Zhan Zhao to step forward quietly and glared at the man. The latter could not help but step back, but immediately felt a little humiliated and embarrassed.

"What's your name?"

Li Xian's voice eased the atmosphere of the field.

"Wang Gu, the commandment elder of wanjianzong."

"Mr. Wang is always there. I don't know what you want to do when you block the way."

As for the so-called seclusion sect, Li Xian is somewhat afraid of it. Judging from the strength shown by the disciples of wanjianzong and Wang gugang's sword, it's really extraordinary.

However, it is impossible to say fear.

In his opinion, this sect which has been kept in the dark realm but has not been found is a hidden danger. He doesn't believe Wang Gu's saying that he has no desire and no desire.

With such strength, but willing to be unknown itself is very good, for the Tang Dynasty, this is undoubtedly a hidden danger.

What's more, Li Xian discovered before that part of the Qi luck that originally gathered in Chang'an city was scattered in the territory of wanjianzong. Isn't this Mingpao.

In addition, the meaning of Wang Gu's sword demonstration is very obvious. These guys are just a group of dictators living in their own world.

Li Xian is not interested in dealing with such people, but it seems that trouble has come to him.

"Hand him over and leave here. Maybe the Tang Dynasty can exist for a long time."

Wang Gu looked at Li Xian and threatened him naked.

"That's not a coincidence. What I want to say is similar to you. Let's go and stay here. Maybe I will allow you to exist for a long time."

As Li Xian's voice dropped, the atmosphere on the field suddenly solidified,

"ha ha, it's true that the ignorant are fearless. It seems that you don't know what is terrible."

Wang Gu gave a cold hum, and the former peaceful appearance disappeared, replaced by a domineering pressure.

From his point of view, the reason why he talked so much with offline was just that he abided by the rules of wanjianzong and gave the overlord a little face. From his point of view, the monarchs of this human Dynasty were the same. If he didn't show some strength, he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

As Wang Gu's voice fell, the ancient sword behind him trembled slightly, and he didn't move at all. The ancient sword came out of its sheath with a clang, which turned into a sharp sword light.

Zhan Zhao drinks softly, and his body is in front of Li Xian. His backhand is a sword, and countless rivers of light converge into a bright light curtain, which is very dazzling.

"I can't help myself."

Wang Gu chuckled, his tone full of disdain.

As soon as the words came to an end, the ancient sword in the air was like a knife cutting tofu. The light curtain cut by Zhan Zhao was cut from the middle.

Zhan Zhao was surprised to see this. Seeing the light of the sword coming, he quickly turned around and resisted.

There was a crackle.

When the two swords intersect, Zhanzhao's figure goes straight back, and a wisp of blood flows out of the corner of his mouth.


Zhan Zhao is about to attack again with a light drink, but he doesn't want Li Xian to stop him and step forward slowly.

"Another fool without self-knowledge."

Wang Gu sneered, and the light on the ancient sword came again.

Li Xian didn't dodge. He didn't even set up his defense. He just watched the ancient sword fly.

"Your Majesty, be careful."

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed and sneered at the disciples of wanjianzong.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty is really out of his ability. An ordinary cultivator dares to be so big. Even if he is poor in this realm, few cultivators dare to meet the attack from the opposite side with bare hands. This is pure death.

The next scene, however, surprised everyone.

Li xianmeng raised his hand and caught the ancient sword with two fingers.


Wang Gu was surprised. He couldn't believe that his proud sword skill was caught by an emperor of a human Dynasty.

"Break it for me."

With Wang Gu's loud drink, the ancient sword trembled and its spiritual power soared. However, Li Xian's fingers did not move. He clamped the ancient sword tightly so that it could not move.

"Yinshizong, wanjianzong, but so."

Li Xian chuckled and cracked the ancient sword.

For a moment, there was a complete silence on the field, and everyone was staring at the ancient sword which was broken into two pieces and fell to the ground, and his face was full of unbelievable words.

"Your Majesty is mighty."

However, immediately, bursts of cheers came, and Li Xian's bodyguards cheered happily. Wan Jianzong's faces were extremely ugly.In this regard, Li Xiangen did not pay attention to the meaning, straight from the wanjianzong people walk forward.

"Wait, you can't leave."

Fiercely, Wang Gu held out his hand to stop the people who were about to leave.

"Why, elder Wang, do you want to compete?"

Li Xian's face turned back, but he didn't pay enough attention to it. The meaning of irony was beyond expression.

Hearing this, Wang Gu's face suddenly turned white. It was a shame. However, after his eyes fell on ou Yezi, he still said.

"He can't leave. This man steals the treasure of our wanjianzong. It should be dealt with by our wanjianzong."

Invisibly, Wang Gu's momentum is a little weak.

"No way, get out of the way or die!"

Li Xiangen didn't pay attention to the other party's meaning.

Originally, there was a better way to solve this matter, and Li Xian would not be impulsive. However, at the moment, he could see clearly that the secret of Ou Yezi's involvement with Wan Jianzong was definitely more than that pebble. There must be something else.

Now what he wants to do is to force ouyezi to be related to the Tang Dynasty, as for wanjianzong.

Li Xian doesn't think foolishly that if they give wanjianzong face today, people will treat him the same tomorrow. This kind of clan, face is more important than anything. What's more, if they want to leave here safely today, their attitude must be tough.

"Li Xian, you can see clearly. This is wanjianzong."

Wang Gu said with gnashing teeth almost every word.

As an elder of fangzongmen, his sword was broken, and he had to threaten others in this way, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

However, Li Xian didn't mean to give in at all.

"You can see clearly for me. This is my Tang Dynasty."

"See your majesty."

Almost soon after Li Xian's voice fell, the army came late. For a moment, the worshiping sound of the mountain and tsunami came one after another, and the faces of the disciples of wanjianzong became paler and paler. ..