Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 614

Finally, Wang Gu and others watched Li Xian leave.

Having experienced the scene of Li Xianshuang's sword breaking, the army and practitioners of the Tang Dynasty are very powerful in their eyes.

As the army of the Tang Dynasty slowly withdrew from Qingliangshan, everything was quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

On the other side, Li Xian, who had just stepped on the carriage, almost collapsed to the ground. Xue Jinlian rushed forward to help him sit aside.

"It's OK. Just have a rest."

Li Xian said with a smile. However, Xue Jinlian looked at his pale face and knew that it was not so simple.

"What are you crying for? I'm not going to die."

Shaking his head, Li Xian reached out to wipe away the tears from Xue Jinlian's eyes, then closed his eyes and entered the meditation.

On the other hand, Xue Jinlian turns away from the carriage and orders the team to move on. She finds Zhan Zhao and understands the truth.

"Make a detailed investigation of this wanjianzong."

Xue Jinlian's anger is beyond words.

"Yes, princess."

Stunned for a moment, Zhan Zhao turns around and leaves. In his impression, Xue Jinlian is a royal concubine, but she seldom has the airs of a royal concubine. She was born in a military family and has a forthright personality of commanding the royal guards.

This time she even spoke with the taste of command, which shows that something must have happened.

No doubt, Li Xian's hand made Xue Jinlian very depressed, and even some suffered.

All along, she is not only Li Xian's imperial concubine, but also Li Xian's last line of defense. However, with the formation of the Tang Dynasty, more and more times, Li Xian is required to take risks personally, and she is the object that needs to be protected.

Xue Jinlian can't stand it.

On the other side, Li Xian in the carriage vomited black blood, and his face softened a little.

"This wanjianzong is a little powerful."

Li Xian's next sword of Wang Gu was not as easy as he had imagined. He even managed to catch it when he was on the verge of life and death.

The strength of the cultivator trained by wanjianzong is much stronger than that of the normal cultivator. The strength of Wang Gu is absolutely not weaker than that of Li Xian.

Of course, Li Xian originally had a better choice to resist the other party's attack, but he realized that Wan Jianzong was terrible, so he made every effort to create the effect that Wang Gu was vulnerable. Only in this way can he frighten the other party and Wan Jianzong, at least in a short time.

Along the way, Li Xian tried to find out from Ou Yezi why Wan Jianzong wanted to stay with him. However, Ou Yezi refused to get to the point, which made Li Xian very confused.

Fortunately, he said a lot about Ou Yezi.

In short, the hidden world sect is a group of people who don't know what the purpose is to gather together, and their inner strength is stronger than that of the normal sect.

Although the information is not of great significance, at least Li Xian learned two important information.

First, the hidden world sect has a mission. As he guessed, these guys didn't know when to detonate the bomb. Second, the hidden world sect has rich resources. Undoubtedly, this is another way to strengthen the power of the Tang Dynasty. The premise is that Li Xian has a way to deal with this powerful enemy.

As for how to keep Ou Yezi, Li Xian had a plan in mind.

Soon, Li Xian and his party returned to Chang'an City, just as they quietly left, quietly returned to the palace.

During this period of time, nothing important happened in the Tang Dynasty, everything was developing smoothly and orderly.

Back in Chang'an City, Li Xian didn't rush to contact Ou Yezi. Along the way, he probably found out the master's temper. To say that he has the ability, Ou Yezi definitely has it. In a few words, the casting skills revealed by him are more profound than Li Xian knows. But he also has the common shortcomings of this kind of person, and his temper is eccentric.

Obviously, Li Xian and Ou Yezi were not congenial as soon as they met, so he ordered the royal guards to take Ou Yezi for a stroll in Chang'an city.

After all, if you want to attract people, you must first let others see your strength. Li Xian believes that the well-informed Ou Yezi can see the potential of the Tang Dynasty.

After that, Li Xian began to deal with the government affairs during this period. Of course, his main goal was the snowy plain. Obviously, the snowy plain is a bottomless cave. There is a steady stream of houses entering, but the progress is very slow.

After that, Li Xian was naturally tired of being together with the harem beauty. The only thing that surprised Li Xian was that after she came back, Xue Jinlian pushed everything away and began to practice.

A few days later, Li Xian personally visited Ou Yezi in the post house.

"Yes, your majesty."

Seeing the arrival of Li Xian, the attendant of the post house immediately saluted."Flat body, where is Mr. Ou Yezi?"

Li Xian asked.

"Sir is in the room. Your majesty, this way, please."

The attendant led Li Xianlai to the separate courtyard in the post house.

In the middle of the yard, Ou Yezi was sitting on the ground alone, waving a dagger in his hand, while sawdust and semi-finished products were scattered around.

Waving to the retinue, Li Xian enters the courtyard. However, after standing for a long time, Ou Yezi doesn't seem to notice her appearance.

"Cough, cough!"

In desperation, Li Xian coughed a few times, but he didn't want Ou Yezi to just look back, and then he continued to work on his own affairs.

Seeing this, Li Xian was not angry. He said, "I want to ask you to teach me the casting method of Chinese craftsmen."

"No time."

Ou Yezi said without raising his head.

"I can provide permanent casting materials for you to study. Of course, if I can't, I will try my best to send someone to look for them."

Li Xian continued, as if he had a plan in mind.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Ou Yezi made a slight movement, but immediately recovered as usual and said, "can you get the materials I need for my research?"

"Maybe not now, but no one can say for sure in the future. Of course, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty also needs your help. I can also guarantee that you will not limit your freedom. You can leave at any time as long as you feel uncomfortable."

Li Xian said calmly that he knew what ouyezi needed, and it was unrealistic for a first-class forging master to collect so many casting materials with one person's strength.

Although the status of the forging master is respected, Li Xian believes that ouyezi's traveling alone is definitely for a reason. ..