Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 612

"Ou Yezi, the legendary master of sword casting! The ancestor of sword casting in the spring and Autumn period

"The man who forged many famous swords, such as Chunjun."

"It can't be a coincidence. The old man is a master of sword casting. It doesn't look like that."

After a short period of consternation, Li Xian looked at the old man who was staring at the pebbles and shook his head. He couldn't believe his judgment.

"Well, as long as he can make sunset arrows and moon arrows in large quantities, nothing else matters."

Soon, Li Xian gave up studying the relationship between the old man and his name. He had seen too many famous people in history and had enough immunity. Now, Li Xian's mind is on how to develop the Tang Dynasty.

"Master, what is it? It seems that there are several kinds of spiritual power with different attributes on it, but they can be integrated to form a whole. "

The group moved forward slowly, but the speed was not fast. It was mainly because Ou Yezi seemed to have been injured in the battle just now. Fortunately, the surrounding mirage could not produce any effect when people were on guard.

This is where the environment is so important. Once we are on guard, unless there is a big gap between the two sides, it is almost impossible to achieve any effect.

Li Xian can see now that ouyezikong has a state of mind, but his strength is very poor. To be exact, it should be the strength of fighting.

Maybe he only practiced for forging things.

Li Xian was not surprised, because he focused on different directions of cultivation, and there was a big gap. For example, there were many similar strange people and scholars in the Tianshi mansion of the Tang Dynasty.

They have a high level and special ability, but they are very weak in fighting. In short, they are all purposeful practitioners and belong to scientific researchers.

"Boy, you have some insight. There are seven kinds of spiritual power in this object. They are complementary to each other, and they can produce new properties. They are continuous and repeated, as if they have life. I call it Tianyuan stone. "

Hearing Li Xian's words, Ou Yezi raises his head in a teachable manner. Zhan Zhao just wants to remind the other party to respect Li Xian's identity, but the latter signals that it's OK.

"Tianyuan stone, it seems that this thing is not born, but is made?"

Li Xian was slightly surprised that several kinds of spiritual power coexisted, which made people feel strange.

"That's right. When I forged weapons in those years, I thought about making weapons suitable for anyone. The spiritual power attribute is an inescapable problem. After many years of research, I came up with this method. Unfortunately, if I hadn't forged such a weapon, I might have forged a weapon suitable for anyone now. ”

a look of regret flashed on ou Yezi's face, and his eyes were full of regret.

"A weapon suitable for anyone."

Li Xian frowned slightly.

He was very clear that Ou Yezi's words were aimed at practitioners, not ordinary people. As a practitioner, the matching degree of his own spiritual power and weapons affected how much strength he could exert.

Of course, these things have not yet been popularized in the world of practitioners in the Tang Dynasty. Li Xian also learned some things from various classics. It can be said that there is not much difference in the spiritual tools used by practitioners in the Tang Dynasty.

After all, it is not easy to move from a secular Dynasty to a world of practitioners.

"The sun, moon and bow you brought out before is also the product of this idea, but it's a pity that it's still a little worse after all."

Ou Yezi said.

"The sun and the moon bow together?"

Li Xian was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, what I designed at the beginning was a bow without arrows. In the name of sun and moon, through the design of the bow itself, the user's spiritual power can be changed to achieve the effect of restraining any attribute. Unfortunately, this idea failed. I reluctantly produced similar arrows. Although the effect is good, it's just a consumable."

Ou Yezi sighed, obviously dissatisfied with his design.

"That, sir, is quite incredible."

Li Xian opened his mouth and couldn't find the right words.

In his opinion, the sunset arrow and the moon arrow are great things, but in other people's eyes, they are products that have failed in research, which makes people have no way to compliment.

However, it also proves that the old man really has some skills. Li Xian is very good at what ou Yezi said, but he only knows a little about it. As for Zhan Zhao and others, they are even more confused. They have not yet come into contact with the world, and they have only a vague concept about the division of spiritual power.

Now I just don't know the manufacturing cost of these things, and how to make the old man stay in the Tang Dynasty.

When Li Xian was thinking about how to leave Ou Yezi, a sense of uneasiness came from him.Li xianmeng grabbed Ou Yezi and said softly.

"Back off."

Zhan Zhao and others almost instinctively stop and retreat. Almost at the moment of their action, a bright sword lights up on the original ground. In a moment, the long and narrow gullies on the ground appear out of thin air, as if tearing the ground apart.

"You are coming to wanjianzong. Why did you leave in a hurry?"

As the light of the sword fell, an old voice came slowly, and then opposite Li Xian and others, several vague figures fell from the sky.

The first one was an old man who came from the imperial sword. He had white hair and bright eyes. He was followed by his acquaintances, who were the disciples of wanjianzong who had been cleaned up by Zhanzhao.

Well, this is a fight. The old one is coming out.

"This is Li Xian, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

The old man's eyes from the imperial sword swept, and finally fell on Li Xian.

"Our wanjianzong is hidden in the river and lake. He has never interfered in the affairs of your country. Why did your majesty hurt our disciples and rob us of our things today?"

There is no doubt that these words are of a high standard. Virtually, Li Xian has become a unreasonable and troublemaker before he runs to other people's Mountain Gate.

However, Li Xian has never lacked the talent to fight.

Zhang Haining opened his mouth with a smile and said: "is it the royal land in the whole world? Your majesty is here. You don't know how to open the mountain gate to welcome them. The disciples still speak rudely. Have you been here for a long time, and there are no rules at all."

Zhang Haining has to say that it's not afraid to be false to get into trouble with the hermit clan. However, he can see that it's impossible to reconcile today. The problem lies with the old man.

Since it is doomed to be shameless, Zhang Haining naturally stands on Li Xian's side without hesitation. ..