Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 587

Looking at Huang Taiji's surprise, concubine Zhuang's face was full of doubts.

"So it is, so it is."

Huang Taiji looked at the map and said incoherently, "yes, the Tang Dynasty doesn't want to delay. They want to fight and decide quickly. This is a fantastic plan."

"What's the matter, your majesty?"

Asked Chuang Fei suspiciously.

"Hum, Li Xian, I'm going to tear you to pieces this time."

Huang Taiji said excitedly,

"Ai Fei, you see, the Tang Dynasty is obviously short of troops, which is far inferior to our army. Why should we attack with two lines?"

"I don't know."

Princess Zhuang replied that in fact, not only she, but almost all the generals of the Qing army did not understand why the Tang Dynasty used this kind of attack method because of its confidence in its combat effectiveness. That's a bit of a dream.

"Do you remember how we launched the surprise attack from Shanhaiguan?"

Huang Taiji seems to think of the past, with a look of reminiscence.

"Attack Shanhaiguan?"

Concubine Zhuang was stunned for a moment. When the Qing army entered Shanhaiguan, they launched a surprise attack from Shanhaiguan. They broke each other's capital at one stroke, occupied the core position of Cang area, and then slowly expanded to unify Cang area.

"Your Majesty means that the Tang Dynasty wants to attack the capital from Shanhaiguan, just like what we did at that time. But it's impossible?"

Zhuang Fei said incredulously.

"Over the years, there have been dozens of cities on the way from Shanhaiguan to the capital. The Tang army passed Shanhaiguan, and we can encircle and suppress them immediately. They can't be unaware of this."

"Nothing is absolute. Now there is only one explanation for the tactical arrangement of the Tang army. Otherwise, their anger is broken. They will send orders to the three armies and gather troops to march towards the mountain customs."

No one hesitated. Huang Taiji signed and led the wolf cavalry to leave first. Then the army started to move forward to Shanhaiguan under the command of Hezhen.

"General, the Qing army has retreated."

The Scouts of Tang army ran to the camp with excited faces. The incessant fighting of nurses these days has already exhausted everyone. Now the retreat of Qing army is the best news for them.

What do you know? Hearing this, Li cunxiao suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "what did you say?"

"Qing army, Qing army retreated?"

The scout was stunned. He didn't understand what happened to the general.

"Go and find out which way they are going, and call the generals back."

A bad idea flashed through his mind, Li cunxiao said aloud.

Not long after that, several generals of the Tang army who had been scattered gathered together, and their faces were not very good-looking. They all found that the Qing army was retreating, and they were marching towards Shanhaiguan.

"General, what to do now."

"I have informed your majesty that there is no choice now. According to the original plan, we will cut off the plank road of the state capital of the Qing Dynasty. We will attack from the front. If we can hold off for a while, it will be a while."

Li cunxiao said.

"General, do you want to be careful? After all, we have no way back."

"There's no time. If the other party really sees through our intention, maybe the vanguard troops have already set out. We must not let the Qing army form an encirclement and suppression against your majesty."

With Li cunxiao's command, all the Tang troops set out to attack the slowly retreating Qing army.

At the same time, Xue Jinlian sent orders to the people who sneaked into all parts of the Qing Dynasty.

For a time, within the boundary of the Qing Dynasty, countless plank roads were destroyed, rivers and Jedi were blocked, and all the troops were almost unable to move.

"It seems that your Majesty's conjecture is true. The Tang army really wants to take the capital from Shanhaiguan. These guys are really desperate."

He Lin looked at the memorials from all over the country with cold eyes.

This war is the future of the Qing Dynasty, but also bet on his future.

If it succeeds, the strength of the Qing Dynasty will leap a level. If it fails, it will be broken to pieces.

However, he is not afraid.

He has no concern, now just need to play on this stage.

In this world, how many times can we fight like this.

"Order the three armed forces to stop the attack of Chaoshan customs and gather forces to attack canglan river."

He Lin issued an order, and the generals looked at each other and did not dare to agree.

"Prime minister, your majesty asked us to go to Shanhaiguan."

"Yes, your majesty has led the way. If we don't follow up, we will disobey the order."

"Yes, if there's anything wrong with your Majesty's side, we'll be responsible for it."

For a moment, people talked about it, obviously they didn't agree with the decision.

"Hum, the Tang Dynasty had a premeditated plan to destroy the passageways all over the country. Our army can't do anything. It will be a few days after we deal with the support for your majesty. By that time, everything will be settled.""Now the Tang Dynasty has not destroyed the road to canglan river. It is to fight with us. If we can annihilate all the enemy troops in canglan River, this is the best support for your majesty."

"What's more, when your majesty led a thousand cavalry, you could capture the enemy capital. Have you forgotten your Majesty's strength?"

After hearing this, people began to discuss it again. As he said, Li cunxiao's goal was to fight with the Qing army in canglan river. Both sides understood that it was not them who could decide the war situation. What they could do was to destroy the enemy's living power.

As a result, the two sides have a tacit understanding to gather in canglan River, preparing for the final decisive battle.

He is more confident than Li cunxiao.

What he relied on was Nian gengyao's army.

The story of Nian gengyao's pacification of the rebels has not spread. To be exact, he recruited Wu Sangui and others, although he made his own stand and made a very rich promise.

However, it is the best news for the Qing Dynasty that he can lead the army back at this moment. If this war can be successful, let alone the promises made by Nian Geng Yaoxu, it is the Qing Dynasty that has more kings of different surnames.

Therefore, in his view, the Tang Dynasty will be defeated once.

There won't be many people around the mountain customs. Therefore, Nian gengyao only needs to hold on for a while. When Huang Taiji's wolf cavalry arrives, everything will be settled.

In this war, the Qing Dynasty did not say that the victory was in hand, but the winning face was much higher than that of the Tang Dynasty.

On the other hand, the confrontation between Shanhaiguan inner city and outer city continued.

Yue Fei looked at the huge city and frowned.

"General, it's almost time."

Zhao Yun didn't know when he came to him. He also watched the inner city of SHANGUAN customs.


With Yue Fei's command, the Tang army, which had been in confrontation for many days, suddenly launched a fierce attack and rushed to Shanhaiguan like a tide. ..