Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 588

The capital of the Qing Dynasty.

This building, also known as the Forbidden City, has a long history and is a symbol of incomparable glory of the Qing Dynasty.

However, today's Forbidden City is chaotic and people are worried.

The development of the war is faster than expected, and the war situation is more complicated and unpredictable.

If the war two years ago made the people of the Qing Dynasty feel the crisis, now they really feel a kind of panic.

In terms of numbers, the Qing Dynasty successively invested nearly five million troops, while the Tang Dynasty only had more than two million.

However, almost double the advantage did not let the Qing Dynasty take advantage of it. Even, it was the Qing Dynasty that had been losing all the time, which was a strange thing in itself.

"Your Majesty, they are coming."

In the jungle, nearly 30000 practitioners lurked silently, motionless, without any trace of Ruth.

The most elite existence of the Tang Dynasty gathered here.

Zhan Zhao, ye Gucheng, Li Yuanfang, Qiao Feng, and Bai Yutang gather beside Li Xian.

Breaking into the Empire alone and all the way to the capital is almost a feat against the whole empire, but everyone has no fear, only excitement and excitement.

This is a war destined to go down in history.

In fact, Huang Taiji's guess is not wrong.

Li Xian doesn't want to spend too much time in this war.

Because the longer it takes, the worse it gets.

It is not only the power of other regions, but also the fact that once the Qing dynasty fell into a war of attrition, it would be more chaotic. Even if Li Xian won, he could not clean up the mess.

So he chose surprise.

However, Huang Taiji's mistake is that Li Xian did not launch a surprise attack through Shanhaiguan, but made a detour from canglan river.

Whether Li cunxiao's attack or Yue Fei's siege of Shanhaiguan is part of the plan, the purpose is to let Huang Taiji see through the plan of the Tang Dynasty to attack the capital, and then lead people back.

The only difference is time. Li Xian never planned to attack the Forbidden City with these 30000 monks. His goal is only one, Huang Taiji.

"Get ready."

After a look at the people around him, Li Xian spat out three words. In an instant, all the practitioners disappeared and entered the prepared ambush position.

At the same time, there was a dark tide between heaven and earth.

Under the leadership of Huang Taiji, the elite composed of 30000 wolf cavalry troops and 78 thousand flag children quickly came to the Forbidden City.

Huang Taiji's plan is also very simple. Now that he has seen through the opponent's tactics, he will wait for work with ease and completely disintegrate the opponent's plan.

In the past, he might choose another way, completely giving up his defense and directly attacking the whole line to win the Tang Dynasty. But now, he has to be cautious. He can't afford to lose this battle.

Therefore, he chose the safest way to do the best defense, regardless of the cost of drag down, as long as unbeaten is victory.

One hundred thousand troops came from the sky. The sound of horses' hoofs was like thunder, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

However, just as the Forbidden City was near, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

"Boom! Boom! Boom

"Boom! Boom! Boom

The lightning stroke skill arranged by ten thousand practitioners fell from the sky, and the lightning with thick and thin arms shot like arrows.


Huang Taiji is worthy of being a strong man in the realm of fitness. He almost reacts at the moment when lightning appears, and the green light around him converges to form a defense.

However, the people behind him obviously did not have this ability, 100000 people and horses were instantly submerged by lightning.

Li Xian looked at the thunderous battlefield, his eyes were cold, and said to himself, "it's really not so easy."

Li Xian knew the difficulty of the battle. He knew that the army of the Qing Dynasty would not be defeated so easily, but he was surprised by the wolf cavalry wrapped in black armor.

At the moment of lightning falling, except for the first wave that caused damage and killed many enemies, the rest of the lightning didn't cause any substantial damage.

Black light appeared on the armor of wolf cavalry, which absorbed the damage of thunder and lightning just like a protective shield. Even the ordinary soldiers behind did not cause much damage.

"Li Xian, get out and die."

All of a sudden, a shout of rage rang through the sky.

The thunder and lightning dispersed, Huang Taiji's tall figure stood on the spot, and the wolf cavalry lined up behind him, majestic.

"Those who fit well deserve their reputation."

Li Xian didn't talk nonsense either. His body flashed in the air, and behind him 30000 practitioners came down to the world like magic soldiers.

"It seems that I underestimated you. Unexpectedly, you have the courage."

At the moment, Huang Taiji also understands that Li Xian's plan is to kill himself with these people. I have to say that this plan is really bold, even crazy."Can the descendants of the God of war only talk?"

Li Xian's wrist shakes and Xuanyuan sword appears in front of him. The shining people can't open their eyes.

"You think you can kill me with an artifact, you are delusional."

Huang Taiji's eyes fell on Xuanyuan sword. Obviously, he knew what it was.

With a roar of anger, the space in front of him suddenly blurred, and then turned into a black hole. Huang Taiji reached out to grab it, and a red gold axe appeared in his hand.

"As powerful as Xuanyuan sword?"

Li Xian frowned.

He clearly felt that this axe was not a common thing. It contained the power of fury, which seemed not weaker than Xuanyuan sword. What's more strange was that it seemed to have a sense.

The Xuanyuan sword in Li Xian's hand trembled, as if very angry.


Huang Taiji didn't care about this. He shook his axe and cracked the ground under his feet. At the next moment, his body shot up like a shell and fell like a huge mountain.

"Well come!"

In the face of such a strong attack, Li Xian does not retreat, but advances, with a wave of Xuanyuan sword.

With a loud bang, the swords and axes collided, the mountains and rivers were broken, and the sound was deafening.

At this moment, time seems to be static, whether it is Li Xian or Huang Taiji's figure has become slow, even motionless, Xuanyuan sword and axe between an inch or so of space, turbulent.

Huang Taiji's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

He is a strong man in the realm of fitness. He should crush Yuanying's realm, but why can Li Xian fight with him.

It's like a signal to start.

With the fight between Li Xian and Huang Taiji, thirty thousand practitioners also attack the wolf cavalry and eight flag soldiers on the ground at the same time.

The war, which will ultimately determine the future destiny of the two dynasties, has finally begun. ..