Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 586

"Your Majesty, general niangengyao has calmed down Wu Sangui, and now he has led his troops back."

The Qing Dynasty.

He Lin has brought the only good news these days.


Huang Taiji, who was in a mess, suddenly raised his head and his eyes were filled with hope.

He didn't understand and didn't understand why he failed so thoroughly.

In just a few days, the army of the Tang Dynasty marched into dozens of cities, and their generals were just as vulnerable as paper. They were not rivals at all.

"Yes, your majesty, Nian gengyao is ready to return to Beijing. In this way, another million troops can be put into the battlefield."

He said.

"What's the use of millions now?" Huang Taiji frowned and said: "the fighting power of the Tang army is strong, that is, there are two times more people than the other side, and the victory or defeat is between five and five. Besides, the Tang army is just like a loach, and can't touch it at all."

"Yes, the Tang army keeps on harassing our city. As soon as we gather, we will withdraw immediately. Can't we use up all the armaments of the Tang Dynasty?"

Said a minister.

"Ah, recently, more and more generals of the Qing Dynasty surrendered. In many places, the Tang army surrendered to the city as soon as they arrived and did not fight at all."

Another minister said.

"Sire, I think the only way to do this is to force the Tang army to fight a decisive battle."

After pondering for a long time, he said.

"It's easy to say that the Tang army is forced to fight with the adults. The Tang army is not controlled by us."

"Yes, and adults, now we are very difficult to defend, how about attack?"

"In my opinion, let's make peace. The Tang army will not fight with us to the end. In the end, they are also facing the threat of other forces."

For a moment, all the ministers said that they had no confidence in the battle.

"Shut up."

All of a sudden, Huang Taiji broke off the discussion.

"The Qing Dynasty has been standing for many years. Now, a small Tang Dynasty makes you feel scared and disgraced."

"I must die."

"I must die."

"I must die."

"Ho Lin, you are in charge of ordering the troops of Qi. I will fight in person today."

"No, your majesty."

"Your Majesty, how can you fight in person?"

"Your Majesty, let's think of something else."

However, Huang Taiji didn't pay attention to these people at all. It was obvious that he had made up his mind.

In the early morning of the next day, under the leadership of he Lu, the eight banners of the Qing Dynasty gathered, led by Wolf cavalry.

It is strange that Huang Taiji, who is extremely luxurious on weekdays, is very low-key today. He did not show up except to boost his morale before he left.

Three million troops are marching towards canglan River, and they are very fast on the way.

This time, in order to deal with the army of the Tang Dynasty scattered in the border, Huang Taiji completely opened the general team, like a huge net, and slowly drove the Tang army to one place.

In any case, Huang Taiji is always the most powerful God of war on the grassland, and his fighting ability is naturally very outstanding.

Under this tactic, the troops that constantly wandered around the Tang Dynasty slowly retreated.

The barracks of the Tang Dynasty.

"Back to Longyin Valley again. This place is really predestined with us."

Li cunxiao pointed to the map and said.

"Who said no, but I belittled Huang Taiji. I didn't expect that he was so outstanding in combat ability. Millions of troops were commanding like arms and were not in any disorder. We can't take it lightly this time."

Xu Da said cautiously.

"It's true that this battle, I think, is still a steady win, but how to cut off the contact between them is a problem."

Zhou Yu said with a frown.

Originally, according to the plan they discussed, they would continue to carry out guerrilla warfare and then force the other side to encircle.

At this time, as long as Li Xian ambushed in advance, cut off the Qing Dynasty's supply lines, official roads, valleys and other places, so that the army could not move.

However, Huang Taiji's encirclement and suppression in this way is beyond their expectation, and the original plan is difficult to succeed.

"General, I don't think it's better to deal with the other side in this Longyin Valley, gather the main forces, give him a head-on attack, and then fight a protracted battle. In this way, it can also play the role of delaying time."

Chang Yu Chun suggested.

"This method is feasible, but we have to consider it well. What will happen if we fail? In that case, your Majesty's plan will not succeed at all, and we will put General Yue in a dangerous situation. "Li cunxiao said.

"General Li, we've never been afraid of anyone in front of us!" Chang Yuchun said unconvinced.

"Don't forget, Huang Taiji is a master of fitness. Once he leads others to fight, it's hard for us to stop him."

Zhou Yu pointed out the key to the problem.

For a moment, the crowd was silent.

No one knows how powerful the practitioners of fitness realm are. However, from their own strength, the existence of this level can certainly change the situation of the war. In this case, how to fight is a big problem.

"Divide the troops."

Finally, under the discussion of the people, the army of the Tang Dynasty began to divide.

One million troops were divided into more than ten units and began to attack the front line of the Qing Dynasty regardless of the cost.

Although under the command of Huang Taiji, there was no chaos in the army of the Qing Dynasty, there were still many casualties in recent days.

However, the generals of the Qing Dynasty did not find anything wrong.

At least, they have the upper hand in this war of attrition.

Your majesty is indeed your majesty. You are so powerful.

After fighting for such a long time, they lost in a row. Their desire for victory has made them ignore the loss of war.

However, I don't know why, Huang Taiji has been in a bad mood these days, even very depressed.

"Your Majesty, why are you so depressed when you have already won the battle?"

Princess Zhuang, who came with the army, said softly.

"I don't know why, there's always a bad feeling."

Looking at the map, Huang Taiji frowned and said, "I've seen the commanding ability of Tang generals. At the moment, it's obvious that defending Longyin Valley and counterattacking is the best choice. However, they keep counterattacking. They always feel that there is a conspiracy. However, from their direction of action, they have no characteristics to observe."

"Your Majesty may be very thoughtful. The generals of the Tang Dynasty are not gods. Otherwise, they would not attack from canglan River and Shanhai Pass at the same time. This is a big taboo of the military."


Huang Taiji seems to think of something, suddenly issued a exclamation. ..