Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 585

"General, we really don't want to go back to Jiuyuan, General Yue?"

With Xu Da's departure, General Wang escaped from Shengtian and headed for the camp all the way.

He naturally met Yue Zhongqi's Messenger, and knew that Yue Zhongqi was surrounded around, which made him delay the plan of the Tang Dynasty's reinforcement.


"Rescue, save a fart, what did Lao Tzu do when he was besieged? Go, go, go quickly."

General Wang said impatiently.

I'm kidding. I'm going back to save people. It's too late to run for my life.

With Xu Da, he was almost not scared to death.

What monsters are there opposite.

The urgent task now is to break the law quickly, and then find a reason to shirk the responsibility.

"General, you see, it's like General Zhao's team."

Suddenly, a soldier said.

As soon as General Wang looked back, he saw a group of people running towards their camp like running for their lives. All of them lost their armor and were extremely embarrassed. The leader was General Zhao.

"General Zhao."

"General Wang."

The two defeated generals exchanged glances as soon as they met, and walked slowly in front of the team, a little distance away from the soldiers in the rear.

After exchanging information and information about each other, they probably understood the situation.

Yue Zhongqi's tactic is to concentrate his forces on attacking. He and General Zhao attack Longyin Valley, while General Wang drags Xu Da. After the former wins, he supports the latter, which may annihilate the enemy.

Let alone the success of this plan, because they did not carry out this tactic at all. The main reason is that the two of them took the initiative to attack.

Now that he has survived, how to account for it is a big problem.

"General Zhao, the fighting capacity of the Tang army is very strong."

"Yes, General Yue has a big problem with his tactics. He underestimated the ability of the Tang army."

"After a long battle, we mean to stick to it, but General Yue wants to make a surprise attack and orders us to launch a surprise attack. This is the only way to achieve such a defeat."

"That's right. If we didn't fight to death, I'm afraid the camp would be lost now."

Two people said here with a smile, how to account for the problem is agreed, as for the fault that is all Yue Zhongqi.

They think very well, Yue Zhongqi's survival is definitely impossible, they have no fault in this war, but they have made contributions. After all, they have kept the camp.

On the other side, in front of Longyin valley.

Yue Zhongqi looks at the soldiers who have no fighting spirit and is extremely indignant.

He was ambitious and wanted to make a career. He was loyal to his country and wanted to protect the Qing Dynasty.

But in the end, it is.

He met his wife, children and children. As Li cunxiao said, after he left home, Huang Taiji sent people to put them under house arrest. The name "care" is actually insight.

Yue Zhongqi was not surprised by this. This is the consistent method of Huang Taiji.

In contrast, the royal guards who brought them took good care of them all the way. People who didn't know would really think that Yue Zhongqi was a general of the Tang Dynasty.

"What a move to kill people!"

Yue Zhongqi understood that at this point, even if he was not a traitor, the practice of the Tang Dynasty had virtually made everyone recognize this fact.

Moreover, Huang Taiji is a suspicious person.

Of course, what made him even more angry was that the inaction of the two generals of King Zhao was what happened to the soldiers during this period.

Is it true that the Qing Dynasty was not saved.

"General, let's surrender."

All of a sudden, the voice of a deputy general came.

Yue Zhongqi looked at it and saw that several of her subordinates had gathered.

"General, more than half of our people have run away."

Another deputy said.

Wen Yanyue Zhongqi looked around. Sure enough, the army he led had disappeared, and many people had already surrendered.

"General, we follow you these days to see how Zhao and Wang crowd you out, and how the generals, one by one, rely on their own back office. They never pay attention to us."

"Yes, general, you are the commander-in-chief, but there are constraints everywhere. That is to say, the sword given to you by your majesty has no effect. Such a dynasty can no longer be saved."

Eyes swept them, Yue Zhongqi suddenly thought of something, face a fierce change, draw a sword.

"Are you from the Tang army?"

The generals were not flustered, but calmly said: "the general has good eyesight. We are the royal guards of the Tang Dynasty. Three years ago, we were ordered to lurk around the general and protect him. There were 12 people, but now there are only five of us."

"Three years?" Yue Zhongqi's face changed when he heard that he couldn't believe it.

These people have gone through countless trials and tribulations with him, and even died for him. How can they be people of the Tang Dynasty."How many of you are lurking in the Qing Dynasty."

"Report back to the general. We only know our own orders. We don't know anything else."

"Is it worth it to abandon your identity and lose your life for the sake of irrelevant people?"

"It's your Majesty's order. We only know how to carry it out."

Hearing this, Yue Zhongqi was completely shocked. What kind of belief can make people do this? The Tang Dynasty is really terrible.

"If the general doesn't want to surrender, we will send the general's family away and go to a secret place to live. From then on, there will be no more general Yue Zhongqi in the world."

A deputy said.

"You, what did you say?"

"My Lord has ordered us to do this as a last resort. The general shouldn't have to bear this. If the general refuses to surrender, he will ask us to do this. He will never hurt the general's family, nor will he use the general to do anything. The world only knows that General Yue died in battle, and the general wants the name of loyalty, but the general also needs to think about your family."

Hearing this, Yue Zhongqi finally means that the defense line completely disintegrated. For a long time, he nodded slowly.

Half an hour later, the Qing army of Longyin Valley surrendered, and Yue Zhongqi was betrayed and killed by his subordinates, along with his family.

Later, Li cunxiao launched an attack. The two generals of King Zhao in the camp of the Qing army had no defense ability at all. They were defeated in an instant, and the two generals fled.

The Tang Dynasty opened the door of the Qing Dynasty at almost no cost.

After that, the army led by Li cunxiao was as mad as mad and invincible all the way.

But in just three days, seven cities were captured in a row.

There was no one to stop them. For a moment, the whole Qing Dynasty was shaking up and down. There were countless people who surrendered and fled to the Tang Dynasty.

As for Shanhaiguan, the situation is even more terrible.

As soon as the war between the two armies started, Zhao Yun, who was in charge of both the prefectures, with more than a hundred people, directly broke into the inner city and wreaked havoc on it, and then retreated.

When Dai Shan reacts, Yue Fei's army has been blocked in the inner city. In a moment, Shanhaiguan becomes a lonely city. People inside can't get out and people outside can't get in. ..