Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 584

Along the way, there were always biased generals, and the deputy general advised Yue Zhongqi to divide his troops.

Yue Zhongqi's helplessness has no place to tell.

These people don't know that at this moment, dividing troops is tantamount to seeking their own death, but they still offer advice.

Is it really stupid.

No, the fear of knowledge is that there is something wrong with the two powerful generals, and they will be implicated. As for the defeat, it is his responsibility as the commander, and it has nothing to do with them.

There is no doubt that Yue Zhongqi is in a dilemma at the moment. No matter whether he wins or loses the war, he will not escape the responsibility.

However, he also understands that the only way to save himself is a big win, which can solve all problems.

He has prepared a complete plan. When the time is right, he can not only save people, but also annihilate the enemy at one stroke. It's just that no one believes the plan now.

All the way, Yue Zhongqi saw Tang army fighting in front of Longyin valley.

"Order the three armies to attack."

Without any thinking at all, Yue Zhongqi attacked directly.

His tactics are very clear. At this moment, with the help of the Qing army in the valley, the Tang army will be defeated. Then the other party will increase the number of soldiers from orphan mountain. At that time, General Wang will hold back the reinforcements. If there is no accident in this battle, maybe all the enemy troops can be annihilated.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to defeat the divided troops one by one.

This is an honest and upright strategy, even if everyone can understand it, there is no flaw.

However, Yue Zhongqi miscalculated three things.

First of all, he underestimated the command ability of the Tang army.

When Yue Zhongqi led the army to kill, a strange scene appeared.

The two teams that had attacked each other suddenly formed a circle and directly killed Yue Zhongqi.

It turned out that those battles were all fake, and those Qing troops were all disguised as Tang soldiers.

"Damn it."

At the moment, Yue Zhongqi wants to kill the scouts.

What do these guys do for food? They can't even tell the friendly from the enemy.

The Tang army's disguise was not so clever. Yue Zhongqi saw it clearly when he came closer, but the scouts actually reported that the two armies were fighting fiercely, and General Zhao fought with blood.

Fighting for a fart, there is no sign of Zhao.

He didn't know that when the scouts saw that the battlefield was so fierce, they went back to report directly. They didn't know that the Tang army would play such a trick.

It has to be said that this is the military accomplishment of the officers and men on both sides.

If it were the Qing army that unified Cangzhou many years ago, this kind of mistake would not have happened at all. Everything those veterans did was the experience summed up at the expense of countless lives.

However, many of these recruits have never been on the battlefield. Of course, the reform of Huang Taiji and He Lin has been effective, but some things still need time to complete.

However, Li Xian and the Tang Dynasty will not give them this time.

So far, Yue Zhongqi had to fight with all her strength.

"Soldiers, this is the moment of our life and death. I don't care who you are. Now, I want to fight with you alive."

Yue Zhongqi gave a big drink and took the lead in rushing to the Tang army.

Don't mention it. It works.

It's useless for these Qing soldiers to reason. Now they are charging forward. It's impossible for them to retreat. There's only one way forward.

Inspired by Yue Zhongqi, the morale of the Qing army soared and charged.

However, this is Yue Zhongqi's second mistake.

Whether it is the ability of individual combat or team cooperation, the Tang army is much higher than the Qing army.

With a boost of morale, the Qing army was able to deal with the Tang army at the beginning, but with the passage of time, the Tang army gradually formed a situation of encirclement and slowly consumed, and the defeat of the Qing army was only a matter of time.

At this time, the sound of horse hoofs came like a tsunami.

Yue Zhongqi looked back, far away, it was Tang Jun coming from orphan mountain.

"How can this happen? I asked people to tell General Wang to hold down the enemy. Why did they come so soon?"

But immediately Yue Zhongqi understood what was going on.

Wang ignored his orders and allowed reinforcements to arrive.

"Heaven is killing me."

Yue Zhongqi sighed helplessly and knew that these guys couldn't believe it. However, it was a man's business to March and fight there. He had made all the preparations, but he was not sure of the people's will.

Or, these guys don't have one mind at all.

"No, there's still a chance."

All of a sudden, Yue Zhongqi has a desire to survive. General Zhao in Longyin Valley is now out to attack. They still have the possibility to leave.


When the sound of Mingjin comes, the Tang army retreats like a tide, Xu Da's team comes slowly, and Yue Zhongqi's mistake is blocked in front of Longyin valley.The officers and men of the Qing army were pale and full of fear.

"General Yue, the Qing army in Longyin Valley has fled from the opposite direction, and now it is estimated that it has returned to your camp. Now your army has no way to go, and no reinforcements. When will it be

"Ha ha, do you despise me, Yue Zhongqi? If you want to fight, you can fight. Why should the two armies talk such nonsense before the battle?"

"General Yue, it's not your fault to fight this battle. With the general's ability, don't you feel aggrieved to stay among these despicable people? If you can unite your three armies in this battle, where will it come to this stage? Our Lord knows people's duties well, and good birds choose trees to live in, won't General Yue want to exert his talents?"

"Less nonsense."

"General Yue, your loyalty and righteousness are admirable to general Ben. However, if the general wants to die, how can he implicate these innocent soldiers? General, who do you think this is?"

Li cunxiao's voice suddenly burst out.

Looking for sound, Yue Zhongqi saw Tang Jun in the distance making way, and several familiar figures appeared in front of her.

"My husband!"


"You, how could you?"

Yue Zhongqi's face suddenly changed. How could his wife and children run to the other side's army.

"Mean person, shameless person."

"Don't be angry, general. As a general of Huangtaiji, you can fight outside, but he imprisons your wife and children. My lord cherishes his talent and specially brings the general's wife and children. He respects them all the way, but there is no disrespect at all. It's better for us to have a truce for half a day. The general and his wife and children will gather together and fight again in half a day."

With that, Li cunxiao waved his hand, and a team of royal guards came slowly with Yue Zhongqi's wife and children.

"Half a day, ha ha, half a day, as soon as our reinforcements arrive, then you will have no chance."

"Ha ha, General Yue, do you really think those people will come to save you? Even if they come to save you, Li cunxiao said that half a day is half a day. If they are defeated at that time, I will ask for them."

After that, Li cunxiao turned and disappeared.

Looking again, Yue Zhongqi stayed in the same place until his wife and children came to him. ..